Monday, May 31, 2010

[x] "I'll just pass by the Voile library first."

After thanking Sakuya for her help, I decided to head to the library. I felt that I had better tell Patchouli about what I saw. It was too real to be a dream or delusion. And if there really was some wild beast running about in the mansion, it had to be stopped. I understood the head maid's doubt, but that was because she didn't know about the other incidents. I felt that if nothing was done, then things would get much worse.

Someone might end up dead.

With those thoughts in mind, I stepped through the doors to the library. And upon my arrival, a small ball of fire appeared in front of me. It bounced around a few times before slowly floating toward the shelves. I immediately recognized it as one of Patchouli's spells.

"She must know that I'm here," I muttered.

I followed after the flame patiently. As I had suspected, it was leading me to one of the magician's many reading areas. This wasn't the one nearest to her room, though. From what I could tell, it was heading to the one closest to the staircase that went down to the lower library. Koakuma had mentioned before that hardly anyone ever went this deep. What would Patchouli being doing all the way back here?

The flame continued leading me deeper until I finally reached a small clearing among the shelves. Sure enough, the pink and purple magician was seated quietly, a book in her hands. Beside her was a small table. I noted that there were two empty chairs nearby. As I approached, the ball of flame vanished. Patchouli didn't look up from her book as she spoke.

"So you came," she said.

I gave her a nod as I took a seat. My eyes immediately noticed a tray on the table. It was full of tea and biscuits. I immediately remembered that I hadn't yet eaten this morning. The magician glanced at me for a moment.

"Go ahead," said Patchouli. "Have some."

"Thanks a lot."

After a few biscuits and a cup of tea, I was finally able to organize my thoughts. I quickly told her everything that I saw when I went to the rooftop. When I got to the part where Sakuya came to help, I made sure to mention that the head maid wasn't aware of Koakuma's disappearance. She only came because I had told her that the clock tower was unlocked and open. Patchouli didn't say a word as I told her my story. I took several glances at her, but I couldn't read the expression on her face. However, the magician stopped flipping pages. I was sure that she was listening. But what was she thinking?


Silence. When I finally finished my story, she didn't react or say anything. Patchouli just kept silent. Was she in shock? Was she in deep thought? Was she concerned at all? I couldn't tell. This was very different from the face she showed me earlier this morning. It almost seemed like she was intentionally hiding her thoughts.


At those words, the magician closed her book and put it down on the table. Then, she stared straight at me.

"You won't find Koakuma. She isn't inside the mansion."

She said those words as if she was telling me the time of the day. I frowned at this.

"Are you sure? How are we supposed to find her, then? Shall we search the nearby woods and lake?"

Patchouli shook her head.

"Not necessary," she said. "I've taken the next steps."

"Next steps? What are you -"

Suddenly, my eyelids started to droop. I felt so sleepy. So damn sleepy...


Oh. It seemed like I had collapsed on the floor. How clumsy of me. I had better apologize later. After I took a little nap. So sleepy now. Both body and mind felt exhausted. It was time to rest. The floor felt unusually comfortable. Wow, I wished that my bed felt this good. I'd sleep all day, if it was.

The last thing I remembered were her final words to me.

"Sorry, but I can't let you interfere."

And then, I blacked out.

[ ] This person wasn't Patchouli.
[ ] Patchouli must be confused.
[ ] She must be the culprit.

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