Saturday, May 1, 2010

"I heard you visited the village this afternoon," said Flandre.

"That's right. How did you know?"

She knelt on all fours as she searched for something. I waited patiently for her to find it. After all, I didn't really mind the pleasant view that she happened to present as she crawled under her bed. Strawberry patterned? I hadn't seen those before. Gotta save that image in HD quality for future reference.

"Ah, here they are."

Flandre stood up and dusted her skirt. In her hands was a cube-shaped toy that came from the Outside.

"I didn't know that you were into puzzles now."

"Sometimes," she said. "Saw this in one of Patchy's books before, so I thought it might be interesting."

Flandre sat on the bed and started working to solve the 3-D puzzle cube. She said nothing else to me as she twisted and turned the device. Her eyes were completely on the toy now, and she had an unusually serious expression on her face. I immediately understood that it might be a little dangerous to interrupt her.

I sighed quietly to myself as I glanced around the room. She kept the place relatively neat nowadays, with only a few books and toys lying around on the floor. The shelf in the corner had more books now, presumably from the Voile library. And upon her desk was something that caught my eye.

Another Rubik's cube puzzle.

[ ] Just sit and watch her quietly.
[ ] Try solving the other Rubik's cube.
[ ] See if she borrowed any interesting books.
[ ] Excuse yourself and leave.

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