Friday, May 21, 2010

[x] Head back to my room.


Why was my room door was locked? Ah right. I locked this door earlier to make sure that Sakuya wouldn't find out about Cirno. That was the name of the ice fairy who I found tied up in the kitchen this morning. She was the ice fairy who I started interrogating before Sakuya interrupted. And she was the ice fairy who I left bound and gagged in my closet this morning. Wait, what? Since this morning? My eyes widened in horror as I realized what I had done. I quickly checked my watch. It had been over eight hours since I left my room.

"Damn it!"

I cursed as I searched my pockets for the room key. Ah, here it was. Whew! If I lost this copy, I would have to ask Remilia or Sakuya to open my room. I was sure their master keys could open it. But then again, neither of them were back yet. As I turned the handle, I wondered idly if it was possible to open the doors of the mansion without using any keys.

After closing the door behind me, I scanned the room. The curtains were still shut. The bed and furniture were at their proper places. And there was no sign that anyone entered. I sighed in relief. This room seemed safely shut from the inside.

"Now to deal with Cirno," I mumbled.

Hmm. Before that, I had better have a weapon handy. From past experience, the cutest ones were usually the most dangerous. The two kitchen knives I brought earlier should do for now. I quickly opened the drawer beside my bed. Eh? Did I make a mistake? I checked the other nearby drawers, but it was the same. The knives were missing. I swallowed nervously. Well, that shouldn't be too bad. As long as Cirno didn't escape from the ropes, I should be alright. In any case, I had better check on her right now.


When I opened the closet, Cirno wasn't inside. The ropes were missing as well. If it was completely empty, then at least I could assume that she managed to break free on her own. But that wasn't the case. There were a couple of things left behind. The first was her neck ribbon. It was the same one I dropped in her lap as I stuffed her in the closet. The second was an oddly shaped icicle shard. I broke into a cold sweat when I realized it.

It looked like it was broken off the ice fairy's wings.

[ ] Head to the library.
[ ] Head to the kitchen.
[ ] Head to the gardens.
[ ] Head to the basement.
[ ] Head to the second floor.
[ ] Calm down and think.

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