Friday, May 14, 2010

[x] Have her sit on your lap.

This book was surprisingly interesting, and somehow I felt like I could relate to the alchemist's experience. After taking my seat, I started reading my book again. Or at least, I had planned to. Something was distracting me from the words and sentences that described the alchemist's inner struggle with himself. Something soft and light.


From the side of my eye, I could see Patchouli quietly observing us. She had the most peculiar expression on her face, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't. Well, I had an idea of what she meant. I turned back to the pages and tried focusing on the book innocently. Of course, this other girl wouldn't have that. She started poking at my face with her fingers.


"Please stop that, Flan." I managed. She looked up at me, rocking back and forth as she sat on my lap.

"Could you read that out loud," she said, pointing to the book in my hands.

"Forget it."

I immediately closed the book and put it down on the desk. There was no way I could continue reading this with Flandre around. I might as well do something else.

"Aww.. but I thought that you let me sit on your lap so you could read to me."

"Not really," I said. "I just wanted to keep you close by so I could keep an eye on you."

"Is that so?" she said. "Sounds like you're not being too honest. Are you embarrassed because Patchy's watching? How cute~"

Patchouli quickly turned back to her book. Her face was a bit pink, and her eyes were clearly not focused on the any of the printed words.

"But you know," said Flandre. "Acting cold doesn't make you any cooler. It just lowers your affection rating with those around you. That is, unless you're planning to play the part of that rare tsundere male lead."

I glared hard at Patchouli, who hid her face completely behind her book now. What kind of literature was she lending this girl? Didn't she understand that those kind of influences were dangerous? And in any case, I completely stuck to what I said earlier. I only asked her to sit on my lap to keep an eye on her. I definitely didn't do it because her her eyes were cute up close, or because her smooth golden hair was soft to the touch, or because her shapely bottom rubbed against my pants in this position.

"I.. don't know what you mean, Flan."

She just giggled a bit before standing up and walking over to Patchouli. Flandre whispered something into her ear. I couldn't catch her words, but the wizard of the week gasped and shook her head in denial.

"A-ah! But Flan! I can't just.."

"I'll leave it up to you," said Flandre. "I'm sure you can do it! Thanks a bunch, Patchy!"

Without waiting for an answer, she started walking back towards me. What did she just force Patchouli to do? Somehow, I felt like Flandre was starting to act as unreasonably as her older sister. Well, maybe not that bad. But I could never tell what exactly she was planning to do. I couldn't hope to keep up with this girl.

"Now then," she said to me. "Let's go!"

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"Outside, of course! Both big sis and Sakuya are out, so this is our chance!"

Flandre pulled out a large floppy sun hat and a small parasol. Then, she smiled cheerfully at me. Or at least, that was what I thought she did. In the next instant, I found both of my legs off the ground. She had taken flight immediately after grabbing my hand. My eyes widened in surprise. I had hardly enough time to synchronize.

"Ah, such a wonderful breeze," she said as we flew out of one of the larger windows.

"W-what the," I muttered. "Don't just grab me and take off like that! I can't fly on my own, you know?"

"Ehehehe~" said Flandre. "So, where shall we go first, I wonder~"

[ ] "Why don't we visit the Human Village?"
[ ] "Maybe we can take this chance to visit Marisa?"
[ ] "I heard that there is a new shrine at Youkai Mountain."
[ ] "Hmm... maybe this isn't such a good idea, Flan."

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