Friday, May 14, 2010

[x] Visit the library.

"Good to see you again," I said. "Are you feeling well today?"

The pink and purple wizard took a glance at me as she turned a page.


"That's good to hear. The last time we met, you were buried under fallen book shelves. That Marisa really went too far that time. I was really worried when you started coughing. Are you sure that rest was all that you needed?"

Her eyes remained on her book, but she gave me the tiniest of nods.

"Hmm," said I. "As expected of the one week wizard. You aren't the type to go down so easily. It would take much more than a danmaku duel to cause any permanent damage. Heh, you really are a lot tougher than you look, you know that?"

"Not really," she said.

An awkward silence passed. Well, this wasn't really anything new, and I didn't have much to talk about right now. Taking it as a signal to end the conversation, I decided to open the book in my hands. Its title caught my eyes earlier as I was walking through the library.

"How to Eat Demons"

It was an fictional account of an aging alchemist. To extend his lifespan, he formed contracts with a number of different demons. Each of them asked for payment in the form of a sacrifice. He would regularly murder orphans from the streets to satiate the demons and keep himself alive. Or at least, that was what I could gather from the parts I've read.

From the side of my eye, I noticed a different kind of demon. Koakuma put down a small tray of tea and sandwiches on the table. I gave her a quick nod before turning back to my book. The story was starting to get interesting. Apparently, the demons started coming to the alchemist in his dreams. They told him that his sacrifices were no longer sufficient, and he had to find more worthy beings if he is to remain immortal. This sparked a great anger within the alchemist, and secretly, he started planning against them.


I felt like someone was watching me. Very slowly, I glanced up from my book. Indeed, Patchouli was staring straight at me. Her face was completely neutral, if not a bit disinterested.

"The tea will get cold," she said. "And the sandwiches will get stale."

"Eh? Ah! S-sorry about that!"

I put the book down immediately and took a cup of tea. The sandwiches were a bit heavier than the usual fare, but I found them quite tasty all the same. It was only after I had finished two and a half sandwiches that Patchouli lowered her gaze back to her book. Koakuma giggled a bit from the side.

"These are great," I said. "Aren't you two going to have some?"

Koakuma shook her head politely and smiled. Patchouli didn't look up from her book as she spoke.

"You shouldn't skip breakfast," she said.

It was only then that I noticed it. There was only one cup on the tray when Koakuma brought it in, and it was already in my hands. They must have eaten earlier. I felt myself blush a little.

"Sorry for the trouble.."

After I finished eating, Koakuma wordlessly took away the tray. I felt a bit awkward, so I just opened the book again. And after a few paragraphs, I stopped. Not because I wanted to, but because someone had put their hands right over my eyes.

"Guess who~"

I recognized Flandre's voice immediately. But wasn't she supposed to be asleep?
[ ] Don't react. Stay cool.
[ ] Have her sit on your lap.
[ ] Hug her and be done with it.

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