Tuesday, May 25, 2010

[x] "I understand. Be careful, though."

Once again, I found myself walking aimlessly around the hallways. Flandre told me to wait upstairs until dinner time, and I had a feeling that she wanted to move on her own for a while. One half of me wondered at what the little sister was plotting, while the other half preferred not to know. Perhaps it was safer if I just followed her instructions and waited patiently.

That said, I was currently in one of the lesser used areas of the mansion. Most of the rooms here were sealed, but I found the paintings in this area quite interesting. There were several large portraits here, none of which I recognized. A well-built old man in a regal battle uniform, longsword in hand. A golden-haired maiden wearing an exquisite dress with the Scarlet family crest. A young boy playing with a bunch of glass marbles. A small girl napping peacefully in the grass. It was like walking through a museum, and a large one at that.

I paused before one of the largest paintings. It was a picture of a young man standing beside the Mansion's clock tower. He had a cold expression upon his face, but that wasn't the odd part. The upper left side of his chest was transparent, as if it was made of glass. And in the place where his heart should be was a complex series of mechanical gears and springs, like the inside of a clock.

"A clockwork man," I whispered.

I always felt strange when I passed by this place. It was almost as if I recognized that face from somewhere. But where? Was it in a book from the Voile library? Had this person visited the mansion in the past? Did I meet him at the Human Village? Hmm..

"So this was where you were wandering about."

This voice. I slowly turned around. Sure enough, Sakuya was standing in front of me with her arms folded.

"Will you be joining for dinner?" she asked. "Or will you be skipping this meal, as well?"

I gave her a weak smile.

"Yes, I'll come," I said. "Sorry about the trouble."

The head maid nodded as she held out her hand. I swallowed nervously as I took it. Then, in an instant, we found ourselves standing right in front of the main door to the dining room. Ugh. I could never get used to this method of travel. Immediately, I let go of her hand and leaned myself against a wall. I paused to reorient my senses.

"The others are already here," she said. At those words, Sakuya vanished.

After a couple of minutes, I pushed the doors open. Just as the chief maid said, everyone was already here. Remilia sat at the head of the table, sipping her drink. Sakuya stood silently behind her. Patchouli sat at the right side surrounded by a small hill of books. Koakuma stood by the magician nervously. Flandre sat at the left side, the strangest smile upon her face. Behind her stood one of the senior fairy maids. Well, 'stood' probably wasn't accurate, as her assigned server was practically cowering in fright.

No one said a word as I walked up to my usual seat. Flandre said that she was coming, but I didn't expect Patchouli and her familiar to be here as well. It was very unusual that everyone was here at the same time. Well, everyone except for the gateguard, anyway..

Where was my seat again?
[ ] It was right beside Flandre, on the left.
[ ] It was right beside Patchouli, on the right.
[ ] It was across Remilia, on the other end of the table.

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