Wednesday, May 5, 2010

[x] Sakuya

The chief maid landed a few feet away. She had the strangest expression as she stared at me. It was as if she couldn't see very clearly. Or perhaps, she was looking for something? I couldn't really tell. Her next words were just as cryptic.

"You are alive?" she asked.

I nodded carefully. Why would she ask such a question? I had a really bad feeling about this. But before I could say anything, she vanished. Then, she reappeared right in front of me. She was holding something in her hand. Or she was, at least. That 'something' was now stuck to my left leg. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was a knife. Yep, it sure looked like it.

The chief maid had just stabbed my leg with a knife.


I dropped everything and crumpled down on the ground. The wound was deep, and blood had started to seep through my pants. I glanced at chief maid. She was watching my leg very carefully. Then, after a few seconds, she knelt down and put her hand on the knife.

"Huh? W-wait, what are you going to -"

In one swift movement, she pulled the knife out. I cried out loudly in pain. Angry and confused, I grabbed her by the collar and screamed.

"What the.. what in the hell are you doing, Sakuya?"

She stared at me blankly for several seconds. Then, as if she finally recognized me, color returned to her eyes and face. I saw something glint at the side of her eye. And, without warning, she grabbed me in a tight embrace.

"It's really you!" she whispered. "Alive! You're still alive!"

"Sa... Sakuya?... m-my leg..."

"Ah! S-Sorry about that!"

She lent her shoulder as I stood myself up. I glanced at her questioningly. Sakuya shook her head.

"There's no time," she said as she handed me the torch.

Without another word, she took my hand and stepped forward. For an instant, my senses were bombarded with a blur of shapes and colors as she used her ability. And after I blinked, I found myself standing outside, somewhere in the wilderness.


She gave me a tender smile before she spoke.

"If we meet again," she said. "I'd really like to try that new cake shop in the village."

With those parting words, Sakuya vanished.

I never saw her again.

[ ] The lake.
[ ] The woods.
[ ] The main path.

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