Monday, May 3, 2010

[x] Step inside and investigate.

Something had gone terribly wrong. I didn't need the heightened senses of a magic user or youkai hunter to realize that. And that was what scared me. If even an ordinary human could sense this danger, then the most reasonable thing to do would be to flee. Yes, that was what I felt. My instinct to survive told me to run. There was no way I could confront this thing. It was much worse than the time Remilia stared me down with her crimson eyes. This feeling warned of certain death.

Yet, I couldn't. Despite this feeling, I couldn't just run away. My friend was in there. My friend who would listen to my ramblings and complaints, despite pretending to be busy with her books. My friend who would have Koakuma prepare tea even when I visited unannounced. My friend who tried to teach me magic, even if she knew that I couldn't manage even a spark without matches. My friend who, for the first time, didn't answer when I called out to her.

I tightened my grip on the candlestick as I stepped inside. The room was pitch black and silent. There wasn't any sign of movement. I glanced to the right. Patchouli's study desk was covered with a number of books, and her personal shelves were neatly kept, as was usual. Then, I checked the other side. The door to her bedchamber was open. I slowly crept toward it, walking as silently as I possibly could.


I stopped. A dripping sound? I turned toward the source. There was something in the shadows. No, it was someone. Wait, could it be? I sighed in relief when I recognized her sillhoutte. Patchouli was sitting in her favorite reading chair, a book in her hands.

"Whew, you scared me back there," I said. "I thought for a moment that something happened to you. Heh, as if that could ever happen.."

Still no answer. I paused. She didn't even move when I spoke. Now that was a bit rude, even for her.

"Hey, Patchouli, could you at least answer when I call -"

The light from my candlestick shone over her. My eyes widened at the gruesome sight. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I couldn't believe this could happen. I only stared in shock.

A large knife was stuck to her chest. Her clothes were painted a ghastly red with her blood. But that wasn't the worst of it. Her hands had been sewn to her book so she could still hold it. Blood trickled out of stitches. And her eyes.. they were wide open and full of terror. Yet, I could see that she couldn't even scream if she had wanted. Her lips were stitched closed, and her neck had been sliced open. A steady trickle of blood dripped down to the floor.

I didn't know how long I stood there, but when I finally recovered from the shock, I ran out of the room and sprinted through the library. I didn't care where I was going. I just ran. And ran. Until my legs couldn't take the pain any more. Until my lungs tightened in pain.

Putting down the candlestick, which had managed to stay lit somehow, I paused to catch my breath. No, that wasn't it. I couldn't hold it anymore. I knelt down and threw up unceremoniously on the floor. Tears ran down my cheeks in torrents. I started sobbing. I didn't care anymore. This was too much! I.. I couldn't take much more of this!

I speak no evil

I remembered those words. This.. was it all my fault? Did I..


That voice! I wiped off my mouth with my sleeve and quickly stood myself up. It was faint, but the voice sounded like Koakuma. Was she wandering around the library in this darkness? No, wait. Was it really her?

My legs feel exhausted, but I think I can walk a bit.

[ ] Search for Koakuma.
[ ] Return to Patchouli's room.
[ ] Make my way to the library exit.

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