Friday, May 7, 2010

Under the Scarlet Moonlight: Dragon Princess

[x] Basement Key

"Come, dragon!" cried the knight. "I have come for your head! Face me in battle!"

The ground rumbled and shook. A deep voice boomed from the cavern before him.

"Speak, knight," it said. "Why do you seek my head?"

The knight drew his sword proudly and raised it into the air.

"To save the princess!" he cried. "To save the kingdom! And to become the rightful ruler of this land!"

"Is that so," spoke the voice. "Tell me, why does the princess need to be saved?"

"It is the law of this land!" cried the knight. "Only the one who slays the dragon can take the princess' hand in marriage. She has been alone for many years, and I shall be the one to comfort her."

"Then tell me, why does the kingdom need to be saved?"

"It is the desire of the people!" he cried. "You have built your nest within the greatest lode of gems and gold in the continent! People from all over the world have come for the harvest, and you are the last obstacle in their path to plenty!"

"And why do you claim to be the rightful ruler of this land?"

"It is written that a hero shall come and bring prosperity to this kingdom! I have trained long and hard to become the greatest of warriors! I shall defeat you, make the princess my bride, and become the greatest king in all history!"

"I see..."

The ground shook violently as the dragon emerged from its cavern. Its gargantuan form towered over the knight, which was but an insect in comparison.

"Such a pity," said the dragon. "If those are your answers, then this shall be your final resting place."

Without another word, the dragon promptly raised its leg and crushed the knight to pieces. His steed stood in shock as it watched its master's demise. Then, ignoring the horse and all else that lay outside its cavern, the dragon returned inside to rest.

"And that is the end of this chapter," I said. "Let's continue this tomorrow. It is getting late."

"Aww, but I wanna find out what happens next!"

Flandre tugged at my jacket excitedly. Her eyes glittered brightly up at me. Ah, if she uses that face, I won't have the will to refuse! I quickly looked away and cleared my throat.

"Now Flandre," I said. "You can always continue reading this on your own. I leave it here every evening, anyway."

She pouted at me.

"Hmph! I don't want to! I'd rather read Patchy's geography books than that!"

I frowned and scratched my head.

"But I thought that you liked this book?"

"Of course I do! It's my favorite!"

Her face brightened up again, and I saw her wings flap a little.

"But I only like it when you read it aloud to me."



Suddenly, she jumped up and covered her mouth. She stared at me for a moment, her cheeks slightly pink. Then, without another word, she flew off to her bed. She pulled up the covers and faced her back to me.

"I'm sleepy now," she said.

I scratched my head and sighed. Certainly didn't get this girl. But it really was getting late for her. I took a glance at my watch. The sun would be rising in a couple of hours.

[ ] Continue reading aloud.
[ ] This is enough for tonight.

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