Sunday, May 2, 2010

[x] I speak no evil.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in the middle of a narrow aisle. To my left and to my right were tall shelves, and thousands upon thousands of books. Huh? I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. No, this didn't seem like a dream. But when did I get to the Voile library?

Several glowing lamp lights illuminated the area, but not a soul was within sight. Well, I wouldn't expect to meet anyone here besides Patchouli and her familiar. The fairy maid staff were only brought in for cleaning duties, and not without supervision. For the most part, they only came to help when Marisa or some other visitor trashed the library. On regular days, the place was very quiet. And this late at night, the silence felt a little more intimidating. Speaking of late, what time was it, anyway?

The lights flickered a little as I took a glance at my watch. Huh? That was strange.

13:00 MN

I rubbed my eyes for a moment. That didn't look right. I took another look at the time.

1:00 AM

Hmm (what was that about?). Nah, couldn't be. In any case, it was already late. Perhaps I should head back to my room. Sakuya will definitely scold me if I miss breakfast, and if Remilia finds out, she might have me go through one of her 'punishment games' again. Ugh.

The lights flickered again. Which was strange, since the mansion didn't use electricity (or at least, not in the traditional way). Patchouli explained it to me once before. They channel some magical energies from the surrounding lake to power the lights and heating of the mansion. I didn't understand the technical details, but I suppose that it was similar to generating solar or hydroelectric power. Except with magic.

I started walking towards the exit. The Voile library wasn't such a maze anymore. Not to me, at least. I did spend a number of lazy afternoons just wandering around and reading here. The layout was actually simpler than most think. If you just observe the different -


I stopped in my tracks. There it was again. The lights flickered, and much more violently this time. It almost felt like they were going to go out. This was strange. Late or not, I should let Patchouli or Koakuma know. They might have a better idea of what's causing this.

[ ] Look for Koakuma.
[ ] Look for Patchouli.
[ ] Leave the library.

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