Monday, May 10, 2010

[x] Sneak into the kitchen.

I took a peek into the kitchen. No one was in sight. Oh wow, this day just kept getting better and better! The goddesses of Gensokyo must be smiling upon me. Ah, but I had better be careful. Just to make sure, I casually knocked upon the door before walking inside.

"Sakuya?" I called out. "Are you in here?"

No answer. Perhaps she went up to the second floor to escort Remilia? Looked like there was no sign of the fairy maids, either. Breakfast was already prepared and ready to be brought to the dining room. And upon the counter, I spotted the usual morning tea tray. I took a moment to stare at the opportunity before me. Then, I understood. This was my chance!

"Time for some payback," I said with a smile. Without hesitation, I searched the cupboards for an empty bowl. Then, I took the little sugar pot from the tea tray and poured out the contents into the bowl. I grabbed a nearby saltshaker, took off the cap, and poured its contents into the sugar pot. And finally, I filled up the saltshaker with the sugar before replacing it were it was.

Now, all I needed to do was remove the evidence. That Sakuya was pretty sharp, so I had to be extra careful. I quickly washed the bowl, wiped it off, and replaced it in the cupboard. And with that, the mission was complete! According to my watch, I only took seven minutes to complete everything. Heh, too easy.

All I had to do now was wait back in the dining room. I quietly left the kitchen to do just that. Or at least, I had planned to. I stopped in my tracks when I heard it.


I slowly turned around, half-expecting Sakuya to be standing behind me. Huh? No one was here. Maybe it was just my imagination. I should really stop spending time in Patchouli's private -


There it was again! I'm sure it came from the back of the kitchen. Did it come from that large storage closet? Surely, something was in there! I carefully creeped toward it to investigate. On the way, I grabbed a pair of kitchen knives, one for each hand. After all, who knew what kind of ridiculous powers the rats of Gensokyo wielded?

Thankfully, this closet wasn't locked like the others. Holding one of the knives in my lips, I very slowly opened the door. If it was a youkai beast, I was prepared to strike immediately. However, I wasn't prepared for what I found inside.

"Mmph! Mmph! Mmph!"

It took several seconds for it to register in my head. There was a little blue-haired girl in here, with matching blue dress and ribbon. She had a strange pair of crystalline wings, so I guess she was some sort of fairy or youkai. But that wasn't the strangest part. This girl was bound in ropes, with a cloth gag upon her mouth.

For some reason, I felt like I just saw something that I shouldn't have...
[ ] Remove the gag and untie the girl.
[ ] Remove the gag, but don't untie her.
[ ] Just pretend that you didn't see anything.

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