Tuesday, May 4, 2010

[x] I must make sure that she isn't an impostor.
[x] I must tell her about Patchouli.

"Anyway," I said. "Where were you when the lights went out?"

"Eh? Ah! Well.. t-that is.."

Koakuma lowered her head and started twiddling her thumbs. She didn't look at me straight in the eye as she spoke.

"Research," she said. "T-That's right! I was doing some research in the lower library! Now forget about that for a second! You really should get rid of that thing! You might hurt yourself and -"

"Oh really," I whispered. She was hiding something. Hardly anyone went down to the lower library besides Patchouli herself. I remember the magician warn me that the seals on some of the books down there had started to weaken, so I shouldn't even think of wandering there alone. I took a step forward, the candlestick in hand.

"And what were you doing down there, I wonder.."

"A-Ah! Well, t-that is... you know.. a secret..."

She was visibly shaken now, and I could see her sweat. Her face started turning a light shade of pink, as well. Yes, she was lying about something. I raised the candlestick as I took another step.

"W-wait! W-what are you doing with that? D-don't -"

Koakuma raised her other hand to stop me. But that was a mistake. I quickly tapped the end of her fingertips with the side of the candlestick. She yelped in pain and jumped back. It was just as I suspected. Or was it..?

"Idiot," she whispered. She looked up at me, teary-eyed and angry.

"I see that silver burns to the touch," I said.

"Of course it burns!" cried Koakuma. "I'm a demon! W-what the hell were you thinking? Have you gone insane?"

Huh? Wait a second. That made complete sense, didn't it? But..

"Then why were you sneaking about down at the lower library?"

Koakuma stared at me for a few moments, a trickle of tears dripping down her cheeks. Then, she pulled out something from her pocket and held it up toward me. It was a small book that read, 'Fine English Tea, 1852'.

"I thought that I could try making something special for you," she said slowly. "But I think that I just changed my mind."

She narrowed her eyes at me. I've never seen her so angry before.

"Miss Patchouli shall be the first to taste this blend, you damn idiot!"

My head started to ache again. From the sound of it, this was the real Koakuma. Except for one thing. Didn't she know that Patchouli was dead?


Koakuma stared at me in surprise.

"W-what did you say just now?"

Clearly, from her reaction, I just said that last part aloud. Wait a minute. Koakuma didn't know? I couldn't look her in the eyes as I spoke.

"She's dead," I said carefully. "She's been murdered in her room. Didn't you know?"

Silence. Then, when I had thought that she was still in shock, it happened. She swiftly stepped forward and slapped me in the face. I stared back at her, dumbfounded.

"Liar!" she cried. "You're lying! What kind of sick joke are you trying to pull! I can't believe that I actually thought that you were different.."

"Wait, let me explain!"

"You horrible psychopath! I'll make sure that Miss Patchouli gets you kicked out of the mansion before morning!"

Before I could say anything else, Koakuma flew off into the darkness. I tried chasing after her, but my legs couldn't keep up. And no matter how much I cried out her name, she never turned back. Soon, I was alone once more. Having an extra torch was little consolation.

My mind was a mess. I started walking, letting my legs decide the direction. It was a long, deathly silent journey. I don't really know how long I was walking, but somehow, I found myself out of the library. As I closed the door behind me, I observed that the rest of the mansion lights were lit. But that wasn't enough to raise my spirits. Huh? There was something! I paused for a moment, then turned my head. It was no mistake. Someone was flying this way.

[ ] Flandre
[ ] Sakuya
[ ] Meiling

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