Thursday, May 6, 2010

Under the Scarlet Moonlight

I heard that humans, when close to death, often see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. Sometimes, they see their loved ones and friends who had passed away in the past. Others remember their most cherished memories as their life flashed before their eyes. This experience of 'coming home' was common among those who died. Some even say that this was how humans come to terms with their mortality. This was how they made amends with the world behind them, leaving behind all regret.

Needless to say, I saw nothing of the sort.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a vast ocean of crimson and darkness. And as I watched, I saw vaguely humanoid figures reach at me with their shadowy limbs before being swallowed back into the waves. Thousands upon thousands of souls, forever damned to drown in their own blood.

I don't remember how long I stared at it, nor do I remember if it was from awe or disgust. But eventually, I realized that I was lying on my back. I grasped at the ground with one of my hands. It felt like grass. I pulled a few blades off and brought them close. Yes, it did look and smell like fresh grass. Then, I understood.

'That' was the sky of this place. The blood sea glowed ominously, and it illuminated my surroundings like the late afternoon sun. Slowly, I sat myself up and looked around. This place looked like a large garden of some sort, and it was vaguely familiar to me. The well-kept lawns and trees calmed my eyes. And a short distance away, I saw someone seated beside a small tea table.

I stood up and started walking closer. The person just watched, sipping her tea as I approached. I took her silence as an invitation, and sat myself across her, upon an empty seat. From the side of my eye, I could see her still watching me. Honestly, I felt like taking a good long nap, but I didn't think that this was the place, nor the time. I managed a half-smile as I greeted her.

"Good to see you again, Remilia."

"Likewise," she replied. She put down her cup and rested her chin upon her hand thoughtfully.

"Aren't you going to offer me a cup of tea?" I asked.

"You may have some if you like."

I chuckled a bit as I helped myself to some tea. The taste was unexpectedly good, and I felt a bit more refreshed. I wondered idly if the vampire had made this herself. I took another sip before glancing at Remilia.

"That was pretty bad run, wasn't it?"

"I daresay that it could have gone better," she said with a smirk. "You should be glad that you didn't have to see what happened to my sister or the gateguard."

She took a sip of tea and turned to watch the 'sky'.

"Or me, for that matter," she added as an afterthought.

I followed her gaze and watched as dozens of arms stretched out toward the ground before being swallowed by another crimson wave.

"So this is hell," I said. "Not exactly what I had expected."

"What did you expect?"

"Something less comfortable, maybe?"

Remilia chuckled a bit. I took another sip of tea. This really was a good blend.

"You never fail to amuse me," she said. "Such an interesting human."

"Why is that?"

She turned to me and smiled.

"Because this isn't hell. And you aren't staying here for long. Unless you want to?"

Remilia gave me a wink. Huh? This wasn't hell? What did she mean by 'here'? And what exactly was she offering? I quickly looked away and focused on my tea. Needless to say, the word 'confused' was a grave understatement to what I felt right now.

"Don't worry about the details," she said. "Just listen carefully as I explain the rules. I won't repeat this a second time, so pay attention."

I nodded slowly.

"There is more than one way to send you back. Depending on how tightly linked your fate is with the rest of the mansion inhabitants, new doors and opportunities can be opened. But act carefully, as the opposite applies as well. If the distance between your fate and theirs widens, your choices will become increasingly more limited."

"Right now, you have two different 'gates' to choose from. And while it is true that you can take only one path back, the final destination will remain in your hands. I'll explain this in more detail once it is time for you to go back."

"Now before you return, you may want to visit the Voile Armory. You may take back with you certain 'aids' that may be of use on the other side. But at a price. Nothing is gained without payment. This rule holds true even here."

"Now: any questions?"

[ ] Ask for a hint. (Specify the question)
[ ] Visit the Voile Armory.
[ ] Time to go back.

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