Sunday, May 2, 2010

I sipped my tea slowly, savoring the flavor. The blend was more than satisfactory. In fact, when it came to preparing tea, not even Sakuya could compare to this girl. Of course, I had made it a point never to mention that to the chief maid. Nor have I mentioned it to the girl herself, but for a different reason.

"H-How is it?" Koakuma asked.

I put down the cup and gave her a gentle smile.

"The tea is just right," I said. "The best cup I've had this week, in fact."

She shook her head and frowned.

"Not that!" she cried. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

"It's nothing, so please forget about it. And don't tell Patchouli about this."

Koakuma opened her mouth to argue, but I shook my head and gave her a stern look. I was serious about this. In no way should anyone hear of what just happened. I glared at her until she finally nodded.

"As long as you understand," I said. "Then things will be fine. But besides that, I'd like to ask you a few things. In these circumstances, we need to be perfectly clear on our understanding of these events. Even the slightest misconception could disturb the balance, you see.."

I took a biscuit from the tray and took a bite. Koakuma's wings drooped a bit, but she stayed silent.

"I want to know why you were following me. That hall was much too far from the Voile library. And I know that most of the rooms there were sealed."

"Ah! T-that is.. umm..."

She averted her eyes, unsure of what to say.

"You can tell me the truth," I said. "I'll always be here to listen."

A moment of silence passed. She fiddled with her fingers uneasily, but she managed to speak.

"M-Miss Patchouli sent me," she whispered. "She was worried that you hadn't had dinner, so she asked me to find you. But when I did, you seemed to be in deep thought. I couldn't find it in my heart to call out to you. So, in the end I.."

I planted my palm upon my face. So that was it, then. If she didn't have any bad intention, then I guess I could let her off this time.

"I got it. Just make sure that no one else knows about this."

She nodded solemnly. I watched her every move as she took the tray out of my room. Then, right before she closed the door, she gave me a very polite smile.

"Just so you know," she said. "I-I don't think that you screamed that loudly. And I thought that you were kinda cute, so don't lose sleep over it, alright?"

"G-Get out!" I cried, finally losing my temper.

Ugh. That was a horrible way to end the evening. Before I realized it, I had already collapsed on my bed. Didn't even bother to change clothes. And as sleep began to creep in, I thought I heard a voice.
[ ] I see no evil.
[ ] I hear no evil.
[ ] I speak no evil.

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