Thursday, May 13, 2010

[x] Sounds like Sakuya.

"May I come in?" asked Sakuya.

"Ah! I was just heading out," I said. "And the room is a bit of a mess right now."

I quickly locked and closed the door behind me. The room key was safely in my pocket, and I had my jacket hanging from my shoulders. I laughed uneasily as I waited for her respones. Did she notice anything wrong?

"That's typical," she said with a sigh. "Do find time to clean up after yourself once in a while."

"Yeah, sorry about that.."

If she found out that I was hiding a little girl in my closet, I might end up in the dungeon again. Or worse. I didn't exactly have a good explanation for Cirno, and if I told her the truth, it would sound like I'm some sort of criminal. Now that I think about it, I might have gone a bit too far earlier. But it wasn't like I was actually going to do anything unforgivable to the girl. I was just going to scare her a bit.. and...uh... yeah. Guess I was a bit lost in the moment back there.

If Sakuya found out, I'd be in deep trouble for sure. I started walking toward the staircase to the first floor. Might be best to keep her away from my room until I got things sorted out. As I hoped, she started following beside me.

"You missed breakfast again," she said. "Miss Remilia was asking about you."

"She was? Ah, I better apologize to her later. I was a bit.. distracted this morning."

"Miss Remilia is going to visit the shrine maiden for a meeting. She had hoped that you could accompany her today. Are you busy right now?"

"I have a couple of things that I need to do," I managed.

After all, I still wasn't sure what to do with that little girl tied up and gagged in my closet. I had to figure out why Cirno came to the mansion, and if it wasn't anything dangerous, I had better get rid of her. Besides that, I also felt like I had an important promise to keep today. I was pretty sure that I made a promise with someone. If only I could remember..

"I suppose that the timing was a bit unfortunate. I'll inform her that you have already made other plans for the day."

"Sorry for the trouble.."

"Don't worry about it," she said. "I'll take care of explaining this to Miss Remilia. You go ahead and do what you need to do. It's not like you are a prisoner here, or anything like that."

"Thanks a lot, Sakuya."

"Oh, and one last thing," she said. "Are you getting enough sleep? You look a bit tired lately."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard. Your health is important too."

"I guess that's true."

The chief maid turned to me with an unreadable expression.

"If you plan on visiting Flandre every early morning, then you should try sleeping earlier as well."

With those last words, she gave me a half-smile before vanishing. Hmm. Did I really visit Flandre that regularly for Sakuya to notice? For some reason, I couldn't really recall the details. Well, it probably wasn't anything too urgent. Right now, I had better kill some time until Remilia and Sakuya leave the mansion.
[ ] Visit the library.
[ ] Head to the front gate.
[ ] Wander around aimlessly.
[ ] Leave the mansion grounds.

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