Saturday, May 29, 2010

[x] Step inside and investigate.

"Koakuma? Are you in there?"

No answer. I wasn't sure if she was in this place, but I decided to investigate anyway. I slowly pushed open the main door to the clock tower. The hinges creaked loudly as I entered. Like many other rooms in the mansion, the inside of the clock tower was much larger than it seemed from the outside. Still, I didn't at all expect what I found.

The place was filled with giant-sized gears, springs, and countless other mechanical parts. Some of them were turning steadily, while others remained completely stopped. It was like walking inside a clockwork labyrinth. There were several cranks and levers all over the room, but I knew immediately that I had better avoid touching anything. Who knew what all of these mechanisms were used for? I most certainly doubted if they only moved the hands of the clock outside.

As I passed along the main walkway, I noticed another odd thing. There were no cobwebs on the stationary parts (no spiders, either). Not much dust was on the floor. If this place was properly sealed off, then the fairy maid staff didn't clean around this area. Why was it that this place still seem properly maintained? While there were broken parts scattered here and there, those that were spinning had little sign of rust.

I had the worst feeling that I wasn't alone in here.

"Koakuma!" I cried out. "Can you hear me? Are you anywhere in here?"

Again, no answer. I sighed. Perhaps I had better turn back. I should let Sakuya know that this place was left open. She should have the key to lock it again. Plus, this place was starting to give me the creeps. Deep inside, I knew that this place was dangerous. I could feel it in the atmosphere. It seemed like the perfect place for a -


From the side of my eye, I saw one of the doors on my right swing shut. My eyes narrowed. There was someone here! I was sure of it now. I paused to wipe the dust off my glasses before heading off from the main walkway. As I approached that door, I noticed a small sign above it that read, 'Chamber III'. The third chamber, eh?

"Scrrtch... (whine)... scrrtch.."

I stood before the closed door. There were some strange noises coming from inside.

"Scrrtch.. (rip)... scrrtch... (crunch)..."

After swallowing nervously, I pushed open the door. But if I was expecting something, it wasn't this! A cold sweat started to form on my forehead as I took in the scene.

A pair of feral red eyes stared back at me. In the darkness, I couldn't see its exact form, but they seemed to belong to a giant black wolf. The shadows around it moved strangely, as if they were a part of the creature. And scattered around the floor beside it were chunks of torn flesh and blood-stained shards of bone. But that wasn't the part that scared me.

Within its mouth was what seemed to be a chewed up humanoid arm.

"Oh s-shit! You've gotta be kidding me.."

At those words, the shadow wolf beast dropped the arm and growled loudly at me. I quickly shut the door and ran for my life. Within a few seconds, I heard something slam hard against the chamber door. A beast that large could probably knock it off its hinges. I didn't bother turning around to check. My eyes were only focused on one thing: the exit.

As soon as I returned to the rooftop, I shut the main door of the clock tower behind me. I paused for a moment to catch my breath. Then, I remembered those red eyes. I knew immediately that this thing wasn't something you could reason with. This was a vicious wild beast.


The sound came from within the clock tower. Did it already break through the door? Fear and panic renewed the strength in my legs, and I made a mad dash into the mansion proper. I didn't bother closing the door to the rooftop. I just kept running and running. Down to the second floor hallway. No, this wasn't far enough. I quickly ran toward the staircase going to the first floor.


Someone was walking up those stairs. I was running too fast. My eyes barely had time to recognize the person before I crashed right into her.
[ ] Sakuya
[ ] Remilia
[ ] Patchouli

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