Saturday, May 15, 2010

[x] "I heard that there is a new shrine at Youkai Mountain."

"So this is Youkai Mountain..."

"Wow!" said Flandre. "This place is great! I've never seen something so big!"

As we flew up the greatest peak in Gensokyo, I had the oddest feeling that we were being watched. I glanced down at the trees and rocks below. We hadn't encountered anything unusual at all - just forests, rock formations, and the occasional waterfall. Don't get me wrong: the scenery was incredibly beautiful, and Flandre seemed to be enjoying herself. But I felt that if someone watched us flying right now, we would stand out right away. Neither of us belonged to this place. Outsiders and vampires were normally unable to come up the mountain due to the large number of dangerous youkai living here. Or at least, that was what I remember from what Keine mentioned during one of my last visits. This was very strange, indeed.

"Hey Flan," I said. "Are you sure that we're at the right place?"

"Of course! I don't see any taller mountain than this one, do you?"

"That's true. But so far, we've seen all mountain and no youkai. The place doesn't seem to live up to its namesake."

"Eh? What are you talking about? Are you playing stupid or something? Is it a new game?"

Flandre had a positively malicious smile on her face. I had a bad feeling about this.

"What do you mean?" I said slowly.

"Ehehehe~" she said. "This place is full of new playmates! I could tell right away when we started going up from the base."

'Play,' she said. I shuddered at the word. The only beings she would consider 'playmates' were those who could keep up with her in a danmaku duel. And me, for some reason. That feeling earlier.. the inhabitants of the mountain must be observing us from the shadows. But why hadn't they attacked? Could they sense Flandre's incredible power? Are they planning to ambush us all at the same time?

"Hey! Why that silly face? Are you feeling worried? Don't worry! This hat is more than enough against the sunlight. I don't burn as easily as big sis~"

I shook my head and forced a smile for her. There was no reason for me to be worried about Flandre. She could pretty much crush anything in her path, if she wanted. I was worried that our little excursion might turn into a huge incident. If the tengu and kappa attacked, this place could turn into a battlefield. Hmm. No, that's wrong. If they attacked us right now, it would be a slaughter. She'd play with them like new toys until they were all completely broken and unable to move. No, it would be best if I somehow convinced her not to fight back. If she did, that shrine maiden would surely come to investigate and -

"Stop right there!" cried out a voice.

And speaking of shrine maidens, one just popped out in front of us. But it wasn't the infamous Reimu Hakurei. This one had a different color scheme (Player 2?). She had green hair and wore a blue and white outfit. Upon her head were hair accessories of snake and frog designs.

"So you are the ones who alerted the tengu scouts! Are you planning to attack the Moriya Shrine head on? What are you plotting?"

This girl was holding an odd instrument in her hands. It looked like a short wand with a paper seal attached to one end. She waved it around threateningly, as if it was a weapon.

"My name is Sanae Kochiya. And I've come to exterminate youkai invaders like you!"

"But I'm not a youkai," I said. "I'm just an ordinary human, you know."

"Ah! Then why are you flying hand-in-hand with that girl? Can't you feel how dangerous she is?"

"If I let go, I'll fall down and die. I can't fly around on my own."

The blue-white shrine maiden took a moment to consider the situation. She glanced back and forth between me and Flandre. Then, she nodded to herself, as if she understood.

"Now I get it," Sanae said. "This girl is holding you hostage! How dishonorable! Let him go, you fiend!"

I planted my free palm upon my head. Nope. She didn't get it at all!

"I don't want to," said Flandre. "This one belongs to me! I won't let anyone else play with him!"

And you! Stop saying things that could be misunderstood! I wasn't a toy! Hey!

"Those wings.. are you a Nue too?"

"What's a Nue? Is it sweet like chestnut youkan? I want some~"

"Huh? What's with this girl? And how did she know about our morning snacks?"

"We've come to visit, so give us some!"

"W-why should I? I was saving it for a great day like this, you know? Ah! It doesn't matter! You had better prepare yourself!"

Sanae pulled out a spellcard from her dress. I felt Flandre tighten her grip on my hand. I turned to her to see a strange expression on her face. It was as if she was asking me for permission...
[ ] "This girl is in our way. Play with her as much as you like!"
[ ] "Play nicely with the girl. Make sure that she doesn't die."
[ ] "Let's try to talk to her peacefully. I dislike violence."

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