Wednesday, June 2, 2010

[x] Patchouli must be confused.

I opened my eyes, and a familiar ceiling came into view. This was a place that I knew well. It was where I felt the most at ease. I was at my room. The rest of the mansion was large, complex and unpredictable. But here, I could rest. I closed my eyes again, resting my head against my pillow.

Now that I thought about it, I couldn't remember much about the time I arrived in Gensokyo. Was it a few weeks ago? A few months? And how did I get here in the first place? It felt like so long ago that I wasn't really sure anymore. All I knew was that the Scarlet family had decided to take me in as a resident. I had to endure quite a few of her 'games', several of which were dangerous or outright life-threatening. It was for Remilia's selfish amusement, I was sure. At least, at first.

Patchouli had asked me once before, 'Do you want to return to the Outside?'. It came as a real shock at the time. Not because I didn't think it possible, but because I never thought of returning in the first place. Every time I thought about my parents, my home, and the life I left behind, my mind registered a complete blank. My memory of the Outside was gone, and there were some things that even time or a trip to Eientei couldn't fix. But I supposed that it was for the best.

I never felt like an outsider in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. This place was my home. And these people were the closest I had to a real family. And that was why I couldn't hate Patchouli.


After a few minutes, I became aware that I wasn't alone in the room. I slowly sat myself up as I rubbed my eyes. Seated nearby was one of the fairy maids. One that I knew well.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

"I had better days," I replied. "What happened, Elena?"

"Sakuya found you unconscious at the library. She had you brought back here to rest."


That's right. Patchouli probably drugged the tea.

"Are you hungry?" said Elena. "I brought you something to eat. Lady Remilia was worried when you didn't arrive for lunch."

"Lunch? Ah, what time is it?"

I glanced at my watch. It was 1:30 PM. Looked like I was out for several hours. My stomach growled loudly. I hadn't had anything to eat besides tea and a few biscuits. As I looked to my left, I saw a tray with some food and a glass of water.

"Sorry about that," I said. "I didn't mean to trouble you."

Elena gave me a formal bow.

"Please enjoy your meal. This is part of my duties."

After thanking her, I quickly satiated my hunger. Even if it was a leftover, the meals at the Scarlet Devil Mansion were always high class. I had no complaints. Elena glanced a few times at me as I ate, but she said nothing. In a few minutes, I was finished.

"Thanks for the food," I said.


I stood up and started for the door. Then, I realized something strange. Elena was seated right in front of it. It seemed like she had moved her chair to block the way on purpose. I cleared my throat before I spoke.


The fairy haid stared back at me, her eyes firm.

"Forgive me, but I have orders," she said. "I can't let you out of this room until 3:00 PM."

"Orders? What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you yet. Please, just wait quietly."

Elena had been my personal servant ever since I arrived here, but this was the first time that she had acted like this. I could tell that she didn't want to do this, either. This worried me.
[ ] Wait quietly until 3:00 PM. No point in being difficult.
[ ] Keep asking her questions. There must be a good reason.
[ ] Order her to let you pass. She is my personal servant, after all.

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