Sunday, May 30, 2010

[x] Sakuya

"Oh shi -"

I barely recognized her uniform before Sakuya vanished. Unfortunately, that didn't help me much. By that time, I had already tripped on my feet while trying to stop. I clenched my teeth as I started to crash head first into the bannister. This was really going to hurt. Or so I had thought. It took me a few seconds to realize that I wasn't in pain. And a few more passed before I realized that someone was holding me by the arm.


The head maid sighed as she helped me up.

"Careful. Don't you know that it is dangerous to run in the hallways?"

I took a moment to catch my breath. This was a great chance! If it was Sakuya, then she'd have no trouble with that creature.

"No time to explain," I said. "Trouble at the clock tower."

Sakuya narrowed her eyes at those words.

"The clock tower? Was it open?"

I nodded quickly. Before I could speak again, she took my hand and start flying. I barely had enough time to synchronize. We flew along the hallways and stairs until we were back up at the rooftop. Sakuya gave me a moment to land before she spoke.

"What happened here?" asked the head maid.

"Ugh... give me a second."

My head was starting to ache again, though not as painfully as before. It hurts, but damn it, this wasn't the time for this! I forced myself to point at the main door to the clock tower.

"There is a dangerous creature in there," I said. "Be careful, Sakuya. I think it killed someone!"

"I see," she replied. "Let me investigate."

The chief maid walked up to the main entrance of the clock tower. I watched quietly as she turned the handle. Huh? It looked like she couldn't open it.

"It's locked," said Sakuya. "Give me a moment to find the key."

She pulled out something from her dress. It was a small iron ring full of keys. She picked one out and put it into the lock. A loud click. She turned the handle again, and sure enough, the door opened. The head maid pocketed the keys and turned toward me.

"Give me ten minutes," she said.

I nodded carefully. She then entered the clock tower alone, closing the door behind her.

"Ten minutes, eh?"

If it was any ordinary girl, I would have gone in with her. But this was Sakuya. With her abilities, there shouldn't be any trouble. She would come back soon enough, saying 'I had to clean up some trash again,' as she walked out. The head maid could manipulate time, after all. If I came with her, I would probably just be in the way. It would be best if she could fight without worrying about me.


Three minutes passed. I started feeling a bit anxious. No, there was no need to panic. She just needed more time to sweep the area. Perhaps the beast went into hiding? Well, that would be futile against Sakuya. She would notice its presence easily. Then, she would quickly dispatch the creature with her knives and spells.


Seven minutes passed. I glanced at my watch to double check. No, I shouldn't panic. Sakuya was alright, I think. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. Besides, there wasn't anything I could do by myself. I was just an ordinary human. The best I could do was to head back down to get help. I certainly doubted if Sakuya needed any help. Did she?


Ten minutes passed. I looked back at the door, but no one was coming out. Did something happen to Sakuya? Should I follow inside and look for her? I looked around the rooftop, but there wasn't anything that I could use as a weapon. This was bad. I started toward the stairs. I had better tell the others that -


That sound! Did someone just lock the clock tower? I turned around to check, but no one was outside on the rooftop.

"Sakuya!" I cried out. "Oh damn it all... Sakuya!"

I was about to run up to the door when I suddenly felt a hand upon my shoulder. I slowly turned around.

"Don't shout," said the head maid.

She stood behind me, calm and collected. Ah, she was safe! I sighed in relief. But there was something strange. The head maid had a puzzled expression upon her face.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked.

"What are you talking about? This isn't the time for that! What happened to the creature?"

Sakuya stared at me for a couple of minutes before speaking.

"There is nothing in there," she said. "Nothing that shouldn't already be in there, anyway."

"Huh? Then how about the bodies? The blood?"

She frowned at me.

"Bodies? There is nothing strange in there. I swept through all seven chambers. I didn't find anything."

From her eyes, I could tell that she (probably) wasn't lying. But what the hell did I see, then?

"Go back to your room and rest," she said. "I'll have breakfast brought upstairs for you."

Sakuya gave me a look of concern.

"And try to relax. You look stressed."

[ ] "Yeah, I'll head back to my room and rest."
[ ] "I'll just pass by the Voile library first."
[ ] "A walk outside will clear my head."

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