Sunday, May 2, 2010

[x] Wander around the mansion.

Before I knew it, I found myself wandering around the mansion. The place was a lot bigger than it looked from the outside, and an ordinary person (such as myself) could easily get lost in it. Well, I've actually gotten lost here before, and more than once. Thankfully, it never ended in anything worse than losing consciousness.

From what I've observed, there are at least a hundred different rooms in total, with varying sizes and purposes. Remilia said that a large portion of the mansion wasn't being used nowadays, so she had the staff lock and seal a number of rooms. She said that she didn't want even a single speck of dust to get in those places, as she might use them in the future.

That said, the hall I was walking along was one of those unused areas. The fairy maids seldom visited this side of the mansion, so I shouldn't have to worry about Sakuya finding me out. Not tonight, at least. She'll probably find out by morning. I'll just have to think of a good excuse by then. Yes, I was quite sure that this wasn't part of Sakuya's usual patrol route.

Why was it then, did I feel like I was being followed?

I forced myself to stay calm. There wasn't anyone in front of me, but from the side of my eye, I'm sure I saw something move. My footsteps echoed loudly against the walls, and I heard nothing else. But I could feel it. Someone was watching me from behind.

Someone was watching.

It took all of my willpower to stop myself from breaking out into a run. 'Just a little more,' I told myself. There was a corner coming up, and I'd have a chance against my pursuer. Not a very good chance, I admit, but it was better than nothing.

As I turned right at the corner, I saw it. Lucky break! There was an alcove behind a weapons display case. I quickly sneaked into it and hid myself as best as I could in the shadows. Then, I checked the hallway. No one else was there. Not yet, anyway.

I don't remember how long I waited. Cold sweat had started dripping down my forehead. Something was wrong. No one was coming. I was sure now. There wasn't anyone in the hall I just came from. Yet, there was a nagging feeling in the back of my head. I closed my eyes to focus. There was something else, wasn't there? Then, I realized it.

This was a mistake.

I couldn't move. I was completely sure now.

Someone was standing right behind me.

My eyes widened in horror as I felt someone hold my shoulder..

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