Wednesday, May 5, 2010

[x] The main path.

Torch in hand, I limped up the main path toward the Human Village. I didn't understand it. No, I didn't even want to think about it. This was too much to take in, and it happened too quickly. My head ached. My heart ached. I was tired. I wanted to go home. But there was no longer any 'home' to return to.

A nightmare. This was just a nightmare, wasn't it? That was the most reasonable conclusion I could come up with. If I just waited it out, I would wake up and find that this was all just a horrible nightmare. I would hear a knock upon my door, and then I'd hear Sakuya tell me that breakfast was ready. Then, I would frown as Remilia explained her next ridiculous scheme at the dining table. Meiling and I would groan in unison as we started searching for an artifact, creature, or place that didn't exist in Gensokyo (this would typically take up most of the day). After I had returned, Koakuma would come and invite me to have tea at the library. I'd spend the rest of the afternoon reading quietly, with Patchouli sitting across me doing the same. At some random point during the day, Flandre would tackle me to the ground and force me to join one of her new 'games' (while less time-consuming than Remilia's tasks, these tended to be far more painful). And when the day was finally over, I'd pass out on my bed, still in my clothes, and start dreaming happily about some vivid sexual fantasy.

If this was all a dream, of course.

The pain from my leg told me otherwise. Sick and twisted as it was, this seemed like reality. And now, my last hope would be to reach the village and get help. Keine was my closest friend outside of the mansion. I only prayed that I could get there in time. Speaking of time, I took a glance at my watch. Only a little longer until morning. Soon the sun should rise, driving away most of the lesser youkai. After a few more minutes, I'd have little to worry about the wild creatures of Gensokyo.

Or so I had thought.

As the minutes passed, I found that it was actually getting darker. I glanced at my torch. It was still burning the same size, but the area it lit was shrinking. Then, in my other hand, I held.. nothing? Oh yeah, I must have dropped the candlestick somewhere back at the mansion. But that wasn't the worst of my luck. I stopped walking and waited. The visible area around me continued to shrink.

Damn! This was the worst time to meet up with this girl.

"Rumia!" I cried out. "I know that you're out there!"

The darkness continued to creep closer. My torch was useless against her ability.

"I don't have time for your games! I need to get to the village!"

No answer. A felt a chill. This wasn't like her.


Silence. Then, I heard finally heard her voice.

"..ove you," it said.


Then I felt it. Someone was feeling up my thighs. Two small, child-sized hands were rubbing them up and down excitedly. I tried to step away, but I couldn't move. Then, I tried to push her away, but my arms were immobile as well. Huh? My mind was spinning as I could feel her fingers move closer and closer to my crotch. Why was Rumia doing this? Why now, of all times? And why the hell couldn't I move my body?

"I love you," said the voice. I was sure it was Rumia this time.

I slowly lowered my head, and surely, her sillhoutte was before me, caressing my lower body. Despite this ridiculous situation, I couldn't help but get a little excited. But 'love' me? Wasn't she misunderstanding something? And if she didn't stop soon, her fingers would soon reach my...

"Stop!" I cried out. "T-This isn't right?"

At those words, her hands pulled away. I blinked. I couldn't even see her sillhoutte now. I could feel the torch in my hand, but my eyes were completely blinded.

"I love you," she said again.


"I love you, and that's why.."

I felt something wet drip down my chest. Huh? It wasn't raining, though. I glanced down to check, but I couldn't see a thing. Still, I could feel something drip down my chest and legs.

"That's why this is mine~" said the voice happily.

A thin light began to penetrate the darkness. Was the sun rising? Well, that was good. My eyes were starting to adjust, and I could start to see around me.

"Huh? What are you talking abou -"

Rumia stood in front of me, smiling. She was holding something in her hands. Something moving and covered in blood. I watched as it throbbed, as if it was alive. Several strange tubes were poking out of it. Hey wait.. those tubes were connected to my..

"Hee hee," she said playfully. "I finally stole away your heart~"

My eyes widened in horror. But I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. I couldn't even understand how I was still alive. I turned to the youkai girl, who seemed as happy as could be.


"I love you," she said. "We'll be together in this darkness, forever and ever~"

I saw no malice in her eyes. In fact, I was sure that she wasn't going to kill me. I didn't understand how, but I knew that she was keeping me alive with her power. Though the way she caressed my still-beating heart was very much unnerving.

What scared me the most were the words she said next.

"By the way, who is this Rumia? Is she anyone we know?"

Indeed, some things were worse than death.





[ ] Regret.
[ ] Anguish.
[ ] Despair.

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