Saturday, May 8, 2010

[x] Continue reading aloud.

"Speak," said the princess. "What became of the knight that went off to challenge the dragon?"

"His armor was shattered. His sword was broken. His body was claimed by scavengers."

She looked unsurprised, but a bit sad.

"They never learn, do they? A hundred knights have come and fallen, and still, more come to take their place."

"Of course, your highness. Thousands upon thousands risk their lives for their desires. Some choose the path of battle and wage war. Others choose to explore dangerous and exotic lands. Some even choose to practice forbidden magic. To what surprise is it, then, that knights from all over the world have come to challenge the dragon? It is their chance at gaining a beautiful bride, the wealth of a kingdom, and a permanent place in history."

"Even if it means death?"

"They are willing to risk everything because they seek to gain everything."

"Wise words," she said with a smile. "If you have come to this understanding, I wonder then, why you have not chosen to challenge the dragon?"

He smiled at the princess.

"I am a simple man," he said. "That is why I chose to join the guard, rather than the kingdom's army or the many bands of mercenaries. It is enough that I protect and serve the princess and the kingdom that is my home. To desire more than that is luxury."

The princess smiled back at the guard.

"You are wiser than most. If circumstances have been a bit different, then perhaps -"

The royal messenger arrived, gasping for breath. He knelt before the princess and put into her hands, a sealed letter.

"Your majesty," cried the messenger. "He has come! The prince of the north has come to answer your challenge. He has returned victorious from his kingdom's war against the eastlands. Known as the greatest of tacticians, he now comes to claim the greatest prize in the continent."

The princess took the letter, read it, and sighed. She glanced back at the guard.

"Let us speak again, sometime."

"If you desire it, princess."

She left with the messenger to make preparations.

I took a peek at Flandre and sighed. Looked like she had already fallen asleep. Well, at least she was already in her bed. Last time, I was forced to carry her back to her room from the Voile library. Not that I was complaining about that part (she was actually quite light and soft). I would have to say that it was quite pleasant if it weren't for the fact that I had bumped into Sakuya on the way back. Needless to say, I got scolded, interrogated, and thrown into the dungeon until she had calmed down.

"Well, I guess I'll end it here," I said.

I closed the book and placed it by her bedside table. Then I stole a glance of her peaceful sleeping face. Before I realized it, I began to lean forward to kiss her goodnight. But I managed to stop myself. No, this was probably a bad idea. I've had enough misunderstandings in the past, several of which involved much pain and bodily harm. I quickly stood myself up and quietly left the room.

Glancing at my watch, I found that there was still some time before breakfast.
[ ] Visit the library.
[ ] Visit the kitchen.
[ ] Visit the gardens.

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