Saturday, May 1, 2010

[x] Try solving the other Rubik's cube.

I took the 3-D puzzle cube in my hands and glanced at Flandre. She didn't show any reaction. I was surprised at how focused she seemed at solving her puzzle. Most of the time, she'd only spend a few seconds with a toy before losing interest. But this time, she had practically lost all awareness of her surroundings. Was she really just a kid? What was her criteria for 'interesting', anyway? And why did she continue moving her legs like that, flashing her panties from a number different angles?

Well, this wasn't anything new. Despite my familiarity with the mansion inhabitants, I could never quite place this girl's eccentricities. From what Patchouli told me, it was only recently that the little sister was allowed to leave the basement, and only from time to time. Her true power was said to be monstrous even among the other great powers of Gensokyo. The story was hard to believe, when I first heard it. Even now, when I looked at her, all I saw was Remilia's strange and somewhat sweet younger sister. At least, when she wasn't frustrated or angry.

"Mind if I take a seat?," I asked. Flandre didn't say anything as I sat on the other side of the bed. She just continued twisting and turning the cube puzzle in her hands.

I turned my head away from her to examine my own Rubik's cube (damn those deliciously distracting legs!). The six colors somehow reminded me of those odd gems Flandre had on her 'wings'. Well, they looked more like wings than anything else I've seen. Don't ask me what those really were, or what their purpose was. I was no expert on that sort of thing.

"Hmm," I said aloud. I examined the toy for a few seconds. What exactly did she find so interesting about this thing, anyway?

Twist. Click. Twist. Click. Twist. Click. I stared at it carefully, but it didn't seem any different from how it started - just more confusing. Well, maybe there was a little difference, I noted. Twist. Click. Twist. Click. Hmm, did I do something wrong back there? Well, never mind. Twist. Click. Twist. Click. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Almost got one side complete now. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Huh? What was that? Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Something else was clicking in time to my movements. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Ah, it must be Flandre. Twist. Twist. Click. Click. Well, I guess that this is a good rythm to work with. Twist. Twist. Click. Click...

I didn't really realize how much time had passed until much later. But that feeling of achievement when I finally got it right would be so worth it. I wiped off a bit of sweat on my forehead as I finished the last few moves. Three more. Two more. Almost there.. and finally -

"I got it!" I cried aloud. Huh? Why did I hear two voices, just now.

I turned to Flandre. She had finished her puzzle at roughly the same time I did. Her eyes were on me, as if she just noticed that I was in the room with her. Then, she stared down at the cube in my hands.

"Oh," she said. She stood from her bed and walked up to me. Without a word, she took my completed puzzle and examined it. I didn't say anything as I watched her look from her cube to mine, and back again, several times.



She jumped a bit at the sound of my voice. Her cheeks seemed a little flushed and she kept glancing away from my eyes. She opened her mouth a bit, as if to say something, but I couldn't hear her words. After about a minute, she just turned around, and put down the completed puzzles on her desk, side by side. She didn't face me again, so I didn't see her face when she finally spoke.

"Thanks for visiting," she said, her voice but a whisper.

"Don't mention it," I replied. I stood up and took a single step toward her.

"A-Ah!," she cried out. Her voice was wavering. "Don't come any closer! Just stay where you are! I-It's embarrassing!"

"Huh? What is?"

An awkward moment of silence. Then, she turned around and gave me an exasperated look. I gave her an honest look back, saying silently that "I didn't get it". Flandre sighed and folded her arms.

"Of course you don't get it, you stupid sweet bun head!"

Before I knew it, she was pushing and shoving me out of her room. I couldn't resist even if I tried, and a few seconds later, I found myself alone near the staircase I came down from.

"What was that all about," I asked myself. Well, it didn't end in any injuries, so I guess it was fine. I glanced at my watch. Oh damn! That wasn't fine at all. Looks like I just missed dinner. Again. Well, I had better think of a good excuse before I bumped into Remilia or Sakuya. But since I didn't have one right now, I should avoid the dining room.

To kill some time, I decided to..
[ ] Take a walk along the grounds.
[ ] Wander around the mansion.
[ ] Head straight to my room.

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