Monday, May 3, 2010

[x] Look for Patchouli.

If there was someone who knew what was going on, it would have to be Patchouli. This library was completely under her influence, after all. And I knew that it wasn't limited to the protective spells placed upon the books. This place had a completely different atmosphere from the rest of the mansion. It somehow felt out of place, as if it was added to the mansion after it was built. Or perhaps, the rest of the mansion was added to the library? Whatever the case, she was probably already aware of the problem with the lights. If anything else, I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright.

I've only been in her room a few times, but I still remembered where it was. Koakuma said that only those who were invited could find the entrance. And now that I thought about it, it was only after the first time Patchouli let me in that I even noticed this path among the shelves. Partially hidden among the books of the upper library was a simple, unmarked door.

Except this time, it wasn't unmarked.

I gawked at it for a few seconds. Did I take a wrong step somewhere? No, this was definitely the way to her room. The reading desk and chair nearby were definitely hers. I didn't know how it happened, but there was a large circle of glyphs painted upon the door. I couldn't recognize the strange symbols, but it alarmed me all the same for another reason. The color reminded me of dried blood.

"Patchouli?" I called out. "Are you in there?"

No answer. I quickly ran up to the door and tried the handle. It was locked. Huh? Wait a second. I've never found her door locked before. And these markings on the door gave me a really bad feeling. I started banging loudly on the door.

"Hey! Are you alright? It's me! Call back if you can hear me!"

Still no answer. I started kicking the door, but it wouldn't budge at all. Damn! I quickly looked around for something I could use. Ah! That could work! I ran back to Patchouli's reading desk and took the candlestick that rested upon it. The weight of this thing gave me a bit of reassurance. Seemed like it was made of pure silver. With this thing in hand, I ran back towards the door and prepared to swing -


Suddenly, the lights went completely out. Darkness everywhere. I barely stood my ground. Something was definitely wrong. Calm down. First, I need to find Patchouli. I quickly checked my jacket pockets. I had a box of matches in here, somewhere.. ah! I knelt down and struck a match against the floor to light the candlestick. It wasn't much, but with this, I could see a few feet around me. I pocketed the matches and turned back toward the door to Patchouli's room.

"Huh? What the.."

The circle of symbols was gone. I couldn't see any trace of it. Not a single mark. But that wasn't all. A chill ran down my spine when I saw it.

The door was already half-open.

[ ] Call out for Koakuma.
[ ] Try to find the library exit.
[ ] Step inside and investigate.

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