Thursday, May 6, 2010

[x] Ask for a hint.
[x] Visit the Voile Armory.

A number of different questions spun around in my head. There were so many things that I didn't understand. I glanced at Remilia, hoping for some clue. She just smiled a little wider at my confusion. Hmm? Was she enjoying this, or was it another 'rule' that I had to figure out what I needed to ask? Perhaps, I should start with something simple.

"Remind me - what was I doing?"

Slowly, her smile started to vanish.

"In a word," she said. "Badly. You were doing very badly. Clearly you lost focus and started wandering around with the attention span of a three year old child. You damn idiot.."

Remilia sighed and glanced back at the red sky.

"Honestly, I'm surprised that you managed to find your way here, after all that. I wonder.."

I waited for a while, but she didn't add anything more. She just kept staring at the distance, ignoring me. I frowned hard at her, unsatisfied.

"That wasn't really an answer," I said.

"That wasn't really a question," she replied, without looking back.

Touché. Having no way to counter her, I decided to ask another question.

"These 'aids' you speak of. What payment would be required to take them back with me?"

She glanced at me from the side of her eye. And she smiled.

"Easier for you to understand once I take the there? Are you ready?"

Without waiting for my answer, she took my hand. I blinked in surprise. The table, the garden, and the blood-red sky had vanished. Instead, I found myself standing in a large warehouse of sorts. It reminded me of the Voile library, but instead of books, the shelves were filled with all sorts of different items, trinkets and curios.

Remilia tugged on my sleeve to get my attention as she pointed at something nearby. It was a dusty old sword that had ancient runes engraved upon it. For some reason, it gave the impression of being a dependable weapon.

"Try to take that sword," said Remilia.

I walked up to it and grabbed the hilt. And I pulled it up. Or at least, I had expected to. It was much heavier than it looked. I grasped it with both hands, crying out as I used all of my strength. But it was no use. After a few minutes, I sat down on the floor, gasping for air.

"I can't take this with me," I said.

"And why do you say that?" she asked.

I paused for a moment and thought carefully.

"Because.. I have not paid, maybe?"

"Close enough," she said as she helped me back up. "Not everything can be bought with what you have right now. For the most part, you should first walk around and see what type of payment these things require. Pick out what you like. I'll wait for you back here, once you are ready."

"And how am I supposed to know what these things cost?"

"Just check the labels," she said.

Well, that sounded simple enough, so I started walking around. This place had an amazing number of items. I saw a number of weapons: guns, swords, staves, bows, whips and even cannons. Old scrolls, maps, surgical tools, cigars, tea sets, chairs, umbrellas, jackets - it was like walking around some kind of strange department store. There were some more modern things as well, like a TV set, several computers, a couple of mobile phones, a basketful of basketballs, a vending machine, and (oh wow) a kitchen sink, too. But something bothered me.

Hardly any of these things had labels. By the time I made one whole round, I only spotted three different items that did. None of them seemed very unusual, but I had a feeling that they might be useful in some way. Maybe they were more than meets the eye? However, the tags attached to them made me feel very uneasy.

Which ones should I take back with me?
[ ] A length of rope. Its price is "Trust".
[ ] A small compass. Its price is "Time".
[ ] A silver candlestick. Its price is "Calm".
[ ] I don't need any of this junk.

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