Saturday, May 1, 2010

[x] Before dinner.

I paused before the main gate of the mansion. Despite my familiarity with the place, it really did look quite ominous at dusk. The shadows danced as the lamps within were lit, one by one. The name of this place was once feared among those in the village.

Scarlet Devil Mansion

I heard that when it first appeared in Gensokyo, Remilia actually created an incident of her own. An unnatural red mist blocked out the sun, and the shrine maiden had to step in to stop her. Marisa was also involved, but it sounded like she was far more interested in looting the Voile library. I still didn't understand how everything managed to calm down, but then again, much of what happens around Gensokyo doesn't really make much sense. Not to an ordinary human like me, anyway.

"So, are you going to just gawk at the gate, or are you coming inside?"

Startled, I turned toward the direction of the voice. Leaning against the wall, partly hidden by shadows, was someone I didn't expect. Well, I didn't expect her to be awake, anyway..

"How cruel! I do try my best at this job, you know! No intruders have made it past this point since yesterday!"

Oh. I guess I said that last part out loud. But for some reason, I felt like playing along.

"Marisa broke in again last night," I replied. "I overheard the fairy maids talking about how someone was going to get a beating when Sakuya finds out."

"E-eh? But that didn't count! I was out on a break, and there was a special offer on grilled lamprey and -"

Meiling paused for a good five seconds before realizing her mistake. Her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in shock. Too late for that. I sneered at the gate guard as her face turned white.

"So you did take off to visit Mystia's stand again," I said darkly. "Now, I wonder what would happen if Sakuya happened to find out that you were slacking off last night. Or perhaps, I should tell Remilia as well. She should be informed that someone in her staff isn't doing her job. After all, I -"

I stopped immediately when I noticed Meiling's eyes. They were starting to tear up, and she looked really scared now. I quickly forced a laugh and shook my head.

"Hey, I'm just kidding! You wouldn't think I would actually do that, would you?"

It took a few seconds for my words to sink in. She quickly wiped off her eyes and shook her head.

"No," she said softly. "But if you did, I wouldn't know what to do. Nobody else really bothers to chat with me like this, and if you suddenly thought that I wasn't good enough to be your friend, then I.. I.. I'd feel really lonely out here and.."

Damn. I'd forgotten about how sensitive the girl was about things like this. I quickly stepped forward and put my hand on her shoulder.

"You are doing a great job," I said. "And you are much stronger that others make you out to be. Don't let anyone make you believe otherwise."

She looked up at me, her eyes still damp, and she gave a little nod.


I gave her a wave before heading inside. She waved back energetically, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

After all, Marisa really didn't break in yesterday.

I glanced at my watch as I walked along the grounds. I always preferred digital time pieces, as the digits were large enough to recognize in the darkness. It was still a bit early for dinner. And since that was the case, then I should take some time to visit...
[ ] Remilia
[ ] Flandre
[ ] Patchouli

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