Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[x] "Let's stay here a little longer."

I watched their game with interest. Sanae had pulled out several new moves, seemingly pushing Flandre into a corner. And now, the shrine maiden was smiling with confidence. She held a great advantage. This was a very difficult position for Flandre.

"So little sister," said Sanae. "What is your next move?"

Flandre didn't say a word. Her eyes were serious and focused. Unlike their earlier duel, she knew that any wrong move could be her last. This wasn't a fight that could be solved with power alone. She carefully examined every corner of the field, searching for an opening. Then, it came. Something shone in her eyes. Suddenly, she put her hand forward and made her next move.

"Knight takes Bishop," she whispered.

"Is that it? Then I'll just.. huh?"

Sanae froze in place. She had just realized that her King had been put into check. From that startled expression, I could tell that she didn't expect this move. Flandre just smiled darkly.

"Your move," she said.

"E-eh?" said Sanae. "Ah! W-wait a sec! Give me some time to think.."

And just like that, the tables were turned. Now, it was Sanae who was being pushed into a corner. I chuckled a bit at her reaction. The shrine maiden probably didn't expect the little sister's skills to extend to games like these. This was a side of Flandre that she rarely showed. It was during times like these that I was reminded of this girl's true age.

"Interesting game, isn't it? Looks like Sanae might lose again, though."

Despite her words, Suwako was smiling. I couldn't blame her. Sanae's confused and panicky expression was quite cute. 'How is it?' mouthed Suwako. I paused for a moment. 'I'd say 3 stars,' I replied silently.

"A fair assessment," said Suwako. "You have exceptionally good eyes, for a human."

"Not really. I suspect that we have similar tastes."

"Is that so," she said.

The goddess stood up and offered me her hand.

"Why don't you and I take a quick walk around the shrine?" she said.

With that, we left Flandre and Sanae to their chess duel. Neither of them seemed to notice us leave. Well, the game was far from over. It would take a bit more time before the victor was determined. I closed the door behind us and started walking beside Suwako. A cool, refreshing breeze blew as we walked along the grounds.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?" said Suwako. "These mountains. When we first arrived, I was a bit annoyed that I wasn't consulted about it. But after a while, I realized that I couldn't have chosen a better place for the shrine."

"Yes," I replied. "This is a great place."


The goddess paused for a moment, staring at the clear blue sky.

"I will miss these peaceful days," she said.

"Eh? Are you moving the shrine again?"

"I can already feel it in the earth. This place will become a battlefield soon. The great darkness has already begun to seep in through the cracks. It is only a matter of time now."

I wasn't sure how to react, so I said nothing. After a moment, she just gave me a small smile.

"I'm actually a bit envious of the Scarlet family. If we had someone with your ability, then perhaps..."

"Ability? What are you talking about?"

She turned away and started walking again. I couldn't see her face when she spoke.

"If you don't know, then perhaps you don't yet need to know."

"I see."

We didn't speak again until we approached the dining room. Before she slid open the door, she turned around and said something strange.

"How would you two like to join the Moriya family?"

I shook my head immediately.
[ ] "I'm sorry, but we can't do that."
[ ] "I'm sorry, but we will visit again."
[ ] "I'm sorry, but thanks for the offer."

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