Friday, May 28, 2010

[x] Search the rooftop area.

"I can't find Koakuma," Patchouli had said.

Before I knew it, I found myself at the rooftop of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. There was a strong wind up here, and the sky was painted grey with thick clouds. I couldn't see the sun this morning. The clouds blocked it off completely, giving off an ominous sign for rain. Oh right! That would be the worst type of weather for the vampire sisters. Remilia especially hated it when it rained. She would wander about the mansion, complaining about this and that. Her younger sister was no exception. Even Flandre would be found sighing in the library during rainy days.

It didn't look like it would rain yet, but I should probably start taking an umbrella with me when I went out. I wasn't much of a rain-loving person myself. That kind of weather would often fog up my glasses. It was inconvenient, to say the least. I might trip and break these things. There weren't many places in Gensokyo that could properly craft the type of lenses I used. If I ever lost this pair, I would probably have to wait until a similar set finds itself at Kourindou. And even then, Rinnosuke would probably charge an arm and a leg. That crafty bastard...


After walking around the rooftop, it was obvious that I wasn't going to find anyone here. The place was rarely used nowadays. Even the mansion staff only came up here for cleaning. Besides that, practically all of the inhabitants here could fly, so the view from here was of little use. But for an ordinary human like me, this was a useful vantage point to survey the grounds.

From here, I saw Meiling and a few of the fairy maid staff working at the gardens. It looked like they were adding some new shrubs along the main path. Remilia's orders, no doubt. She must have found the old arrangement boring.

Towards the servant's entrance, I saw another set of fairy maids bringing in the laundry. Sakuya must have noticed that it might rain, though there wasn't any sign of the head maid down there. Perhaps she was busy at the kitchen?

In any case, it seemed like I wouldn't find Koakuma here. I had already started heading back when -


I cried out in pain. My head! It felt like a dozen knives being run through my eyes. It felt like something was tearing off my skin, piece by piece. It felt like someone stuck a burning poker through my ears. I crumpled down on the floor, cursing and tearing at my hair. This pain! This torture! Someone! Please! End this! It is too much! End this pain!

Kill me!

Then, it just stopped. I opened my eyes and carefully examined my head. No injuries. What the hell was that? Ugh! Maybe I better sleep earlier, after all. I dusted off my clothes and looked around. And then, I noticed something different.

The main entrance of the clock tower was left open.

That was very strange. The clock tower was part of the 'Old Mansion', as Remilia like to called it. She dismissed such areas as dusty old relics of the past. Most of those places had been locked up and sealed. Including this one, as far as I knew. Why was it suddenly left open like this? Who opened it, and how? There were only two or three keys that could unlock that door.

[ ] Step inside and investigate.
[ ] Head back down and inform Sakuya.
[ ] Return to the library and tell Patchouli.

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