Monday, May 31, 2010

[x] "I'll just pass by the Voile library first."

After thanking Sakuya for her help, I decided to head to the library. I felt that I had better tell Patchouli about what I saw. It was too real to be a dream or delusion. And if there really was some wild beast running about in the mansion, it had to be stopped. I understood the head maid's doubt, but that was because she didn't know about the other incidents. I felt that if nothing was done, then things would get much worse.

Someone might end up dead.

With those thoughts in mind, I stepped through the doors to the library. And upon my arrival, a small ball of fire appeared in front of me. It bounced around a few times before slowly floating toward the shelves. I immediately recognized it as one of Patchouli's spells.

"She must know that I'm here," I muttered.

I followed after the flame patiently. As I had suspected, it was leading me to one of the magician's many reading areas. This wasn't the one nearest to her room, though. From what I could tell, it was heading to the one closest to the staircase that went down to the lower library. Koakuma had mentioned before that hardly anyone ever went this deep. What would Patchouli being doing all the way back here?

The flame continued leading me deeper until I finally reached a small clearing among the shelves. Sure enough, the pink and purple magician was seated quietly, a book in her hands. Beside her was a small table. I noted that there were two empty chairs nearby. As I approached, the ball of flame vanished. Patchouli didn't look up from her book as she spoke.

"So you came," she said.

I gave her a nod as I took a seat. My eyes immediately noticed a tray on the table. It was full of tea and biscuits. I immediately remembered that I hadn't yet eaten this morning. The magician glanced at me for a moment.

"Go ahead," said Patchouli. "Have some."

"Thanks a lot."

After a few biscuits and a cup of tea, I was finally able to organize my thoughts. I quickly told her everything that I saw when I went to the rooftop. When I got to the part where Sakuya came to help, I made sure to mention that the head maid wasn't aware of Koakuma's disappearance. She only came because I had told her that the clock tower was unlocked and open. Patchouli didn't say a word as I told her my story. I took several glances at her, but I couldn't read the expression on her face. However, the magician stopped flipping pages. I was sure that she was listening. But what was she thinking?


Silence. When I finally finished my story, she didn't react or say anything. Patchouli just kept silent. Was she in shock? Was she in deep thought? Was she concerned at all? I couldn't tell. This was very different from the face she showed me earlier this morning. It almost seemed like she was intentionally hiding her thoughts.


At those words, the magician closed her book and put it down on the table. Then, she stared straight at me.

"You won't find Koakuma. She isn't inside the mansion."

She said those words as if she was telling me the time of the day. I frowned at this.

"Are you sure? How are we supposed to find her, then? Shall we search the nearby woods and lake?"

Patchouli shook her head.

"Not necessary," she said. "I've taken the next steps."

"Next steps? What are you -"

Suddenly, my eyelids started to droop. I felt so sleepy. So damn sleepy...


Oh. It seemed like I had collapsed on the floor. How clumsy of me. I had better apologize later. After I took a little nap. So sleepy now. Both body and mind felt exhausted. It was time to rest. The floor felt unusually comfortable. Wow, I wished that my bed felt this good. I'd sleep all day, if it was.

The last thing I remembered were her final words to me.

"Sorry, but I can't let you interfere."

And then, I blacked out.

[ ] This person wasn't Patchouli.
[ ] Patchouli must be confused.
[ ] She must be the culprit.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

[x] Sakuya

"Oh shi -"

I barely recognized her uniform before Sakuya vanished. Unfortunately, that didn't help me much. By that time, I had already tripped on my feet while trying to stop. I clenched my teeth as I started to crash head first into the bannister. This was really going to hurt. Or so I had thought. It took me a few seconds to realize that I wasn't in pain. And a few more passed before I realized that someone was holding me by the arm.


The head maid sighed as she helped me up.

"Careful. Don't you know that it is dangerous to run in the hallways?"

I took a moment to catch my breath. This was a great chance! If it was Sakuya, then she'd have no trouble with that creature.

"No time to explain," I said. "Trouble at the clock tower."

Sakuya narrowed her eyes at those words.

"The clock tower? Was it open?"

I nodded quickly. Before I could speak again, she took my hand and start flying. I barely had enough time to synchronize. We flew along the hallways and stairs until we were back up at the rooftop. Sakuya gave me a moment to land before she spoke.

"What happened here?" asked the head maid.

"Ugh... give me a second."

My head was starting to ache again, though not as painfully as before. It hurts, but damn it, this wasn't the time for this! I forced myself to point at the main door to the clock tower.

"There is a dangerous creature in there," I said. "Be careful, Sakuya. I think it killed someone!"

"I see," she replied. "Let me investigate."

The chief maid walked up to the main entrance of the clock tower. I watched quietly as she turned the handle. Huh? It looked like she couldn't open it.

"It's locked," said Sakuya. "Give me a moment to find the key."

She pulled out something from her dress. It was a small iron ring full of keys. She picked one out and put it into the lock. A loud click. She turned the handle again, and sure enough, the door opened. The head maid pocketed the keys and turned toward me.

"Give me ten minutes," she said.

I nodded carefully. She then entered the clock tower alone, closing the door behind her.

"Ten minutes, eh?"

If it was any ordinary girl, I would have gone in with her. But this was Sakuya. With her abilities, there shouldn't be any trouble. She would come back soon enough, saying 'I had to clean up some trash again,' as she walked out. The head maid could manipulate time, after all. If I came with her, I would probably just be in the way. It would be best if she could fight without worrying about me.


Three minutes passed. I started feeling a bit anxious. No, there was no need to panic. She just needed more time to sweep the area. Perhaps the beast went into hiding? Well, that would be futile against Sakuya. She would notice its presence easily. Then, she would quickly dispatch the creature with her knives and spells.


Seven minutes passed. I glanced at my watch to double check. No, I shouldn't panic. Sakuya was alright, I think. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. Besides, there wasn't anything I could do by myself. I was just an ordinary human. The best I could do was to head back down to get help. I certainly doubted if Sakuya needed any help. Did she?


Ten minutes passed. I looked back at the door, but no one was coming out. Did something happen to Sakuya? Should I follow inside and look for her? I looked around the rooftop, but there wasn't anything that I could use as a weapon. This was bad. I started toward the stairs. I had better tell the others that -


That sound! Did someone just lock the clock tower? I turned around to check, but no one was outside on the rooftop.

"Sakuya!" I cried out. "Oh damn it all... Sakuya!"

I was about to run up to the door when I suddenly felt a hand upon my shoulder. I slowly turned around.

"Don't shout," said the head maid.

She stood behind me, calm and collected. Ah, she was safe! I sighed in relief. But there was something strange. The head maid had a puzzled expression upon her face.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked.

"What are you talking about? This isn't the time for that! What happened to the creature?"

Sakuya stared at me for a couple of minutes before speaking.

"There is nothing in there," she said. "Nothing that shouldn't already be in there, anyway."

"Huh? Then how about the bodies? The blood?"

She frowned at me.

"Bodies? There is nothing strange in there. I swept through all seven chambers. I didn't find anything."

From her eyes, I could tell that she (probably) wasn't lying. But what the hell did I see, then?

"Go back to your room and rest," she said. "I'll have breakfast brought upstairs for you."

Sakuya gave me a look of concern.

"And try to relax. You look stressed."

[ ] "Yeah, I'll head back to my room and rest."
[ ] "I'll just pass by the Voile library first."
[ ] "A walk outside will clear my head."

Saturday, May 29, 2010

[x] Step inside and investigate.

"Koakuma? Are you in there?"

No answer. I wasn't sure if she was in this place, but I decided to investigate anyway. I slowly pushed open the main door to the clock tower. The hinges creaked loudly as I entered. Like many other rooms in the mansion, the inside of the clock tower was much larger than it seemed from the outside. Still, I didn't at all expect what I found.

The place was filled with giant-sized gears, springs, and countless other mechanical parts. Some of them were turning steadily, while others remained completely stopped. It was like walking inside a clockwork labyrinth. There were several cranks and levers all over the room, but I knew immediately that I had better avoid touching anything. Who knew what all of these mechanisms were used for? I most certainly doubted if they only moved the hands of the clock outside.

As I passed along the main walkway, I noticed another odd thing. There were no cobwebs on the stationary parts (no spiders, either). Not much dust was on the floor. If this place was properly sealed off, then the fairy maid staff didn't clean around this area. Why was it that this place still seem properly maintained? While there were broken parts scattered here and there, those that were spinning had little sign of rust.

I had the worst feeling that I wasn't alone in here.

"Koakuma!" I cried out. "Can you hear me? Are you anywhere in here?"

Again, no answer. I sighed. Perhaps I had better turn back. I should let Sakuya know that this place was left open. She should have the key to lock it again. Plus, this place was starting to give me the creeps. Deep inside, I knew that this place was dangerous. I could feel it in the atmosphere. It seemed like the perfect place for a -


From the side of my eye, I saw one of the doors on my right swing shut. My eyes narrowed. There was someone here! I was sure of it now. I paused to wipe the dust off my glasses before heading off from the main walkway. As I approached that door, I noticed a small sign above it that read, 'Chamber III'. The third chamber, eh?

"Scrrtch... (whine)... scrrtch.."

I stood before the closed door. There were some strange noises coming from inside.

"Scrrtch.. (rip)... scrrtch... (crunch)..."

After swallowing nervously, I pushed open the door. But if I was expecting something, it wasn't this! A cold sweat started to form on my forehead as I took in the scene.

A pair of feral red eyes stared back at me. In the darkness, I couldn't see its exact form, but they seemed to belong to a giant black wolf. The shadows around it moved strangely, as if they were a part of the creature. And scattered around the floor beside it were chunks of torn flesh and blood-stained shards of bone. But that wasn't the part that scared me.

Within its mouth was what seemed to be a chewed up humanoid arm.

"Oh s-shit! You've gotta be kidding me.."

At those words, the shadow wolf beast dropped the arm and growled loudly at me. I quickly shut the door and ran for my life. Within a few seconds, I heard something slam hard against the chamber door. A beast that large could probably knock it off its hinges. I didn't bother turning around to check. My eyes were only focused on one thing: the exit.

As soon as I returned to the rooftop, I shut the main door of the clock tower behind me. I paused for a moment to catch my breath. Then, I remembered those red eyes. I knew immediately that this thing wasn't something you could reason with. This was a vicious wild beast.


The sound came from within the clock tower. Did it already break through the door? Fear and panic renewed the strength in my legs, and I made a mad dash into the mansion proper. I didn't bother closing the door to the rooftop. I just kept running and running. Down to the second floor hallway. No, this wasn't far enough. I quickly ran toward the staircase going to the first floor.


Someone was walking up those stairs. I was running too fast. My eyes barely had time to recognize the person before I crashed right into her.
[ ] Sakuya
[ ] Remilia
[ ] Patchouli

Friday, May 28, 2010

[x] Search the rooftop area.

"I can't find Koakuma," Patchouli had said.

Before I knew it, I found myself at the rooftop of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. There was a strong wind up here, and the sky was painted grey with thick clouds. I couldn't see the sun this morning. The clouds blocked it off completely, giving off an ominous sign for rain. Oh right! That would be the worst type of weather for the vampire sisters. Remilia especially hated it when it rained. She would wander about the mansion, complaining about this and that. Her younger sister was no exception. Even Flandre would be found sighing in the library during rainy days.

It didn't look like it would rain yet, but I should probably start taking an umbrella with me when I went out. I wasn't much of a rain-loving person myself. That kind of weather would often fog up my glasses. It was inconvenient, to say the least. I might trip and break these things. There weren't many places in Gensokyo that could properly craft the type of lenses I used. If I ever lost this pair, I would probably have to wait until a similar set finds itself at Kourindou. And even then, Rinnosuke would probably charge an arm and a leg. That crafty bastard...


After walking around the rooftop, it was obvious that I wasn't going to find anyone here. The place was rarely used nowadays. Even the mansion staff only came up here for cleaning. Besides that, practically all of the inhabitants here could fly, so the view from here was of little use. But for an ordinary human like me, this was a useful vantage point to survey the grounds.

From here, I saw Meiling and a few of the fairy maid staff working at the gardens. It looked like they were adding some new shrubs along the main path. Remilia's orders, no doubt. She must have found the old arrangement boring.

Towards the servant's entrance, I saw another set of fairy maids bringing in the laundry. Sakuya must have noticed that it might rain, though there wasn't any sign of the head maid down there. Perhaps she was busy at the kitchen?

In any case, it seemed like I wouldn't find Koakuma here. I had already started heading back when -


I cried out in pain. My head! It felt like a dozen knives being run through my eyes. It felt like something was tearing off my skin, piece by piece. It felt like someone stuck a burning poker through my ears. I crumpled down on the floor, cursing and tearing at my hair. This pain! This torture! Someone! Please! End this! It is too much! End this pain!

Kill me!

Then, it just stopped. I opened my eyes and carefully examined my head. No injuries. What the hell was that? Ugh! Maybe I better sleep earlier, after all. I dusted off my clothes and looked around. And then, I noticed something different.

The main entrance of the clock tower was left open.

That was very strange. The clock tower was part of the 'Old Mansion', as Remilia like to called it. She dismissed such areas as dusty old relics of the past. Most of those places had been locked up and sealed. Including this one, as far as I knew. Why was it suddenly left open like this? Who opened it, and how? There were only two or three keys that could unlock that door.

[ ] Step inside and investigate.
[ ] Head back down and inform Sakuya.
[ ] Return to the library and tell Patchouli.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

[x] Greet her politely.

I walked up to Patchouli and gave her a little wave.

"Good morning," I said.

She turned around and nodded to me. The magician didn't seem at all surprised.

"Visited the little sister again?" she asked.

Patchouli gave me a tiny smile. I laughed uneasily. How did she guess? And, 'again', she had said. Was there anyone in the house that didn't know about my early morning visits? I started to suspect that there was some sort of surveillance system in this place. Either that or my actions had become predictable. It was a troubling thought.

"How is she?"


"The little sister," she said. "How is she?"

I paused for a moment. For some reason, I felt like I shouldn't mention Flandre's injury. Not just yet, anyway.

"She seemed tired. Flan just fell asleep a short while ago."

"I see. Not unexpected. Flandre was moving about all over the mansion last night. Some new game, I suppose."

"Did she tell you anything?" I asked.

Patchouli yawned and shook her head.

"She asked about some books on curses, but nothing unusual. I am not aware of what she did next, as I took a rest for a little bit."

Hmm. What was Flandre looking for? Did she discover something unusual? How did she get an injury in the first place? I thought about asking her more questions, but there was something at the back of my head that was sounding an alarm. Something was out of place. Then, I realized it. Patchouli was alone and she wasn't reading the book in her hand.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked.

The magician averted her eyes and lowered her head. Without an open book to hide her face, I could clearly see that she was worried about something.


"What's wrong, Patchouli? You can tell me."


Silence. It didn't seem like she was going to tell me. I waited a bit longer, but she just stood there without a word. I glanced at my watch. I still had time before breakfast. The morning would be a waste if I stay here any longer. I gave her a small nod to say that I understood, and I began to walk toward the main hallway.

"Please wait."

Someone tugged lightly at the my shirt. I turned around to Patchouli.

"Can you help me?" she asked.

"What's wrong?"

Her voice was but a whisper when she spoke.

"My familiar," she said. "Koakuma is missing."

Patchouli explained that she couldn't find her at the Voile library after she woke up this morning. She had tried locating her with magic, but it was no use. Not wanting to cause an alarm among the mansion staff, she decided to try searching for her on her own.

"I understand. Let me help you find her."

[ ] Search the grounds.
[ ] Search the first floor.
[ ] Search the second floor.
[ ] Search the rooftop area.
[x] Continue reading aloud.

"The princess shall see you now," said the head servant.

The guard nodded as he entered the room. This was the first time he had ever entered the princess' private chamber. He swallowed nervously as the head servant shut the door behind her.

"So you came," said the princess. "I am glad."

"Of course, princess."

The guard knelt before her in reverence. She shook her head and ordered him to stand up.

"No need for formalities here, old friend."

"Thank you," said he. "It is an honor to be in your presence."

The princess smiled sadly at the guard.

"Do you know why I called for you?"

The guard paused for a moment.

"How long do you have left?"

"A few months, maybe less. But that isn't why you are here. Listen closely, my friend."

"Of course, princess."

"This is my final order," she said. "You are to travel alone. Bring no steed and no armor. Take only your sword and uniform. Travel to the dragon's cavern. Swing down your blade. And bring back the dragon's head."

Then, she handed him a letter sealed with the royal crest.

"You shall open this once you have completed your task."


The guard stood silent, unsure of what to say.

"Will you grant this final request for me?" asked the princess.

He paused for only a moment.

"Of course, princess," said the guard.

"That's wrong," she said. "That isn't the right answer. Try again, will you?"

He paused again.

"Of course, my friend."

There was a heavy weight upon my shoulder. Flandre had fallen asleep with her head leaning against me. She was clearly exhausted from yesterday. And her injury remained unhealed. She needed rest. Why did she insist on having me read this to her, anyway?

"I don't get her at all," I mumbled. "How am I supposed to understand if she refuses to tell me?"

I closed the book and sighed. It was almost morning. I gently lifted her up and carried her back to her bed. After tucking her in the sheets, I took a moment to watch her peaceful sleeping face. Flandre wore a cute little smile as she slept, as if she was having a pleasant dream.

"A dream, eh?"

Well, that wasn't any of my concern. After one last glance, I quietly left her room. My mind wandered aimlessly as I headed back up. The spiraling staircase back to the first floor was long. I took a glance at my watch. The sun would be rising soon. But it was still early for breakfast, meaning that I had some time to kill.

Or so I thought until I made it to the first floor. There was something out of place along the hallways. It took a few moments for me to recognize it. There was a pink and purple blur moving about. I paused to wipe the dust off my glasses before looking again. Indeed, a familiar magician was walking around the hallways.

Patchouli was alone, and she seemed to be looking for something.
[ ] Ignore the girl.
[ ] Greet her politely.
[ ] Call out cheerfully.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

[x] Trust

"Come, dragon!" cried the prince of the north. "I challenge you this day!"

The ground rumbled and shook. A deep voice boomed from the cavern before him.

"Speak, knight," it said. "Why do you seek -"

"It is here! The cannons! Fire the cannons, you sorry lot! Fire at will!"

At those words, the cave and its surroundings were filled with fire and explosions. His men, who had hidden some distance away, bombarded the dragon's cavern continuously. The prince smiled with the cruelty fitting a conqueror.

"Such a beautiful sight," he said. "I can already smell victory! Gahahahaha!"

His laughter echoed throughout the hills, and not a single person among his men dared speak against it. The prince had used such tactics to emerge victorious against the kingdoms of the eastlands. Why would he hold back against a dragon? This was to be his final conquest on the continent.

A great shadow emerged from the cavern. The dragon roared in anger at the prince of the north.

"You brought guns and cannons?" it said. "You dirty human filth! How dare you defile the prophecy of this land with your treachery!"

The prince smiled back from the bottom of his black heart. As the smoke cleared, he saw that the dragon was greatly injured from the attack. Burns and open wounds were all over its gargantuan form.

"How is it, dragon!" he cried. "Feel the wrath of humanity! This is our power! You creatures of old have no place in my new world!"

"Your world? Does your arrogance have no end?"

"Arrogance? What do you speak of? This is my divine right to take that which I desire!"

The dragon stomped its foot on the ground in anger, shaking the land violently. Some of the men stepped back, but their prince stood boldly before the dragon.

"I am a king," he declared. "And you are just another chapter in the history of my new world!"

"Then this shall be the last chapter," replied the dragon. "Your men shall rest quickly. Their deaths shall be merciful. But you shall suffer long after death, remembered in history as the greatest of fools!"

With those last words, the dragon stepped forward to give the impudent prince his first and last war in the jeweled land.

"Let's end here for today," I said. "It will be morning soon."

"But isn't this interesting? Don't you want to see what happens next, ehehe~"

"You should get some rest," I said. "Besides, you haven't told me anything about your investigation. Did you find anything useful?"

"Not really," she said.

"Then where did you get that scratch on your arm?"


Did she think I would not notice? Even through her clumsy make-shift bandage, I could see tell that she had an injury. I remembered that vampires could regenerate their wounds. What happened to her last night? Why would she need to worry about bleeding? I couldn't hold back my concern any longer.


Flandre didn't reply right away. Her cheerful smile slowly started to vanish. She didn't look me in the eye as she spoke, and there was sadness in her voice.

"Not yet," she said. "I can't answer that yet. I still need to confirm my theory."


The little sister turned to me again, smiling gently.

"Don't worry about it," she said. "You should focus on learning what you can during the day. I shall move during the night. This is for the best, alright?"

"Well, that is..."

She turned to me with eyes full of determination.

"I will find the culprit," she said. "So don't worry about it. You will be safe."


Flandre put the book back into my hands.

"If you really want to help, then can you read this next part to me?"

She lowered her head so I couldn't see her face. Her voice was but a whisper when she spoke again.


[ ] Time for her to rest.
[ ] Continue reading aloud.
[ ] Keep asking her about the injury.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

[x] It was right beside Flandre, on the left.

"Nice of you to join us," said Remilia. "I was wondering if you would grace us with your presence tonight."

Her voice was filled with bitter sarcasm as she spoke. She seemed to be in a bad mood. Flandre glanced at me from the side of her eye, laughing quietly. Patchouli just flipped a page, ignoring us. Sakuya, Koakuma, and the fairy maids stepped back and stood silently. I forced a weak smile as I took my seat. Then, one of the higher ranked fairy maids walked beside me. I recognized her short blonde hair and distinct lack of a head ornament. She was the one Remilia assigned to me shortly after I first arrived.

"Would you like to have some wine?" she asked.

"Not tonight," I said. "But thanks, Elena."

She nodded politely before stepping back. I had better keep my mind clear tonight. There was something dangerous in the atmosphere, though I couldn't put my finger on it. The fact that everyone came to the dinner table already raised a flag. But for now, I decided to stay quiet and listen.

"Now that everyone is here, shall we begin?"

The elder sister took her knife and fork and started on the meal. Flandre already had a spoon in her hand as she started on her 'first dessert'. From the side of my eye, I could see Patchouli bringing small bits of food to her mouth every so often. I turned to my own plate and began eating. Yet, for some reason, I could hardly taste the food. We ate in relative silence for a few minutes. I was surprised at who finally broke the silence.

"So then," said Patchouli, looking up from her book. "How was the meeting at the Hakurei Shrine?"

Remilia paused for a moment to think.

"The attendance was better than usual," she said. "Though most of them were obviously just there as an excuse to laze around. It was Ran who gave us the latest report on the Hakurei border. Seems like there is an increase in unexpected activity at several of its weak points. But she couldn't tell us anything else, and that damn gap demon was absent."

"Unexpected activity," repeated the magician. "Is it related to the Outside?"

Remilia nodded before turning back to her meal. I felt a small surge of guilt. Was that why she wanted me to accompany her this morning? I had thought that she just wanted to spend time with the others to drink tea and tell stories. Before this meal was over, I had better apologize and -

"Mmm!" cried Flandre. "This is really good!"

I turned to see that she had just finished her 'third dessert'. Remilia turned to her sister and frowned.

"You should finish the rest of your food," she said.

"Eh? But this sweet stuff is really good! Just like the chestnut youkan this morning!"

"Chestnut youkan?"

I shot a glance at Flandre. She just gave me the tiniest of winks before smiling back at her sister. What was she thinking? Somehow, this gave me a really bad feeling. And my suspicions were confirmed as soon as the little sister had started on her 'fourth dessert'.

"Yep," she said between mouthfuls. "The folk at the Moriya Shrine are really friendly. I hope we can visit them again some time, ehehe~"

The elder Scarlet turned to me for an explanation. 'You went to the Moriya Shrine?' her eyes asked. I quickly looked down at my food as I spoke.

"Sort of.." I said.

"That's right!" said Flandre. "Since he seemed to be killing time at the library, I decided that he come with me for a short trip outside the mansion. Fresh air is real nice once in a while, don't you think?"

She giggled at Remilia's reaction. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the position to do the same. Right then, Remilia glared at me with such raw fury. I just kept quiet as I finished my meal. Should I apologize? What kind of excuse did I have? How was I supposed to get out of this? Such thoughts started running through my head. Then suddenly, it didn't matter anymore.


Remilia slammed her fist on the table. I couldn't see her face. She had lowered her head as she shuddered. Then, she stood up and stomped out of the room.

"L-Lady Remilia?" called out Sakuya.

"I'm done for tonight," she replied.

Without another word, she slammed the door behind her. I turned to Flandre and just as I was about to start scolding her, I stopped. Upon the little sister's face was shock and surprise. Wait a second.. did it mean that this wasn't part of her plan? Before I could ask, she stood up and went after her sister.

"I'm done too," she called out.

The door closed behind Flandre. And with that, only Patchouli was with me at the table. She took a moment to put her book down before giving me a cold look.

"Fool," she said.

I lowered my head shamefully as I finished my meal. Then, I quickly excused myself and headed back to my room. Somehow, I had just caused another big misunderstanding in the house. 'This must be another one of those bad days', I said silently.

Before I knew it, I had collapsed on my bed. I didn't bother locking the door.

It was the most important, wasn't it?
[ ] Trust
[ ] Romance
[ ] Friendship
[x] "I understand. Be careful, though."

Once again, I found myself walking aimlessly around the hallways. Flandre told me to wait upstairs until dinner time, and I had a feeling that she wanted to move on her own for a while. One half of me wondered at what the little sister was plotting, while the other half preferred not to know. Perhaps it was safer if I just followed her instructions and waited patiently.

That said, I was currently in one of the lesser used areas of the mansion. Most of the rooms here were sealed, but I found the paintings in this area quite interesting. There were several large portraits here, none of which I recognized. A well-built old man in a regal battle uniform, longsword in hand. A golden-haired maiden wearing an exquisite dress with the Scarlet family crest. A young boy playing with a bunch of glass marbles. A small girl napping peacefully in the grass. It was like walking through a museum, and a large one at that.

I paused before one of the largest paintings. It was a picture of a young man standing beside the Mansion's clock tower. He had a cold expression upon his face, but that wasn't the odd part. The upper left side of his chest was transparent, as if it was made of glass. And in the place where his heart should be was a complex series of mechanical gears and springs, like the inside of a clock.

"A clockwork man," I whispered.

I always felt strange when I passed by this place. It was almost as if I recognized that face from somewhere. But where? Was it in a book from the Voile library? Had this person visited the mansion in the past? Did I meet him at the Human Village? Hmm..

"So this was where you were wandering about."

This voice. I slowly turned around. Sure enough, Sakuya was standing in front of me with her arms folded.

"Will you be joining for dinner?" she asked. "Or will you be skipping this meal, as well?"

I gave her a weak smile.

"Yes, I'll come," I said. "Sorry about the trouble."

The head maid nodded as she held out her hand. I swallowed nervously as I took it. Then, in an instant, we found ourselves standing right in front of the main door to the dining room. Ugh. I could never get used to this method of travel. Immediately, I let go of her hand and leaned myself against a wall. I paused to reorient my senses.

"The others are already here," she said. At those words, Sakuya vanished.

After a couple of minutes, I pushed the doors open. Just as the chief maid said, everyone was already here. Remilia sat at the head of the table, sipping her drink. Sakuya stood silently behind her. Patchouli sat at the right side surrounded by a small hill of books. Koakuma stood by the magician nervously. Flandre sat at the left side, the strangest smile upon her face. Behind her stood one of the senior fairy maids. Well, 'stood' probably wasn't accurate, as her assigned server was practically cowering in fright.

No one said a word as I walked up to my usual seat. Flandre said that she was coming, but I didn't expect Patchouli and her familiar to be here as well. It was very unusual that everyone was here at the same time. Well, everyone except for the gateguard, anyway..

Where was my seat again?
[ ] It was right beside Flandre, on the left.
[ ] It was right beside Patchouli, on the right.
[ ] It was across Remilia, on the other end of the table.

[x] Flandre
[x] I trust her completely.

"Flandre? May I come in? It's me."

I knocked a few times before pushing the door open. The little sister was on her bed, lying on her stomach. She held a thick book in her hands under a nearby reading lamp. It looked like something she picked out only recently. As I closed the door shut behind me, her wings flapped a bit. The sound of her gems echoed in the room. But she didn't turn around. Instead, she just flipped to the next page.

"Umm, Flan?"

"Give me two and a half minutes," she said.

She didn't even glance at me as she spoke. Well, at least she acknowledged my presence. I approached her and took a seat at the side of her bed. From here, I couldn't see exactly what she was reading, but I could tell from her eyes that she was taking it very seriously. Did she pick up a new book from the Voile library? Hmm. In any case, that wasn't my concern right now. I waited patiently until she finally put down her book. Then, I glanced at my watch. Indeed, exactly two minutes and thirty seconds had passed.

"Sorry about that," she said, turning to me. "This one is a good read. Maybe I'll lend to you after I'm done, ehehe~"

"Is that so? Well, I look forward to it."

Flandre stared at me quietly for a while. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes didn't match it. Seemed like she was carefully examining my face. Did she notice my unease? I cleared my throat nervously. It wasn't like I was going to hide anything from her, but at times like these, I felt like she was reading me like an open book. Yes, I was sure that she had seen something. And she got straight to the point when she finally spoke.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Your movements are off-beat. Stomach trouble?"

I sighed heavily as I formed the words in my head.

"Well, how do I explain this..."

I told her everything I could recall from when I discovered Cirno in the kitchen up to the time I finally returned to my room this afternoon. Flandre remained quiet for the most part, only asking questions about certain details. She asked things like, 'What time was it when you got to the kitchen?', 'Did you meet anyone besides Sakuya on the way to the library?', and 'When did you put your room key in your pocket?'. Those were the normal questions, anyway. She also asked a few really strange ones, like 'Was her dress damp when you first found her?', 'Did you take the knives from the top going down, or the other way around?', and 'Was the door handle warm to the touch when you got back?'. Of course, I had no idea how to answer those. And by the time I finally finished, I realized that it took almost half an hour describing the case to her.

"I see," she said. "A very strange taste for this season, isn't it?"

"Hey, Flan?"

There was something else that bothered me. I took a moment to clear my throat before I spoke.

"This whole time I've been talking," said I. "Not once did you blame me for acting stupid or perverted. You didn't ask if I might be imagining things or taking strange substances. And neither did you question if I had any evidence, or if I was even telling the truth. Why is that?"

She looked up at me, surprised.

"Are you stupid or something," Flandre said. "Isn't it obvious?"


"I trust you. Why would I need proof? Isn't it normal to believe in your friends?"

She said it all without any hesitation. I wasn't sure how to react to this. But for some reason, I felt something tighten in my chest. Then, she nodded to herself and stood up from the bed.

"This seems interesting, so I'll help," said Flandre. "The next move must be made quickly. This is enough talk for now. You should head back upstairs."

"Eh? Why?"

The little sister turned around and gave me a sly smile.

"'I've already decided," she said. "I'll be joining you at the dinner table tonight."

[ ] "This is a bad idea, Flan."
[ ] "I understand. Be careful, though."
[ ] "A dangerous move. Let's go together."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

[x] Calm down and think.

"Relax," I told myself. "No sense in acting rashly. The moment I do that, this game is already lost."

I sat myself down on the bed, my arms folded. When I came in the room, it was locked from the inside. There was no sign of forced entry. The windows were just as I left them, too. Hmm. But that doesn't necessarily mean that there wasn't any other way to get inside. Nor did that prove that there was absolutely no way to manipulate the room from the outside.

The missing knives were troublesome. It was possible that someone from the kitchen noticed that they had gone missing, but only Cirno and I were in the room when I put them in the drawer. Those were the only things here that could have been used as a weapon. And not very useful ones, at that. They were ordinary kitchen utensils, without any enchantments to harm magical beings. Why would anyone take the trouble of removing them?

And of course, there was the case of the missing fairy. I left her in the closet because I was confident that her powers were being contained somehow. She couldn't fly or use magic at all. And even if she somehow escaped, it didn't explain the things that were left behind. The neck ribbon could have easily been forgotten, but the icicle shard? Was Cirno attacked? Or maybe she struggled violently enough to injure herself?

Still, I couldn't leave it at this. I had a feeling that Cirno knew something important. The way she was talking this morning was certainly foolish, but I doubt if she was that imaginative on her own. It would take a certain level of intelligence to come up with a story out of nowhere, after all. There must have been some truth in the things she said. A clue, perhaps? Why had she come to the mansion in the first place?

"Ugh, what's with this situation?" I said aloud. "It's like something out of a novel."

There weren't enough clues to come up with a conclusion at this point. I wasn't even sure if Cirno was still in the mansion. If I was going to investigate this case further, I would need some help. After some thought, I decided that I had better talk to those who are most familiar with this place and the areas around it. But who should I visit?

Remilia was the first person to come to mind. She was the Mistress of the mansion, after all. Hardly anything occured in the mansion that she didn't notice. Or perhaps Sakuya? The head maid had the most mobility out of everyone. She may have noticed something odd this morning. The main problem was that neither of them were back yet. They both left for the Hakurei shrine immediately after I headed to the library.

Or did they?

If she wasn't napping, Meiling would be the best witness. She was the mansion gate guard, and she managed the security around the gardens and grounds. I could probably ask her when she saw them leave. And besides that, she was very familiar with the surrounding area (due to her occasional 'breaks'). Maybe she could tell me more about Cirno and her relationship with the mansion. She must have met up with the ice fairy at some point. Perhaps she even knew the ice fairy's friends.

Then there was Patchouli. When it came to the magical enchantments on the mansion, no one knew more than her. She explained to me before that several layers of magical defense have been layed out. This system protected its walls and structure against direct damage and most types of magic. And that included the keys and locks. She mentioned before that the key I had was one of the few copies that could unlock my room. The only other way to get in would be to destroy the door.

That would have been Flandre's style, at least. Her 'games' were often painful and violent. But violent or not, the little sister had a natural talent when it came to games. She was swift to understand a set of rules and concepts, and after a few rounds, she would quickly form the most effective strategies and plans. Lately, she was interested in puzzle games and mystery novels. Her insight on this case may prove invaluable. The destructive power that came with it was just icing on the cake.

"Yes," I mumbled. "I better find some help."

But, who should I see first?
[ ] Meiling
[ ] Flandre
[ ] Patchouli

And do I trust her?
[ ] I trust her completely.
[ ] I trust her enough.
[ ] I don't trust her.

Friday, May 21, 2010

[x] Head back to my room.


Why was my room door was locked? Ah right. I locked this door earlier to make sure that Sakuya wouldn't find out about Cirno. That was the name of the ice fairy who I found tied up in the kitchen this morning. She was the ice fairy who I started interrogating before Sakuya interrupted. And she was the ice fairy who I left bound and gagged in my closet this morning. Wait, what? Since this morning? My eyes widened in horror as I realized what I had done. I quickly checked my watch. It had been over eight hours since I left my room.

"Damn it!"

I cursed as I searched my pockets for the room key. Ah, here it was. Whew! If I lost this copy, I would have to ask Remilia or Sakuya to open my room. I was sure their master keys could open it. But then again, neither of them were back yet. As I turned the handle, I wondered idly if it was possible to open the doors of the mansion without using any keys.

After closing the door behind me, I scanned the room. The curtains were still shut. The bed and furniture were at their proper places. And there was no sign that anyone entered. I sighed in relief. This room seemed safely shut from the inside.

"Now to deal with Cirno," I mumbled.

Hmm. Before that, I had better have a weapon handy. From past experience, the cutest ones were usually the most dangerous. The two kitchen knives I brought earlier should do for now. I quickly opened the drawer beside my bed. Eh? Did I make a mistake? I checked the other nearby drawers, but it was the same. The knives were missing. I swallowed nervously. Well, that shouldn't be too bad. As long as Cirno didn't escape from the ropes, I should be alright. In any case, I had better check on her right now.


When I opened the closet, Cirno wasn't inside. The ropes were missing as well. If it was completely empty, then at least I could assume that she managed to break free on her own. But that wasn't the case. There were a couple of things left behind. The first was her neck ribbon. It was the same one I dropped in her lap as I stuffed her in the closet. The second was an oddly shaped icicle shard. I broke into a cold sweat when I realized it.

It looked like it was broken off the ice fairy's wings.

[ ] Head to the library.
[ ] Head to the kitchen.
[ ] Head to the gardens.
[ ] Head to the basement.
[ ] Head to the second floor.
[ ] Calm down and think.
[x] "Sure, I'll join you two for tea."

"Me?" said Flandre. "Well, give me a minute to think.. ehehe~"

The little sister took a moment to wipe off her mouth with a napkin. Behind her smiling face were eyes that glimmered of cold intelligence. It scared me a bit. But I did my best not to show any reaction. I instinctually felt that it was the kind of fear that could get me killed, should I show it out in the open.

"There is no doubt about it," she said. "Big sis Remilia would have to be the first to die."

"Eh? Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Explain." said Patchouli.

Flandre smiled as she took a biscuit and held it between her fingers. Then, snap! In one swift movement, she broke it in half. Then, she held the pieces up for me and Patchouli to see.

"First, you must attack the piece that holds everything together. The domino effect takes care of the rest. In this way, there is zero chance for the opponent to counterattack. Even when it is their turn, it is already too late. From the very beginning, you are guaranteed an absolute victory."

"Interesting point," I replied. "But won't that very first move be the most critical? What if you make a mistake?"

She shook her head and grinned at me.

"If it was me, then there would be no mistakes, ehehe~"

Her confidence was a bit unnerving. Did she already think up the actual moves in her head? It scared me that she was taking this discussion so seriously. Might be best not to let her mind dwell on the subject any longer. I quickly turned to Patchouli.

"How about you?" I asked. "How would you do it?"

The magician paused for only a moment. Her voice was exceptionally calm.

"I would kill Sakuya first," she said.

"Eh? But why the head maid?" said Flandre. "Wouldn't that give the opponent a chance to retaliate?"


Patchouli said nothing. Instead, she took a biscuit and started dipping it into her tea. She did this several times until it started to grow soggy. Then she held it up over her plate. After a moment, the damp part fell off on its own. The magician looked up at Flandre and I.

"Fear... suspicion... and despair."

She took a sip from her cup before continuing.

"Attack the one who holds trust. Then wait. Watch patiently as the opponent wears himself down. Give him the illusion of hope, then break it apart repeatedly in front of him. Continue the cycle until he is broken. Blaming the world. Blaming his friends. Blaming himself. Until he gives in to despair and forfeits the game on his own accord."

Silence passed. Even Flandre was a bit lost for words. I cleared my throat before asking her the question in my mind.

"But that means you intentionally gave the opponent a chance to fight back?"

Patchouli turned to me and gave the smallest smile. At that moment, a cold chill ran down my spine. I found myself more afraid of the process, rather than the end result. It was a very different kind of cruelty from Flandre. And unlike the little sister's scenario, my fear only grew more as time passed.

"That's pretty cruel," said Flandre. "Looks like I still have a lot to learn, ehehe~"

The magician shook her head and raised her cup to me.

"Your scenario was the worst," she whispered. "I didn't think that humans could dream of such things."

"Eh? W-what are you taking about?"

Flandre folded her arms and nodded in agreement.

"I agree! Just imagining your scenario made my wings shake! I found myself asking which one between us could be a greater monster, ehehe~"

That wasn't exactly a compliment. In fact, it made me feel a bit hurt inside. The scenario wasn't that bad. I just shared with them the best that I could come up with. Besides, it was Patchouli who brought up the idea of a murder mystery in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. And it was Flandre who made it into our tea time game. Why were they suddenly looking at me like that? I wasn't some sort of criminal mastermind.

Was I?

"In any case," I said. "Thanks a lot for the tea. I think I need to excuse myself for a moment."

[ ] Head back to my room.
[ ] Stroll around the gardens.
[ ] Wander around the hallways.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

[x] "Shall we help Marisa return Patchouli's books?"

"So Patchy," said Flandre. "Where do want these? Ehehehe~"

The magician in pink and purple just stared at us without saying anything. But I could tell that she was surprised. Her eyes widened slightly when we arrived, and she had her mouth agape for a couple of seconds. Add the fact that she kept walking forward and was now about to -


I chuckled a bit. Yep. Patchouli had just walked right into the bookshelf. She fell on her behind, dropping the book she was carrying. This clumsy side of her was rarely seen, and I found it quite cute. Very cute, actually. After taking a mental snapshot of her confused state, I walked closer to help her up.

"Sorry about that," I said. "Didn't mean to shock you."

"It's fine," she replied, taking my hand. "I'm.. alright."

Patchouli glanced back at Flandre. The little sister smiled brightly as she put down her oversized loot sack. She slowly opened it to show its contents. The magician's eyes widened even more, and I could feel her tighten her grip on my hand.

"Is that," she started. "Where did you? Are those... really?"

"I thought that we'd help Marisa return these," I explained.

A long silence passed. Even longer than was usual for Patchouli. She lowered her head, so I couldn't see the expression on her face. For a couple of minutes, she seemed unable to react or say anything. And when she finally spoke, it was but a whisper.

"Thank you," she managed.

Without hesitation, Flandre flew up and gave her a big hug. To my surprise, the magician returned in kind almost immediately. I knew that these two were close, but I never expected her to do this. Perhaps they did not need words to understand each other. It was a touching sight, to say the least. She turned to me after they parted.

"To you as well," she said. "Thank you."

"No problem. But I should mention that most of the credit should go to Flan here. Why don't you give her a treat? Besides, it is thanks enough for me that I'm still holding your soft hand right now."

"E-eh? Ah, forgive me!"

Patchouli quickly let go of my hand. She turned away from me. I couldn't really guess what she had in mind, but she seemed a bit agitated. Her cheeks were a bit flush, too. Was she annoyed? I laughed uneasily to hide my disappointment.



The magician cleared her throat and regained her composure. When she spoke, she was back to her normal self again.

"Would you two like to join me for tea this afternoon?"

Flandre was all smiles again. Her wings jingled excitedly.

"I'm coming! Will we have cake? I want some cake, ehehe~"

Patchouli nodded at the little sister before turning to me. She didn't say anything, waiting patiently for my response. I paused for a moment to think. Her offer was tempting, but I really felt like I forgot to do something. But what was it?
[ ] "Sure, I'll join you two for tea."
[ ] "I think I'll go visit the others first."
[ ] "I'm sorry, but I'm feeling a bit tired."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

[x] "Why don't we pass by Marisa's place?"

"Marisa!" cried Flandre excitedly. "We've come to play!"

"Watch out! You almost slammed me into a tree back there!"

"Eh? But I wanna see Marisa right away!"

"I need to get down," I said. "P-please.. j-just let me down, for now."

I sighed in relief as my feet felt solid ground. My knees were still shaking. That Flandre just took off like a comet the moment I mentioned Marisa. And while it wasn't any trouble for her, travelling at that speed through a heavily forested area was just all sorts of dangerous for someone like me. Sure, she could smash up trees with a snap of her fingers. But in my case, I would be the one smashed up. I was just an ordinary human, after all.

"Are you alright?" said Flandre.

"I'm fine. I just need a few minutes to recover. Why don't you go ahead? I'll catch up to you soon."

Flandre landed beside me. Her wings drooped a bit, and she looked worried.

"Are you sure? I can fly more slowly, if you like.."

"No need," I said. "Marisa's place isn't far from here. It's still daytime, so I can find my way there without trouble."

Besides, I didn't want to be anywhere nearby when she started 'playing' with Marisa. Stray danmaku hurt a lot. It hurt a damn lot, if I had to say so myself. While her excited smiling face was wonderful, I think I had better prioritize my health this time. I gave her a thumbs-up and a smile.

"Well, if you say so.."

She turned and took flight hesitantly.

"Don't break out here, alright," she whispered.

As I watched Flandre leave, something tugged at my chest. Ugh, what was this feeling? Was I starting to -


The moment she was out of sight, I unceremoniously threw up on the ground. It took several minutes to recover. Ugh, that was horrible. We shouldn't fly so quickly right after a meal. Well, I shouldn't, at least. That trip through the Forest of Magic felt like some sped-up rollercoaster ride. And as expected, I had just lost my lunch. I apologized silently for wasting Sanae's home cooking. Damn it. I was just glad that no one was here to see this.


About half an hour later, I managed to find my way to Marisa's cottage. There was no sign of danmaku flying anywhere. That was strange. As I approached, I noticed that the front door was open. I glanced at it and frowned. The lock had been broken open. I stepped inside to see the mess that was Marisa's home. I could hear Flandre's wings jingle from upstairs.

"Hey Flan," I called out. "Was this place locked when you got here."

"Yep! I broke the lock because it was in the way, ehehe~"

"I see."

Now this was new. This time, it was us who was breaking into the black-white's home. I took a look around. Various strange things were scattered all over the floor and shelves. More 'borrowed treasures', no doubt. A lot of the mess looked like junk to me, but I did recognize a few things. There were a several items from the Outside, like a TV and a computer (probably from Kourindou). Some looked like souvenirs from the Netherworld and beyond. I even saw several books that definitely belonged to the Voile library. If Patchouli was here to see how her books were treated, she might have just fainted on the spot.

After checking the first floor, I headed back to living room. Flandre was already sitting on one of the chairs. I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Marisa isn't here," she said.

"Sorry about that," I replied. "I just thought that we might find her here today. Looks like she had other plans after all."

The little sister sighed. Well, I guess that there wasn't anything else we could do. I had no idea where Marisa would be on a day like this. In fact, that black-white would pop up all over the place, especially where she wasn't wanted. Perhaps it was fate that she wouldn't be home when someone wanted to find her.

But before we left, something else came to mind. What was it, again?
[ ] "Shall we head back? Marisa isn't home."
[ ] "Shall we help Marisa return Patchouli's books?"
[ ] "Shall we help Marisa return Patchouli's books? With interest, of course."
[x] "I'm sorry, but we will visit again."

I shook my head and gave her an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, but we will visit again."

Suwako put her hand on my shoulder. Strange as it was, I somehow felt reassured by her gentle touch. This girl did not seem at all like a stranger to me. Her voice was soft when she spoke, with just a hint of sadness.

"Forget that I asked," she said. "It is enough of a blessing for our fates to cross this time."

We returned to the dining room, where several places had already been set. From the chess board in the corner, I could see that Flandre managed to win the match. I wasn't really surprised. This was the expected outcome whenever she got focused and serious about something. It scared me a bit, actually. It was only during those moments that I remembered that this girl had been alive for the longest time. And for the most part, she had been alone.

A few minutes passed before Sanae and Flandre came in with lunch. We all ate together at the shrine, chatting happily about this and that. Apparently, the Moriya folk were at good terms with the tengu and kappa of Youkai Mountain. We wouldn't need to worry about being attacked, now that we were identified as guests. However, Sanae did warn us to stay away from a certain camera-wielding tengu. It was best that our visits remained private.

Soon, it was time for us to leave.

"Thanks for the meal," I said. "Your cooking is quite exquisite, Sanae."

"It's nothing special," she replied. "But I'm glad you liked it. When you visit again, maybe I can cook something special."

"Why don't you just say that you'd love to cook his meals for the rest of his life? Oho~"

"W-w-what are you saying, Lady Suwako? It really isn't like that!"

I felt someone tug on my shirt. Flandre's eyes were glittering with excitement.

"Let's take her home!" she cried. "Then she can cook for us everyday, ehehehe~"

"Don't say things that could be misunderstood!" I muttered. "Besides, I'm sure that Sanae wouldn't like that. We would be disturbing her work here in the shrine. Isn't that right?"

"W-well, if it was just a little bit, then..."


Sanae put her hands to her mouth, the cutest embarrassed expression upon her face. This time, I felt myself blush for real. Did she act like this on purpose? It was so naturally charming, that I couldn't help but feel a little ache inside. Thankfully, Suwako interrupted us before it got more awkward.

"Enjoying yourself, aren't you?" she said. "But we can't really give you our Sanae just yet. You'll have to prove your sincerity on taking that route. And even that might not be enough. Perhaps we can discuss those details over tea some other day."

"Aww.. so we can't take her home?"

"Sorry Flan," she said. "But the next time you visit, I'll make sure that you get an extra special sweet bun from me."

Flandre brightened up immediately. Suwako took her time straightening up Flandre's new hat, but I knew that she was just delaying us a bit longer. I couldn't blame her, though. She had really taken a liking to the younger Scarlet. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I might have mistaken them for sisters right now (since they had matching hats).

After saying our goodbyes, we started our journey down the mountain. Flan and I had a great time at the Moriya shrine. Everything went almost too well. And the day wasn't even over yet. I glanced at my watch. There was still enough time to visit one more place.
[ ] "Shall we visit the Human Village?"
[ ] "Why don't we pass by Marisa's place?"
[ ] "I guess it won't hurt to head back a bit early."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[x] "Let's stay here a little longer."

I watched their game with interest. Sanae had pulled out several new moves, seemingly pushing Flandre into a corner. And now, the shrine maiden was smiling with confidence. She held a great advantage. This was a very difficult position for Flandre.

"So little sister," said Sanae. "What is your next move?"

Flandre didn't say a word. Her eyes were serious and focused. Unlike their earlier duel, she knew that any wrong move could be her last. This wasn't a fight that could be solved with power alone. She carefully examined every corner of the field, searching for an opening. Then, it came. Something shone in her eyes. Suddenly, she put her hand forward and made her next move.

"Knight takes Bishop," she whispered.

"Is that it? Then I'll just.. huh?"

Sanae froze in place. She had just realized that her King had been put into check. From that startled expression, I could tell that she didn't expect this move. Flandre just smiled darkly.

"Your move," she said.

"E-eh?" said Sanae. "Ah! W-wait a sec! Give me some time to think.."

And just like that, the tables were turned. Now, it was Sanae who was being pushed into a corner. I chuckled a bit at her reaction. The shrine maiden probably didn't expect the little sister's skills to extend to games like these. This was a side of Flandre that she rarely showed. It was during times like these that I was reminded of this girl's true age.

"Interesting game, isn't it? Looks like Sanae might lose again, though."

Despite her words, Suwako was smiling. I couldn't blame her. Sanae's confused and panicky expression was quite cute. 'How is it?' mouthed Suwako. I paused for a moment. 'I'd say 3 stars,' I replied silently.

"A fair assessment," said Suwako. "You have exceptionally good eyes, for a human."

"Not really. I suspect that we have similar tastes."

"Is that so," she said.

The goddess stood up and offered me her hand.

"Why don't you and I take a quick walk around the shrine?" she said.

With that, we left Flandre and Sanae to their chess duel. Neither of them seemed to notice us leave. Well, the game was far from over. It would take a bit more time before the victor was determined. I closed the door behind us and started walking beside Suwako. A cool, refreshing breeze blew as we walked along the grounds.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?" said Suwako. "These mountains. When we first arrived, I was a bit annoyed that I wasn't consulted about it. But after a while, I realized that I couldn't have chosen a better place for the shrine."

"Yes," I replied. "This is a great place."


The goddess paused for a moment, staring at the clear blue sky.

"I will miss these peaceful days," she said.

"Eh? Are you moving the shrine again?"

"I can already feel it in the earth. This place will become a battlefield soon. The great darkness has already begun to seep in through the cracks. It is only a matter of time now."

I wasn't sure how to react, so I said nothing. After a moment, she just gave me a small smile.

"I'm actually a bit envious of the Scarlet family. If we had someone with your ability, then perhaps..."

"Ability? What are you talking about?"

She turned away and started walking again. I couldn't see her face when she spoke.

"If you don't know, then perhaps you don't yet need to know."

"I see."

We didn't speak again until we approached the dining room. Before she slid open the door, she turned around and said something strange.

"How would you two like to join the Moriya family?"

I shook my head immediately.
[ ] "I'm sorry, but we can't do that."
[ ] "I'm sorry, but we will visit again."
[ ] "I'm sorry, but thanks for the offer."

Monday, May 17, 2010

[x] "Because you wear a crazier hat."

"Mmm!" cried Flandre. "This chestnut youkan is great! Can I have some more, Miss Mo..Mori.."

"You can call me Suwako. Go ahead and have as much as you like! It's your reward for defeating our Sanae. Looks like she still has a long way to go before she can take on Reimu and the others."

"I can't believe that I actually ran out of spell cards.. huu.. (sniff)..."

"Don't take it too hard," I said. "I was quite impressed at your performance. We hardly meet anyone who could keep up with Flan. You did great, Sanae."

Not to mention that she managed to walk away unhurt. Parts of her dress had burns here and there, but no permanent damage. It takes an extraordinary amount of skill to survive a danmaku duel with Flandre all the way till the end. That alone showed us that this blue-white was no mere copycat. She was the real thing. A true Youkai hunter, indeed.

"B-but I still lost.. And now, all my special chestnut youkan is.. uuu.. (sniff).. huu..."

Sanae stared tearfully at Flandre, who had all but finished the sweet treat. Was that what she was sad about? I chuckled a bit to myself. This shrine maiden was full of surprises, and she did have a certain innocent charm about her. Hmm? I wondered for a moment. Was that really it? I suspected something of this girl, so I decided to try an experiment.

"Here," I said. "You can have my share, if you like."

"E-eh? But you're a guest! I-I can't possibly.."

"Go ahead. I really meant it when I said that you did great out there. Think of this as my congratulations to you."

Sanae glanced at Suwako, who gave her a small nod. Then, she accepted the youkan. She didn't look me in the eye, and her cheeks were a bit pink.

"T-then don't mind if I do," she whispered.

The green-haired shrine maiden took a piece to her mouth. She chewed a few times. And then, there it was - a radiant smile of pure bliss! It was just as I had suspected! This girl's smiling face was at a level that rivalled even Flandre. It was incredible. My heart ached in my chest as I watched her eat.


That laugh.. I glanced at Suwako. At that moment, I knew that we were at the same wavelength. She gave me a look that said, 'Our Sanae is impressive, isn't she~". I gave her a serious look and nodded. 'Not bad at all. A truly dangerous level of moe,' I replied silently. She gave me a wink to say that she understood. I gave her a quick thumbs-up.

"Ah!" said Flandre. "That was the best!"

"Did you enjoy it? The next time you come visit us, I'll have Sanae prepare sweet buns if you like."


Flandre looked up at Suwako with eyes of pure excitement. She had a wide smile on her face, and her wings flapped excitedly. The sound of her gems were like chimes, enhancing the effect even further. This girl could have been mistaken for an angel, just then.

"Of course!," said Suwako. "You're welcome to visit us any time!"

The goddess glanced at me. 'Flan is on a tier of her own," I said to her silently. She smiled back, impressed. 'Gensokyo really is full of wonderful treasures,' she replied. Yep. Suwako and I really were at the same wavelength. I watched as Suwako started patting Flandre's shoulder.

This morning scene was really pleasant. Here we were, enjoying sweets together at the Moriya shrine. Flandre and I successfully introduced ourselves to the Moriya. And we made two new friends, as well. I made sure to engrave this all to memory. This almost felt too lucky. Who knew when we would have another chance like this?

"Hey! You're sun hat got damaged," said Suwako. "Are you sure that you're going to be alright out there?"

"It's fine," replied Flandre. "I don't burn that easily. I'll just fly under the trees on the way back."

"That's no good! Wait right here!"

The little goddess left the room for a few minutes. When she had returned, she had something odd in her hands. Before any of us could say anything, she promptly put it on Flandre's head.

"There," she said with a smile. "This special Suwa hat should do the trick! Now you won't have to worry about the sun."

Sanae and I stared in surprise. Suwako had just given Flandre a hat of the same design, complete with frog eyes on top. And it looked unexpectedly good on Flan, too. After a few moments, the little sister's wings started flapping on their own again. Flandre looked incredibly happy (and cute). I was almost afraid that she would start firing off danmaku in her excitement.

"Thank you so much!" she cried. "Ehehehe~"

Looked like Suwako was starting to develop a soft spot for Flan. Not that I could blame her.
[ ] "Let's stay her a little longer."
[ ] "Let's go visit the Human Village."
[ ] "Let's pay Marisa a surprise visit."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

[x] "Play nicely with the girl. Make sure that she doesn't die."

"Let's lower me down first," I said.

Flandre flew down to the ground and gave me a moment to land safely. Flying around with her wasn't uncomfortable, but I'd rather be a good distance away before the fireworks started. I learned a while back that while a proper danmaku duel wasn't life-threatening, it was certainly quite painful. Especially with the younger vampire sister. And I knew that she was still holding back a lot back then.

"That's right!" cried the shrine maiden. "Just let that helpless man go and give yourself up!"

I glanced up at Sanae and sighed. This girl had no idea of what was coming. I almost felt sorry for her. Perhaps I should try to talk to her peacefully? Maybe if I just explained that we came for a friendly visit..

"If you beg for forgiveness, I'll think about exterminating you in a quick and humane manner. Feel honored that you have a chance to feel Moriya Shrine's mercy!"

Or not. I didn't like the way she used the word 'exterminate'. It reminded me too much of Reimu. Seemed like this girl wanted to seriously slay Flandre. Well, if diplomacy didn't work, then we could always retreat. But that wouldn't be much fun for the younger sister. After all, we did leave the mansion to have some fun.

"Hey Flan," I said. "Come here for a second."

I took a moment to fix her sun hat a bit more tightly. It would be best if this didn't fall off when they started. Then, I gave her a big smile and a thumbs-up. Her eyes brightened up immediately.

"Play nicely with the girl. Make sure that she doesn't die."

Without warning, she gave me a tight hug around the waist. It was a good thing that she didn't crack my ribs this time. Upon her face was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. It was so honest and simply dazzling. I couldn't help but return her hug. At that moment, I told myself that I would do anything to protect this girl's happiness.

And with that, the sky was filled with bright lights and colors, not much different from a fireworks display. Even from down here, I could hear Flandre's laughter as she gradually increased the speed and power of her attacks. To my surprise, Sanae managed to hold her own against it. She even scored a few hits against the younger sister. Well, it wouldn't be too interesting if the shrine maiden lost right away.

I'm sure that Flan knew this already and she was trying to make the most of their 'play time'. She could always go full force at once, but that would break Sanae too early. I smiled as I watched their duel. She really was beginning to show a great deal of restraint. A few weeks ago, I would never have expected her to be capable of such a thing. With a little more time, I was sure that Flandre could soon become a proper lady of Gensokyo. In fact, I felt that she could become a lot more popular than her older sister (Don't tell Remilia! Or Sakuya, for that matter!).

"Still," I muttered out loud. "That Sanae Kochiya really is something. That shrine maiden costume isn't just for show. I wonder who would win between her and Reimu.."

"Sanae wouldn't stand a chance against the red-white. The girl still needs more training. She has a lot of potential, but sometimes it gets to her head."

"Yeah, I see what you mean. You can get that kind of impression just by watching her fight."

It wasn't just Flandre who was enjoying herself. Despite her words, Sanae had a great smile on her face. Perhaps she was also seeking a greater challenge? I could see that she was carefully pacing herself, patiently waiting for openings before attacking. And the power of her attacks wasn't anything to brush off, either.

"She's admirable, isn't she? I just love her face when she gets into a fight. It's so cute~"

"Well, I can't really deny that," said I. "She does have a certain special type of charm."

"And given the chance, she'll even go up against aliens and robots! That liveliness and energy is wonderful~"

"Err.. I guess that's another way of looking at it.."

I wasn't sure how to reply to that, so I just mumbled something as I watched the danmaku duel. Wait a minute. Just who was I talking to, right now? I glanced to my left, and sure enough, another person was watching the sky beside me. It was a short blond haired girl wearing a white and purple dress with frog designs on it. She wore an odd wide-brimmed hat with two frog eyes at the top. I realized immediately that this girl was far more dangerous than Sanae.

"Dangerous? Now why would you say that? I thought you said that you were just an ordinary human."


Looked like I said that last part out loud. I really should learn to kick that habit. The little blonde girl smiled cheerfully at me.

"So tell me," she said. "Why do you think I'm more dangerous than little Sanae?"

[ ] "Because you speak that way."
[ ] "Because you wear a crazier hat."
[ ] "Because you are cuter and more moe."

Saturday, May 15, 2010

[x] "I heard that there is a new shrine at Youkai Mountain."

"So this is Youkai Mountain..."

"Wow!" said Flandre. "This place is great! I've never seen something so big!"

As we flew up the greatest peak in Gensokyo, I had the oddest feeling that we were being watched. I glanced down at the trees and rocks below. We hadn't encountered anything unusual at all - just forests, rock formations, and the occasional waterfall. Don't get me wrong: the scenery was incredibly beautiful, and Flandre seemed to be enjoying herself. But I felt that if someone watched us flying right now, we would stand out right away. Neither of us belonged to this place. Outsiders and vampires were normally unable to come up the mountain due to the large number of dangerous youkai living here. Or at least, that was what I remember from what Keine mentioned during one of my last visits. This was very strange, indeed.

"Hey Flan," I said. "Are you sure that we're at the right place?"

"Of course! I don't see any taller mountain than this one, do you?"

"That's true. But so far, we've seen all mountain and no youkai. The place doesn't seem to live up to its namesake."

"Eh? What are you talking about? Are you playing stupid or something? Is it a new game?"

Flandre had a positively malicious smile on her face. I had a bad feeling about this.

"What do you mean?" I said slowly.

"Ehehehe~" she said. "This place is full of new playmates! I could tell right away when we started going up from the base."

'Play,' she said. I shuddered at the word. The only beings she would consider 'playmates' were those who could keep up with her in a danmaku duel. And me, for some reason. That feeling earlier.. the inhabitants of the mountain must be observing us from the shadows. But why hadn't they attacked? Could they sense Flandre's incredible power? Are they planning to ambush us all at the same time?

"Hey! Why that silly face? Are you feeling worried? Don't worry! This hat is more than enough against the sunlight. I don't burn as easily as big sis~"

I shook my head and forced a smile for her. There was no reason for me to be worried about Flandre. She could pretty much crush anything in her path, if she wanted. I was worried that our little excursion might turn into a huge incident. If the tengu and kappa attacked, this place could turn into a battlefield. Hmm. No, that's wrong. If they attacked us right now, it would be a slaughter. She'd play with them like new toys until they were all completely broken and unable to move. No, it would be best if I somehow convinced her not to fight back. If she did, that shrine maiden would surely come to investigate and -

"Stop right there!" cried out a voice.

And speaking of shrine maidens, one just popped out in front of us. But it wasn't the infamous Reimu Hakurei. This one had a different color scheme (Player 2?). She had green hair and wore a blue and white outfit. Upon her head were hair accessories of snake and frog designs.

"So you are the ones who alerted the tengu scouts! Are you planning to attack the Moriya Shrine head on? What are you plotting?"

This girl was holding an odd instrument in her hands. It looked like a short wand with a paper seal attached to one end. She waved it around threateningly, as if it was a weapon.

"My name is Sanae Kochiya. And I've come to exterminate youkai invaders like you!"

"But I'm not a youkai," I said. "I'm just an ordinary human, you know."

"Ah! Then why are you flying hand-in-hand with that girl? Can't you feel how dangerous she is?"

"If I let go, I'll fall down and die. I can't fly around on my own."

The blue-white shrine maiden took a moment to consider the situation. She glanced back and forth between me and Flandre. Then, she nodded to herself, as if she understood.

"Now I get it," Sanae said. "This girl is holding you hostage! How dishonorable! Let him go, you fiend!"

I planted my free palm upon my head. Nope. She didn't get it at all!

"I don't want to," said Flandre. "This one belongs to me! I won't let anyone else play with him!"

And you! Stop saying things that could be misunderstood! I wasn't a toy! Hey!

"Those wings.. are you a Nue too?"

"What's a Nue? Is it sweet like chestnut youkan? I want some~"

"Huh? What's with this girl? And how did she know about our morning snacks?"

"We've come to visit, so give us some!"

"W-why should I? I was saving it for a great day like this, you know? Ah! It doesn't matter! You had better prepare yourself!"

Sanae pulled out a spellcard from her dress. I felt Flandre tighten her grip on my hand. I turned to her to see a strange expression on her face. It was as if she was asking me for permission...
[ ] "This girl is in our way. Play with her as much as you like!"
[ ] "Play nicely with the girl. Make sure that she doesn't die."
[ ] "Let's try to talk to her peacefully. I dislike violence."

Friday, May 14, 2010

[x] Have her sit on your lap.

This book was surprisingly interesting, and somehow I felt like I could relate to the alchemist's experience. After taking my seat, I started reading my book again. Or at least, I had planned to. Something was distracting me from the words and sentences that described the alchemist's inner struggle with himself. Something soft and light.


From the side of my eye, I could see Patchouli quietly observing us. She had the most peculiar expression on her face, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't. Well, I had an idea of what she meant. I turned back to the pages and tried focusing on the book innocently. Of course, this other girl wouldn't have that. She started poking at my face with her fingers.


"Please stop that, Flan." I managed. She looked up at me, rocking back and forth as she sat on my lap.

"Could you read that out loud," she said, pointing to the book in my hands.

"Forget it."

I immediately closed the book and put it down on the desk. There was no way I could continue reading this with Flandre around. I might as well do something else.

"Aww.. but I thought that you let me sit on your lap so you could read to me."

"Not really," I said. "I just wanted to keep you close by so I could keep an eye on you."

"Is that so?" she said. "Sounds like you're not being too honest. Are you embarrassed because Patchy's watching? How cute~"

Patchouli quickly turned back to her book. Her face was a bit pink, and her eyes were clearly not focused on the any of the printed words.

"But you know," said Flandre. "Acting cold doesn't make you any cooler. It just lowers your affection rating with those around you. That is, unless you're planning to play the part of that rare tsundere male lead."

I glared hard at Patchouli, who hid her face completely behind her book now. What kind of literature was she lending this girl? Didn't she understand that those kind of influences were dangerous? And in any case, I completely stuck to what I said earlier. I only asked her to sit on my lap to keep an eye on her. I definitely didn't do it because her her eyes were cute up close, or because her smooth golden hair was soft to the touch, or because her shapely bottom rubbed against my pants in this position.

"I.. don't know what you mean, Flan."

She just giggled a bit before standing up and walking over to Patchouli. Flandre whispered something into her ear. I couldn't catch her words, but the wizard of the week gasped and shook her head in denial.

"A-ah! But Flan! I can't just.."

"I'll leave it up to you," said Flandre. "I'm sure you can do it! Thanks a bunch, Patchy!"

Without waiting for an answer, she started walking back towards me. What did she just force Patchouli to do? Somehow, I felt like Flandre was starting to act as unreasonably as her older sister. Well, maybe not that bad. But I could never tell what exactly she was planning to do. I couldn't hope to keep up with this girl.

"Now then," she said to me. "Let's go!"

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"Outside, of course! Both big sis and Sakuya are out, so this is our chance!"

Flandre pulled out a large floppy sun hat and a small parasol. Then, she smiled cheerfully at me. Or at least, that was what I thought she did. In the next instant, I found both of my legs off the ground. She had taken flight immediately after grabbing my hand. My eyes widened in surprise. I had hardly enough time to synchronize.

"Ah, such a wonderful breeze," she said as we flew out of one of the larger windows.

"W-what the," I muttered. "Don't just grab me and take off like that! I can't fly on my own, you know?"

"Ehehehe~" said Flandre. "So, where shall we go first, I wonder~"

[ ] "Why don't we visit the Human Village?"
[ ] "Maybe we can take this chance to visit Marisa?"
[ ] "I heard that there is a new shrine at Youkai Mountain."
[ ] "Hmm... maybe this isn't such a good idea, Flan."

[x] Visit the library.

"Good to see you again," I said. "Are you feeling well today?"

The pink and purple wizard took a glance at me as she turned a page.


"That's good to hear. The last time we met, you were buried under fallen book shelves. That Marisa really went too far that time. I was really worried when you started coughing. Are you sure that rest was all that you needed?"

Her eyes remained on her book, but she gave me the tiniest of nods.

"Hmm," said I. "As expected of the one week wizard. You aren't the type to go down so easily. It would take much more than a danmaku duel to cause any permanent damage. Heh, you really are a lot tougher than you look, you know that?"

"Not really," she said.

An awkward silence passed. Well, this wasn't really anything new, and I didn't have much to talk about right now. Taking it as a signal to end the conversation, I decided to open the book in my hands. Its title caught my eyes earlier as I was walking through the library.

"How to Eat Demons"

It was an fictional account of an aging alchemist. To extend his lifespan, he formed contracts with a number of different demons. Each of them asked for payment in the form of a sacrifice. He would regularly murder orphans from the streets to satiate the demons and keep himself alive. Or at least, that was what I could gather from the parts I've read.

From the side of my eye, I noticed a different kind of demon. Koakuma put down a small tray of tea and sandwiches on the table. I gave her a quick nod before turning back to my book. The story was starting to get interesting. Apparently, the demons started coming to the alchemist in his dreams. They told him that his sacrifices were no longer sufficient, and he had to find more worthy beings if he is to remain immortal. This sparked a great anger within the alchemist, and secretly, he started planning against them.


I felt like someone was watching me. Very slowly, I glanced up from my book. Indeed, Patchouli was staring straight at me. Her face was completely neutral, if not a bit disinterested.

"The tea will get cold," she said. "And the sandwiches will get stale."

"Eh? Ah! S-sorry about that!"

I put the book down immediately and took a cup of tea. The sandwiches were a bit heavier than the usual fare, but I found them quite tasty all the same. It was only after I had finished two and a half sandwiches that Patchouli lowered her gaze back to her book. Koakuma giggled a bit from the side.

"These are great," I said. "Aren't you two going to have some?"

Koakuma shook her head politely and smiled. Patchouli didn't look up from her book as she spoke.

"You shouldn't skip breakfast," she said.

It was only then that I noticed it. There was only one cup on the tray when Koakuma brought it in, and it was already in my hands. They must have eaten earlier. I felt myself blush a little.

"Sorry for the trouble.."

After I finished eating, Koakuma wordlessly took away the tray. I felt a bit awkward, so I just opened the book again. And after a few paragraphs, I stopped. Not because I wanted to, but because someone had put their hands right over my eyes.

"Guess who~"

I recognized Flandre's voice immediately. But wasn't she supposed to be asleep?
[ ] Don't react. Stay cool.
[ ] Have her sit on your lap.
[ ] Hug her and be done with it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

[x] Sounds like Sakuya.

"May I come in?" asked Sakuya.

"Ah! I was just heading out," I said. "And the room is a bit of a mess right now."

I quickly locked and closed the door behind me. The room key was safely in my pocket, and I had my jacket hanging from my shoulders. I laughed uneasily as I waited for her respones. Did she notice anything wrong?

"That's typical," she said with a sigh. "Do find time to clean up after yourself once in a while."

"Yeah, sorry about that.."

If she found out that I was hiding a little girl in my closet, I might end up in the dungeon again. Or worse. I didn't exactly have a good explanation for Cirno, and if I told her the truth, it would sound like I'm some sort of criminal. Now that I think about it, I might have gone a bit too far earlier. But it wasn't like I was actually going to do anything unforgivable to the girl. I was just going to scare her a bit.. and...uh... yeah. Guess I was a bit lost in the moment back there.

If Sakuya found out, I'd be in deep trouble for sure. I started walking toward the staircase to the first floor. Might be best to keep her away from my room until I got things sorted out. As I hoped, she started following beside me.

"You missed breakfast again," she said. "Miss Remilia was asking about you."

"She was? Ah, I better apologize to her later. I was a bit.. distracted this morning."

"Miss Remilia is going to visit the shrine maiden for a meeting. She had hoped that you could accompany her today. Are you busy right now?"

"I have a couple of things that I need to do," I managed.

After all, I still wasn't sure what to do with that little girl tied up and gagged in my closet. I had to figure out why Cirno came to the mansion, and if it wasn't anything dangerous, I had better get rid of her. Besides that, I also felt like I had an important promise to keep today. I was pretty sure that I made a promise with someone. If only I could remember..

"I suppose that the timing was a bit unfortunate. I'll inform her that you have already made other plans for the day."

"Sorry for the trouble.."

"Don't worry about it," she said. "I'll take care of explaining this to Miss Remilia. You go ahead and do what you need to do. It's not like you are a prisoner here, or anything like that."

"Thanks a lot, Sakuya."

"Oh, and one last thing," she said. "Are you getting enough sleep? You look a bit tired lately."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard. Your health is important too."

"I guess that's true."

The chief maid turned to me with an unreadable expression.

"If you plan on visiting Flandre every early morning, then you should try sleeping earlier as well."

With those last words, she gave me a half-smile before vanishing. Hmm. Did I really visit Flandre that regularly for Sakuya to notice? For some reason, I couldn't really recall the details. Well, it probably wasn't anything too urgent. Right now, I had better kill some time until Remilia and Sakuya leave the mansion.
[ ] Visit the library.
[ ] Head to the front gate.
[ ] Wander around aimlessly.
[ ] Leave the mansion grounds.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

[x] Quickly take her back to your room.

I took a moment to catch my breath. It helped that this Cirno girl was quite light, but it was still quite a long trip from the kitchen to my room in the second floor. After dropping her on my bed, I quickly locked the door and shut the curtains.

"There," I said. "We won't be interrupted in here. Now where was I?"

Cirno shaked and shivered as she looked at me. Her eyes were still on the kitchen knives, which I had tucked on my belt earlier. She looked terrified.

"Uuu.. (hic).. uwaa..."

Oh right. Now that I thought about it, I had just carried a little girl bound in ropes all the way back to my room. It didn't help at all that the first thing I did was lock the door and close the curtains. And who could forget that I was carrying a couple of sharp and dangerous implements.

"Erm.." I muttered. I took a moment to think. The last thing I wanted was for this girl to start screaming. Hmm, maybe I should replace the gag? But then, that would really make me look like a suspicious person, wouldn't it? In any case, I should first try to calm her down. I cleared my throat and gave her a big smile.

"So Cirno," said I. "Why don't we start over? My name is..."

"Uwaa... (hic).. uuu! P-please don't eat me! C-Cirno doesn't taste good! And... and she doesn't wanna get murdered! Uuuu.. (hic)... uuu.."

It was worse than I thought. Hmm. I pulled out both knives and put them inside a nearby drawer. Then, I showed her my open, empty palms.

"I'm not going to eat you, alright?"

"W-why should I believe you?"

"Well... if I was going to eat you, then I'd have to chop you up and cook you first. Humans don't like raw food, you know. But since we aren't in the kitchen, I can't just cook you right now. I'm not allowed to cook in the bedrooms, you see. And if you aren't cooked, I can't eat you. We can therefore assume that I'm not going to eat you."

"Uuu.. (hic)..."

She looked up at me for several seconds. I did my best to keep a straight face. This couldn't possibly work, but I couldn't really think up any better idea. It looked like I'd have to gag her again soon and -

"R-right," she said. "T-that's right! You can't eat me even if you wanted to! I-I knew that! Did you really think that I'd be eaten by some stupid human? You can't eat me, cause I'm.. uh.."

"The strongest?" I suggested as I wiped the tears off her face.

"Exactly! And you can't beat the strongest!"

She had that proud, confident smile again. It was almost like she had forgotten that she was tied up. But in any case, this was a good chance for me.

"So Cirno," I said. "What did you mean earlier about a 'perfect crime'? I mean, I'm only asking you because you're the strongest.."

Her smile grew wider. She puffed up her chest as she spoke.

"Hmph! That was a simple task for me! Do you want to learn from Cirno's Perfect Murder Class? Fufufu~"

Was she serious? I can't see a girl this dim to be capable of setting up a murder plot, much less a perfect murder. I barely kept a straight face as I answered.

"Of course! I'd love to learn from Cirno-sensei!"

"Then listen carefully: there are nine things needed for a perfect murder!"

She cleared her throat and lowered her voice.

"The first is to have no entry point. Like a room that has all its windows and doors frozen shut from the inside! There isn't any obvious way that the culprit could use to get in or out! Extra points if you can convince them that the culprit isn't human!"

"Next is to have no murder weapon. Like using a knife made out of ice to stab someone, then letting it melt away before the body is discovered! Before looking for a suspect, they can't even figure out how he was killed."

"And the last is to have no victim. Like finding the body hanging from a rope by the neck without any chair or stool nearby. As long as you leave some water there, they'll think he jumped off an ice block that had melted! Closed case suicide!"

I scratched my head. What the hell was she talking about? Besides...

"Didn't you say there were nine things? You only mentioned three."

"Heh," said Cirno. "Of course you don't get it! You're just a stupid human, after all."

She stuck out her tongue at me. Oh wow. Cirno was really asking for it! I had half the mind to start stripping off her clothes until she told me what I needed to know. Hmm? That idea wasn't half bad, actually. I slowly approached her, a wide grin upon my face. Even without words, she somehow sensed the danger and started squirming backward.

"W-wait! You can't eat me, you know? S-so don't come too close! Ah! If you come in any closer, I-I'll..."

"Do what?" said I. "Freeze me? I certainly doubt it."

I put my hand on her neck ribbon and easily pulled it off. Her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't even struggle. Cirno just stared back at me, her eyes starting to tear up again.

"Do you feel like telling me the truth, now? Or perhaps you're actually enjoying this, I wonder.."

"Uuu.. (hic).. Uwaa..."

Then, I put my hand on top of her shoulders and slowly started pulling down the sides of her dress. For some reason, I was beginning to enjoy this. Maybe I should go a bit further and really teach this girl what 'punishment' meant...

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

And just like that, my fun was over. I quickly wrapped the gag around her mouth. Then, I looked around quickly. Who knows what they would do to me if they saw this? Ah, there! I lifted her up and stuffed her into my closet. Then, I dropped her ribbon in her lap.


I gave her a smile that was both toothy and menacing.

"Be quiet now," I said. "Hush now, little girl..."

I closed the closet quickly before calling out to the door.


That knock was familiar. It reminded me of someone...
[ ] Sounds like Sakuya.
[ ] Sounds like Koakuma.
[ ] Not quite sure.