Tuesday, June 8, 2010

[x] Have Meiling lead.

The gate guard took a moment to check her compass.

"This way!" she cried.

Flandre and I quickly flew after her. The three of us took the oddest route toward the clock tower. We paused at several corners, and we made a number of unexpected turns and detours. I raised an eyebrow at the little sister, but she didn't tell me anything. Instead, she just gave me the strangest smile.

"It's a secret~" said Flandre.

Earlier, Meiling said that she could lead us to the clock tower safely. I had no idea what she meant, but sure enough, we didn't encounter any other strange creatures. In fact, we didn't meet anything else on the way. Or anyone else, for that matter. The mansion almost seemed abandoned. I had a bad feeling about this.

Before I knew it, the three of us reached the rooftop. We fell silent at what we saw. Suddenly, I had the worst feeling. I paused to wipe the dust off my glasses. Maybe I was seeing things? Or at least, I hoped that I was. But when I put them on again, it was still there.

A large circle full of strange symbols was painted upon the main door of the clock tower. Were these magical glyphs? Spell runes, perhaps? I had no idea. But even then, I knew that this was a sign that something had gone terribly wrong. It looked as if the circle was painted using fresh blood.

"Looks like you were right," said Meiling.

"I really wish that I wasn't. But it looks like everything is falling into place according to the scenario."

Flandre sighed sadly.

"Meiling," she said. "Can I ask you to do something for me?"

The gate guard nodded.

"I'll handle it."

"Take care of yourself, Meiling."

The gate guard turned around and started heading back inside the mansion proper. And with that, their conversation was over. I blinked a few times, unsure of what just transpired. Did they just decide on something important? And if so, why didn't they tell me anything? I turned to argue with Flandre, but she was already standing in front of the clock tower entrance. She seemed to be shaking the door's handle with her hands.

"Hey, Flan!" I called. "Is it locked? Maybe we can go back downstairs and look for -"


"Err... nevermind."

Flandre opened the now 'de-locked' door with ease. I couldn't say that she unlocked it, as there was no longer any lock to be seen. In its place was a large, gaping hole. She turned around to face me, a somber expression on her face.

"Wait out here," she whispered.

She tried to hide it, but I saw that her hands were shaking.
[ ] "I refuse. It is dangerous to wait outside."
[ ] "I understand. But I'm going with you anyway."
[ ] "Are you kidding me? You can't go in there alone!"

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