Sunday, June 13, 2010

[x] Fruit Parfait

The guard travelled alone, taking no steed and no armor. The journey was difficult and lonely. But finally, he was at the end. With only his guardsman's blade in hand, he stood before the dragon's cavern.

"Come, dragon!" cried the guard. "I challenge you in the name of the princess!"

The ground rumbled and shook. A deep voice boomed from the darkness.

"Speak," it said. "Why do you challenge me?"

"To serve the kingdom," he cried. "This is an order from the royal family. An order that I cannot refuse."

"Is that so," spoke the voice. "Tell me then, why you cannot refuse this order?"

"The princess herself asked this of me," cried the guard. "She called me to her chamber to give these orders. And no matter what the cost, I will fulfill her final request!"

"Then why do you care for the royalty? They have chosen to sell your kingdom to the most powerful and wicked men of the land."

"I have no interest in wealth or politics," he cried. "But if it is for the princess, I shall risk everything! Even my own life!"

"And why would you risk so much for her?"

"Because she is my friend!" he cried. "And I love her!"

"I see..."

The ground shook violently as the dragon emerged from its cavern. Its gargantuan form towered over the guard, which was but an insect in comparison.

"If that is your answer, then you must prepare yourself."

Without another word, the dragon lowered its neck in front of the guard and closed its eyes.

"You are worthy," it said. "Take your prize, my friend."

The guard then raised his sword and swung it down with all his might.

And he was made king.

I closed the book and put it away. For some reason, this was one of the few items that were recovered from the mansion. Keine brought it here when she visited yesterday. She said that it was left completely untouched by the flames.


Flandre had already fallen asleep. No surprise. The sun was already starting to rise, after all. She was shivering a little bit, so I pulled up the sheets of her futon. Looked like she still wasn't used to the cold mountain air. I sighed sadly. Neither was I.

After making sure that she was comfortable, I stepped outside. Someone was waiting for me. But I already knew that. I pushed up my glasses before I spoke.

"Is it time?" I asked.

'That person' nodded solemnly.
[ ] Sanae
[ ] Kanako
[ ] Suwako

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