Sunday, June 20, 2010

[x] "Heaven's Punishment 「Star of David」"

Remilia stood up and stared carefully at the grounds. Now that he had safely returned, it was time to face the intruder. A foreign presence had been watching them from the beginning. And even now it remained in this place, violating her territory. The infamous 'Scarlet Devil ' would not stand for this.

"Now, be obedient," she declared. "If you surrender yourself, I'll kill you quickly and only once."

It was only for a moment, but a hooded figure moved behind one of the trees. Ah! So that was where it was hiding. The vampire pulled out a spell card from her dress. She smiled darkly as she prepared the spell. After all, she preferred crushing her opponents with her own power. Especially when they openly mocked her like this.

"Heaven's Punishment 「Star of David」!"

A huge array of red lasers shot out from her hands, slicing the well-kept garden into pieces within seconds. The beams of light bent and swerved, and wherever they intersected, a great explosion of energy was released. Soon, the grounds were in ruins. But she did not stop. The vampire laughed in excitement as she continued her barrage. A few of the lasers even shot out into the inverted ocean above, causing violent waves. The red sky moaned eerily, as if it was in pain. And when her spell card was finally over, everything around her was in complete ruins. Nothing was left standing.

"What a fool to enter the Devil's lair uninvited! But it seems like I went a bit overboard. There isn't even enough left to make hamburgers. How weak and pathetic! Kyahahahahahahaha!"

She didn't even have to use a second spell card. Perhaps she had overestimated her opponent. There was no one who could stand against her within this place, after all. Absolutely no one! She laughed loudly once more, in a less than elegant manner. It was only after she had calmed down that she noticed something wrong.


Remilia checked again. It was gone! She looked around her, but it was nowhere in sight. Her hat had gone missing. How? Did she lose it during the spell card trance? Impossible! But where could it be?

"W-w-what the... where did it.. ah!?"

As if on cue, a strange purple door appeared nearby. 'It was most certainly not there before,' she thought. Then, the handle turned and someone stepped out.

"What a rude greeting," said the stranger. "You could have damaged my robes back there."

Before Remilia stood a man wearing thick grey robes that reached his ankles. He held a long wooden walking stick in his hands, and his face remained hidden by a hood. She felt an unfamiliar power from this person, but immediately recognized him as a high level magician.

"You survived that attack?"

She raised the Gungnir toward the intruder threateningly.

"Perhaps I should use something more powerful this time..."

The man in grey shook his head and gave her a smile.

"No need for such violence. I did not come here to fight."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the ground before him began to turn green with fresh grass. Trees and bushes sprouted from the ground and flowers bloomed. Remilia watched in awe as the stranger completely restored the gardens within seconds.

"You can manipulate the material within my territory? T-that shouldn't be possible!"

"It isn't," replied the man. "What I just demonstrated was nothing short of a miracle."

She couldn't help but take a step back.

"Who are you? Why did you come to this place?"

"Don't worry. I don't intend to interfere. I am only here as an observer."

The stranger giggled at Remilia's unease.

"As for who I am," he said. "It wouldn't matter. You wouldn't recognize my true name even if I told you. It has not yet become relevant to this side of the board. For now, just think of me as a simple traveller in grey."

Without saying another word, the stranger walked up to the tea table and took a seat. With a snap of his fingers, he conjured himself a hot cup of tea.

"Hey wait!" cried Remilia. "W-what the hell are you doing? Don't just invite yourself to my party!"

He turned to the vampire and snapped his fingers once more. And out popped Remilia's hat, landing safely upon her head.

"You can call me Hansel."

[ ] A cheerful song
[ ] A peaceful song
[ ] A romantic song

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