Thursday, June 3, 2010

Someone was shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes. A familiar blonde haired fairy maid was standing over me.

"Please wake up. We should start moving."

"Ugh.. my head aches. What time is it?"

"3:15 PM," she said.

I slowly got up from the bed. This wasn't some dream sequence that I could just shake away. No matter how much I wish that it was.

Elena waited outside while I changed into a fresh set of clothes. I needed to wear something that I could easily move around with. Then, I took my best jacket. I might need those extra pockets. Who knew what we were up against?

Then, I stepped out of my room.

"Are you ready?" she said.

I gave her a quick nod. Elena took a few steps forward and started muttering a summoning spell. In the next instant, a vicious poleaxe materialized in her hands. It looked like something that could easily behead a horse. I was then reminded that this fairy maid was on a different level from the others. The special crest she bore on her uniform wasn't just for show.

"What do you need that for?" I asked.

"I was ordered to keep you safe."

She turned to me, bowing slightly.

"Where shall we go first, Master?"

I shook my head and sighed.

"Don't call me that. Just call me by my name, alright?"

"Yes, Master."

Now to decide the next move...
[ ] Visit the gardens. Meiling was the first witness.
[ ] Visit the basement. I should see if Flandre was awake.
[ ] Visit the Master's bedroom. Remilia must know something.

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