Friday, June 25, 2010

[x] Don't answer. Ask her a question, instead.

Patchouli told me before that it was rare for Outsiders to become residents of Gensokyo. Most of them died out in the wilderness soon after they arrived. And if they were lucky enough to meet a friendly resident, they were led back to where they came from. She said that I shouldn't mention my origin to strangers. There were some youkai and even a few humans that looked at Outsiders with suspicion and anger.

I looked at Mokou carefully. She didn't seem to have any evil intentions. In fact, I was getting the impression that she was probably a nice person deep inside. But despite that, I didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her my story. The last thing I wanted was to risk making her an enemy.

"It's a long, complicated story. I'd rather not discuss it."

"I see."

Mokou nodded to herself and started staring back into the fire. She didn't ask anything else. Several minutes passed quietly. I glanced outside and saw that the rain wasn't stopping. We might be forced to stay the night in here. I sighed to myself as I looked back at the fire.


It was only for a moment, but I thought I saw her staring at my face. But when I checked, she was already watching the fire again. I had a feeling that she wanted to say something.

"Why did you ask about me?" I said.

She glanced at me for a moment before facing the fire again.

"I thought I recognized your face," said Mokou. "But I guess I was mistaken. You clearly aren't one of the villagers."

Eh? What was that feeling just now? Deja vu?


I waited a bit, but she didn't say anything more. Mokou didn't seem to be the type to poke into others' business and that relieved me. Still, there was something about her that made me curious.

"Sorry to ask," I said. "But you mentioned the name 'Keine' earlier. Did you mean the village guardian, Keine Kamishirasawa?"

Mokou nodded slowly.

"She is an old friend of mine," said Mokou. "I pass by the village once in a while. We haven't seen each other lately, though. I've been keeping busy."


She looked at me carefully for a moment.

"The area has been growing more dangerous recently. Youkai attacks have been increasing, and several villagers have gone missing. You two were lucky that I was on patrol earlier."

"Sorry for troubling you."

Mokou turned back to the fire. She stared at it in deep thought. Then, when I had thought that the conversation was over, she spoke.

"Don't go anywhere near Eientei," she whispered. "Something strange is happening there. The lunarians are hiding the truth."


Then, she glanced at the outside of the cave.

"The rain doesn't look like it's going to stop," she said. "We should get some rest."

She didn't seem like a bad person. And she was right. I was tired and exhausted. But before I went to sleep, there was something I needed to tell her.

"Hey Mokou," I said.


"Nice pants."

"... idiot."

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt my troubles melt away. Sweet slumber indeed. And I had almost dropped off completely when I heard something moving. It sounded like it was coming from nearby.
[ ] Too tired. Just get back to sleep.
[ ] Investigate. Was that Mokou?
[ ] Investigate. Was that Meiling?
[ ] Investigate. What was that?

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