Friday, June 11, 2010

[x] Head back to the mansion.

When I got back, the Scarlet Devil Mansion was in complete ruins. Crushed stones and bricks were scattered all over the place. The main building was on fire and had begun to collapse under its own weight. It looked like the remains of a warzone. A reminder of a lost battle.


I ran up to the main gate, but I couldn't pass. It was blocked off with burning embers, and the flames were too hot to approach. I continued walking along the walls. Ah! There was a large crack on the west side. I carefully slipped through it to get within the grounds.

The gardens were not spared from the devastation. The carefully maintained hedges and flowering bushes were now torn apart and crushed by fallen chunks of wall. Trees that had once given shade were now broken and burning. The blaze greedily consumed everything in its path.

I continued onward, searching for survivors. Though even then, I knew of only one person who could have caused this destruction. And I hoped and prayed that she had somehow made it out alive. I called out the girl's name loudly, but no one answered. Despair began to fill my heart.

After circling the mansion ruins the second time, I sat down on the ground and paused to rest. My legs were aching, and my throat was dry and painful due to the smoke. I slowly closed my eyes. Perhaps it was better if I just died here. At least, I wouldn't be left alone.



That wasn't right. I opened my eyes, and sure enough, I saw it. Her silhoutte against the flames was unmistakable. She had survived? I couldn't believe my eyes! I quickly ran up to her, calling out her name. But she didn't turn around. It almost seemed as if she was busy watching the flames. A bit strange, but that didn't matter. She was alive! I put my hand on her shoulder.


She turned around and stared at me with blank eyes. Very slowly, she raised her arms and put her soft small fingers upon my neck. And without warning, her grip tightened with incredible strength. My eyes widened in surprise, but I couldn't scream. Struggling was futile as she lifted me up from the ground. I glanced at her and saw that she remained expressionless. Something was very wrong.

I was going to die right now, wasn't I?

Everything around me was starting to grow dark. I closed my eyes. This was the end, probably.

"I won't let you break him!"

A bright red flash. A loud explosion. Suddenly, the pressure on my neck was gone. I felt myself falling down to the ground. But it was strange. Did it really take that long to fall down? I slowly opened my eyes. A familiar face was looking at me from above.

"Moron! Dummy! Blockhead! I told you to escape to safety! You big idiot.. (hic).. you.. why... (sob)...can't even.. (hic).. stupid.. "

'Ah,' I thought, 'This was the Flandre that I knew'. But something wasn't right. I pulled out my handkerchief and gently wiped her face. Tears didn't fit a girl like her.

"Sorry," I said. "But I just had to come back for you."

"Come back for me? Oh wow. I've seen sweet buns with more common sense than you. But still, I don't understand it. This unreasonable feeling. I really don't get it..."

I slowly stood myself up and turned to her. Huh? She became quiet suddenly. Then, without any warning, she grabbed me in a tight embrace.

"I don't get it," she whispered. "But I feel so happy that you came back."

After a moment, I understood and returned the gesture. We stood together like that for what felt like eternity. But it must have only been a short while. Before I realized it, she pushed me away and stepped out in front of me. And I could see why. Three other figures stepped out of the burning mansion, and they had started approaching us. Each of them looked exactly like Flandre, with the exception of one thing. The other three had blank, empty expressions on their faces. I stepped back as I began to understand.

"I thought this might happen," said the Flandre I knew. "So I prepared a special trick for this kind of scenario."

The little sister muttered a few spell commands. In a moment, the Laevateinn materialized in her hands. Unfortunately, I didn't feel much better. The three other copies muttered the same spell commands, and just like her, they now held a copy of the weapon in their hands.

"That didn't seem to help much," I said.

"Don't worry. This one is the original. And besides, it isn't what you are thinking."

Flandre turned around and put the strangely shaped metal wand into my hands. It felt a bit warm to the touch. I looked up at her, confused.

"Hold on to that for me, will you?"

At those words, she turned around and opened her palm toward the other three. Their reaction was immediate. The three copies screamed in rage as they rushed toward her. But it was too late. The little sister smiled darkly as she grasped at something only she could see.


The three copies exploded violently in mid-air, leaving only ashes behind. As expected of the little sister! She had ended it almost too quickly. I sighed in relief.

"It's over then," I said.


Huh? I turned toward Flandre. She wasn't moving.



Still no answer. I had the worst feeling, so I immediately ran up to her. And sure enough, I barely caught her as she collapsed.

"Flan!" I cried. "Please tell me you're alright!"


I don't remember how long I waited. But it must have been a long time. The sun was starting to rise. I had almost given up hope when I suddenly felt her move. Very slowly, she opened her eyes.


She blinked a few times when I mentioned that name. Then, she cocked her head and gave me a curious look.


[ ] Fruit Parfait
[ ] Chocolate Cake
[ ] Vanilla Ice Cream

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