Saturday, June 19, 2010

[x] A crystal vial. Its price is "Restraint".

"Glad to see that you are taking it a bit more seriously this time."

"I really don't think I'll need it," I said. "But I guess that doing something different won't hurt."

"So what did you pick out?"

I showed Remilia what I had in my hand. It was a small crystal vial. Even if it was empty right now, I felt like this item may be of use. Its price was "Restraint", and that wasn't an easy thing to give up. There must be something special about it. And besides, purchasing a little insurance wasn't against the rules.

"Interesting choice. I wonder what you'll choose to put in it?"

"Eh? Isn't it against the rules to explain what this does?"

"Not if I only give hints," she said. "And here is one you should take to heart: don't break that vial unless you really must. It'll only crash once, after all."


"If you don't get it now, don't worry. You'll understand when the time comes. But for now, it's my turn to play seriously. Follow me."

The vampire led me to the other side of the armory. Wait a second, this place was familiar. I passed here several times before, hoping that something would be labelled. This was the firearms section of the Voile Armory. On display were a number of old guns and cannons. Most of them seemed to be in working condition. But when I checked, there wasn't anything I could take here.

"Umm.. Remilia?"

"Don't disturb me. I'm trying to decide."

She started walking around on her own, examining the different guns. I watched silently until she finally stopped. Something had clearly caught her eye. Remilia nodded to herself and picked up an odd weapon. It flashed bright red as she took it. Then, she put it in my hands.

"That is a sawed-off Winchester M-1894. It can hold five rounds. You should have no trouble using it indoors."

It came with a shoulder holster that I could sling across my shoulder. Next, she handed me a heavy metal box.

"Those are custom-made silver-tipped bullets. They are capable of heavy damage against most types of youkai."

I stared at her with mouth agape.

"You are giving me a weapon?"

Remilia gave me a grim smile.

"This is called strategy," she said. "Besides, it won't do me any good if you die right away."

The gun felt heavy in my hands. I was no expert, but I knew that this was a very dangerous thing to carry.

"Just be careful when aiming that thing. It can hurt vampires too, you know."

"Wait, what?"

"And now that we're done here.."

The vampire stepped forward and took my head. In an instant, we found ourself in the pure white room once more. A familiar door stood a few feet away. I glanced at Remilia. Like last time, she pulled out a large metal key ring from her dress.

"Only one 'gate' is open to you right now, so make the most out of it."

She handed me a small brass key. If I recalled correctly, this goes to the greenhouse.

"Thanks for everything," I said. "Is there anything else you can tell me before I go?"

Remilia paused for a moment.

"Don't give up."

With that, I headed toward the door, key in hand. I turned the handle and stepped forward into Gensokyo once more. Remilia watched until the door closed behind me. And when she was sure that I had left, she sighed to herself and vanished.


Remilia Scarlet reappeared in the gardens. She sat down for a moment and drank a bit of tea to calm herself down. And after she had prepared herself, she stood up and muttered a spell command under her breath. A dangerously sharp spear materialized in her hands. Then, she finally turned to face the unwelcome intruder that had been watching them from the shadows.

[ ] "Heaven's Punishment 「Star of David」"
[ ] "Dark Sign, 「Scarlet Netherworld」"
[ ] "Curse, 「Curse of Vlad Tepes」"

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