Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[x] The Master's room.

The Master's room was at the second floor, but it was on the other side of the mansion. That was still some distance from where I stood. I ran as fast as I could down the empty hallways, hoping to catch up to Flandre. And when I reached the corner, I stopped. This waking nightmare just kept getting worse.

"What the hell?" I said aloud.

Suddenly, dead fairies everywhere. Over a dozen corpses littered the hallway. I couldn't really tell the exact number. The bodies look like they were ripped apart by wild beasts. Torn limbs and pieces were scattered left and right. There was blood all over the floor. A truly ghastly sight.

There were some burn marks on the walls. It looked like the fairy maids tried to fight back, but this was the sad result. Those creatures were on a completely level. And there was hardly any warning. This was no accident. What kind of monster could have orchestrated this massacre?

I was nearing the end. This was the last time to turn back. But I continued onward anyway. Should I had run? I was no fool. The thought did cross my mind, for a moment. But even if I returned to the village or to the Outside, what was I going to do? There was nothing for me outside these walls. This was my home, and I couldn't bring myself to abandon the others.

When I reached the corner, I saw a familiar girl standing before the door. In her hands was a strangely shaped metal wand. This was one of the most powerful artifacts of the Scarlet family - the Laevateinn.

"I told you not to come here."

"This was all Remilia's doing, wasn't it?"

"My sister is gone. She was gone a long time ago. I just didn't realize it. I just didn't accept it."

Flandre turned to me, a determined look on her face.

"I am the Master now. And all I can do now, with the time left, is to end this with my own hands. Sorry, but you aren't watching this."

"But.. Flan!"

She shook her head and smiled.

"Forgive me. I'll play one of my last tricks now. She will take you somewhere safe."

The vampire girl nodded to someone standing behind me. Someone standing behind me? I quickly turned around. My eyes widened in complete surprise. My heart almost leapt out from my chest. I felt like I had seen a ghost. But wasn't she.. how did... wait, what?

"Time to leave," Sakuya said.

Without another word, the head maid took my hand and stepped forward. My senses were bombarded with a blur of shapes and colors as she used her ability. In an instant, I found myself standing outside, somewhere in the wilderness.


She gave me a nod and a little smile. It was definitely her. Huh? My head was starting to hurt. I had better collect my thoughts. But first, where was I?
[ ] The lake.
[ ] The woods.
[ ] The main path.

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