Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[x] "We need a place to stay."

"Doesn't matter to me," said the strange girl. "But I guess I can let you follow if you like."

The girl said that her name was 'Mokou', but she didn't say much else. I sensed immediately that she wasn't the talkative type, so I didn't pry any further. But she did seem to be familiar with the area. With no better option, I decided to take a chance and accept the girl's offer. She just gave me a disinterested shrug.

"I don't really care, either way."

A short while later, we found ourselves walking along the bamboo forest. Mokou led the way while I hurried behind her. Meiling slept soundly as I carried her on my back. I still held my rifle in my hand, comfortable in the thought that it was fully loaded. This place was very dangerous. And I didn't exactly have much reason to trust the newcomer.


Neither of us spoke as we moved onward (the gate guard's snoring didn't count). I couldn't think of anything to talk about. And even if I did, I felt that it was a bad idea to make too much noise. Mokou probably thought the same. She didn't speak at all, though she did pause a few times to let us catch up with her.

Hmm. Now that I thought about it, she never mentioned where she was taking us. Were we headed to Eientei? While there were many strange rumors about that place, I heard that they weren't so unkind as to refuse lost travellers. Or perhaps we were headed to the Human Village? That would probably be the safest place in the area. In fact, I should have headed there in the first place. I knew Keine well, and she would probably let us stay the night.

"We can stay here," said Mokou.

I glanced at the opening behind the oddly dressed girl. Then, I raised an eyebrow at her.

"... huh? But that's just a cave, isn't it?"

"What do you expect? An inn?"

"No, it isn't that..."

What I said next probably wasn't the smartest thing to say.

"I guess I didn't expect a girl like you to be living in a cave."


"D-don't misunderstand! I don't have anything against girls who were raised in caves or what not. And I am absolutely sure that you were brought up just as well as any other respectable inhabitant of Gensokyo. In no way do I judge a person by their manner of dress or where they live."

Mokou just stared at me, her mouth half-open. She blinked. Then, she covered her face with her palm and sighed.

"Why do I always meet the really idiotic ones?" she muttered to herself.


"I don't live here, you damn fool. This is the closest shelter we can reach before it rains."

With that, our conversation was over. The girl walked straight into the cave. And just as she entered, I felt a few water droplets hit my face. Rain? I quickly hurried after her. And as soon as we were all in the cave, a sudden rain shower hit the area. It was just as she said. Rain.

Was it raining at the mansion?

Mokou gave me a slight nod as she sat herself before a small fire. Eh? How did she build a fire so quickly? Not that I was complaining, of course. Well, it probably didn't mattered. I shrugged the question away and put down the unconscious gate guard. She was still sleeping soundly. Then, I took off my jacket and placed it over her.


Until Meiling woke up, I had to prepare for the worst. I put the rifle down beside me, making sure that it was within reach. Then, I glanced at the longer haired girl. She stared back silently. We sat quietly in front of the fire, waiting for the rain to stop. We must have sat like that for quite some time. I was beginning to nod off when Mokou finally spoke. And what she said surprised me.

"That girl you carried," she said. "She works at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, does she not? Keine told me about her before."

"Ah, is that so."

This girl knows Keine?

"That's odd. I heard all about the red mist incident and the mansion by the lake."

Mokou looked at me with interest.

"But I have never heard of you."

[ ] Don't answer. It isn't any of her business.
[ ] Don't answer. Just try to get some sleep.
[ ] Don't answer. Ask her a question, instead. (Specify)

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