Thursday, June 10, 2010

[x] The lake.

My head was spinning violently. Ugh, I hated this feeling. I could never get used to travelling through compressed time-space. It took me a few minutes to reorient myself. Sakuya just smiled as she watched me recover. Yes, I was pretty sure that this was the Sakuya I knew. Only her unique ability could cause such an incredible headache. I had no idea how she ever got used to moving like this.

It seemed like we were standing beside a body of water. I blinked a few times as I recognized this place. The lake was calm and serene. I could see the moon reflect against its surface. It reminded me of something. I closed my eyes. Ah, that was right. I took Flandre out here that evening to watch the stars. It wasn't especially different from any other night. Except for one thing. She said something to me. Something odd.

But I couldn't remember it right now.

"Feeling better?" asked Sakuya.

"A little bit," I managed. "Where are we, anyway?"

"We are near the lake, a good twenty minutes from the mansion. By foot, anyway."

"By foot?"

Sakuya smiled a little wider. I understood immediately.

"I don't suppose that I can ask you to take me back?"

"Sorry, but I must follow Flandre's instructions, now that things have gotten out of hand."

I sighed loudly. Until the very end, I had no idea what the little sister had planned. But it looked like she was prepared for even this possibility. It scared me, how far she would go when she put her mind into something. She may very well be among the most dangerous individuals in Gensokyo.

Damn it, Flan! Your riddles were always impossible to solve. Even now, you left me with another crazy puzzle. I was standing beside someone who I just saw dead not long ago. What was I supposed to think?

"Are you alright?" asked Sakuya. "You've been quiet for some time now."

"Don't worry about it. I was just thinking about some things. Maybe I can figure it all out if I looked back at everything very carefully."

"It might not be proper for me to say this, but don't lose yourself in the past. You still have a long trek back to the mansion, you know?"

"Huh? You aren't going to stop me?"

Sakuya shook her head.

"My purpose is only to delay you," she said.

"I see. What time is it, anyway?"

The head maid took out her pocket watch. Then, her eyes widened in surprise. She quickly hid it from sight, but it was already too late. I just saw something that I shouldn't have.

"Err... sorry," she mumbled. "I can't really see that well in the dark, and -"

"Liar," I whispered.

Now I understood. Elena's instructions. A forbidden spell. And now this. It was starting to make sense. Sakuya opened her mouth to argue, but I was one step ahead of her.

"It's almost 3:00 PM on your pocket watch, isn't it?"

"E-eh? How did you know?"

"Never mind. How much time do you have left before you go back?"

"... about a minute," she whispered.

I sighed with a heavy heart. If my theory was right, there wasn't anything more I could do to help her. It was already too late. But still, I had to say something.

"Sakuya," I said. "Did you hear about that new cake shop in the village?"

"A new cake shop?"

"I heard that it became famous overnight. Why don't we check it out sometime?"

The head maid gave me a warm smile.

"Sure. I'd like that."

Those were her last words before she faded away into the night.

"... thanks a lot, Sakuya."

A single tear rolled down my cheek.

[ ] Head back to the mansion.

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