Tuesday, June 8, 2010

[x] "I understand. But I'm going with you anyway."

Flandre opened her mouth to argue, but I was one step ahead of her this time. Before she could speak, I grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"W-what are you doing, you idio -"

"I know that you are worried," I said. "I'm just an ordinary human. If those things could hurt you, then they could probably rip me apart in an instant. And as long as I'm close by, you can't use your stronger spell cards and attacks. I know that I'm holding you back."

She frowned at me, but she didn't say that I was wrong about any of it. Yes, that was right. There was nothing that the younger sister couldn't defeat on her own. She held back on her attacks because she didn't want to risk me getting hurt. Just like when she was playing danmaku with Sanae.

"But I'm going with you anyway. I know that this isn't the smartest decision right now, and I am well aware of the consequences. Still, I can't let you go off on your own again. Not this time.."

Suddenly, I held her in a tight embrace. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"You aren't alone anymore, Flan!"

I don't remember how long we stood like that. But when I finally pulled myself away, I spied her wiping something from her eyes. She glanced at me and gave me a warm smile. Then, she took my hand as she lead the way inside.

The clock tower was just as I left it. Or so I had first thought. Not one of the cogs were spinning. Not a single gear was turning. None of the mechanical parts were running at all. It felt like someone shut down the very life of the place. A cold shiver ran down my spine.

"Watch yourself," said Flandre.

Her grip steadily tightened as we checked the main chambers. We didn't find anything unusual in the first chamber. It was full of cranks and levers, with a single glass window that gave a view over the machinery below. There were some dust-covered manuals and documents lying around, but the little sister led me out before I could examine them.

The second chamber was some kind of storeroom for spare parts and tools. Flandre walked around for a bit before shaking her head. It seemed like there wasn't anything important in her, either. I swallowed nervously as we entered the third chamber. But we still didn't find anything. This one had a large open space in the center, but it was just as empty.

When we got to the fourth chamber, Flandre paused before the door. This was the last chamber on this side of the clock tower.

"Prepare yourself for the worst," whispered the little sister.

Despite that warning, I could only stare in shock when she opened the door.

The whole chamber was in disarray, as if it had been a battlefield. And in the very center was the bloody remains of someone in a maid uniform. Most of the torso was crushed underneath several giant gears and cogs, and the legs were ripped off from the body. The head, too, was damaged beyond recognition. But those silver braids and the knives she still somehow held in her left hand were unmistakeable.

We had found Sakuya.

Flandre immediately stepped forward to examine the corpse. She was looking for clues, but I saw that she was visibly shaken. I followed after her to help. Then, I noticed it. Eh? That can't be, right! I stepped back nervously. There was another kitchen knife on this body. This time, it was sticking out from her right palm, impaling it to the floor. It looked exactly like the ones in my room and on Koakuma's body. What the hell was going on here?

I turned to the vampire girl. Her eyes were on something else. Near the body was a square engraving on the floor filled with unusual runes. It seemed completely different from the spell circles from before. And from her reaction, Flandre seemed to recognize this one.

"Ah!" said Flandre. "It looks like she was able to finish it!"

"Huh? What does that do?"

"Insurance," she said. "One of her most powerful techniques. A forbidden spell."

The vampire girl turned to me.

"I'm going to end this tonight. Don't follow me, alright?"

Before I could react, she flew off back the way we came. I chased after her, but by the time I reached the mansion proper, she was nowhere in sight.

"Damn it, Flan!"

Where could she have gone?
[ ] My room.
[ ] The library.
[ ] The gardens.
[ ] The basement.
[ ] The dining room.
[ ] The Master's room.

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