Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It was total humiliation to be genuflecting before the person who had orchestrated the death of my family and broken the mind of my best friend. I couldn't die let myself get killed. Not here. Not yet. I didn't care about my own life. But I couldn't let this fucking bitch hurt anyone else. So I grit my teeth and meekly got down on my hands and knees.

"Please, I beg you! Return that update! I don't care what happens to me!"

"Oh? And why should I?"

"Anonymous needs it to survive! They need something to read when bored at school or work that isn't porn! They need something to quench their thirst to fantasize about life in a world populated almost exclusively of young girls! They need something to ridicule and mock so that they can use whatever literary learnings they have that will never be used in their real lives! They need something to troll when taking breaks from vidya and danbooru!"

I lifted my head, eyes burning with passion.

"Anonymous needs UPDATES!"

"Pwahahaha! That's rich! Do you really believe that?"

Tewi lifted her leg and rested it on my head like a goddamn footstool.

"You pathetic piece of shit! Anonymous doesn't give a rat's ass about you or your silly stories! They don't even know your fucking name, for crying out loud! All they want is Touhou porn, plain and simple! You are no better than all those hopeless artists and writers who keep dreaming that they will make it big some day. Isn't that right, gang?"

The rest of the Inaba Gang laughed and jeered at me. They started stepping on my head and spitting on me.

"Still think we're cute? No? A goddamn faggot, aint'cha?"

"Ye shoulda stayed home! Now we're really gonna fuck up that pretty face of yours..."

"Shit! Jus' lookin at his face is pissing me off. Feel like burning this motherfucker.."

"Hey boss! Say the word and I'll slice off his balls!"

"Let's string 'em up and drag him into some man-eating plants!"

"Bullshit! We's gotta put 'im inna sack and throw him into the lake!"

"No, that isn't right. Gentlemen, we must cut open his head and feed him his own brains!"


I didn't react. I didn't say anything. I waited until they ran out of things to say. Then, I repeated my request. My voice was firm.

"Please return the update."

Tewi stepped right beside me. She leaned forward and gave me a toothy smile.

"You have guts. I'll give you that. But let me tell you something.."

The bitch suddenly punched me in the gut.

"I hate it when other people try to lie to me~"

I was curled up in pain on the ground. Fuck! Fucking youkai punches were fucking painful! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking bitch!

"So tell me the real reason. Tell me, writefag: why should I return this update?"

I glared at her angrily. I was fucking pissed. But the bitch just smiled patiently. Fuck.

"You... want to know why? Why you should return that update? I'll tell you why..."

Screw this. I'm tired of playing this game. Fuck it all.

"It's a motherfucking Reisen route! That's why!"

Tewi stopped smiling. The Inaba Gang started whispering among themselves.


Suddenly, the Gang Leader turned around and started walking away.

"Anonymous shall have their update."

"You fucking... wait, what?"

"But you made a fatal mistake this day. Isn't that right, Inaba Bancho?"

She had an evil grin on her face. And I understood why. Inaba Bancho was the largest of the Gang and served as Tewi's enforcer. I heard that the giant once ripped a grown man in half. Poor bastard missed his last payment to the sharks. Some even said that she was strong enough to beat up Oni. But they drugged her up real bad. She didn't even look like a fucking rabbit anymore.

"YA FUCKIN' LOSER! NO MAN WOULD BOW DOWN SO EASILY! Die like the dog you are!"

Inaba Bancho then raised her fist and sent it hurtling toward my chest.


It went straight through my ribcage with a disgusting crunch. Fresh blood splattered everywhere...

And I died.

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