Sunday, June 6, 2010

[x] Look for Flandre.

The hallways were quiet. I didn't meet any of the mansion staff on the way there. Not a single fairy maid was within sight. It felt like the place had been abandoned. The halls were silent. I could only hear my footsteps and my own breathing. Was it my imagination, or did the atmosphere suddenly feel heavier? The mansion felt a lot larger when I was walking alone, all by myself.

I glanced behind me several times. Somehow, I felt like someone was following me. I couldn't hear their footsteps. It wasn't one of the fairy maids. I couldn't hear their breathing. It didn't feel like Sakuya. I couldn't hear anything behind me. But from the corner of my eye, I could spy its shadow. There was something there.

"Be careful when you walk around alone, alright?"

When I reached the corner, I broke out into a run. I made a mad dash down the stairway leading to the basement. Someone was behind me. Or something. I didn't look back to check. I had the worst feeling that if I did, it would walk right into a dead end. And I didn't feel like dying just yet.

At the bottom of the steps, I paused for a minute to catch my breath. Finally, I took a glance behind me. There was nothing there. I sighed in relief. My imagination or not, I didn't feel like taking any chances under these circumstances. Gensokyo wasn't forgiving to such foolishness. I learned that a long time ago.

I turned around and raised a hand to knock upon the door to Flandre's room. But before I could make a sound, I heard a voice from inside.

"Come inside."

When I stepped into the room, the first thing I saw was Flandre. I stood there, mouth agape. She was standing in front of her closet with a hand on her chin. It seemed like she was picking out something to wear. Oh right. Did I mention that the little sister was wearing nothing but a white nightie?

She still had her hair down, and her evening wear did little to hide her developing curves. Her bare arms and shoulders were exposed, and there was no sign of her injury from this morning. Through the transparent fabric, I could see that she was wearing pink panties. Thankfully, the many frills of the nightie managed to cover her meager chest. My eyes immediately burned the image to long-term memory (fucking saved). Wait a second. What was I doing? This wasn't the time for this shit!

It looked like she just woke up. Flandre yawned before glancing at me. She had a cute, sleepy expression on her face. It seemed like she hadn't fully realized that I had walked in on her.

[ ] Turn around and wait till she is dressed.
[ ] Politely excuse myself and leave.
[ ] A little vampire girl is fi -

"What are you doing?" Flandre asked. "Don't just stand there, you dummy! Close the door behind you."

Huh? In the end, it was the little sister who moved first. I obediently did as she told me and closed the door. It seemed like she had already understood the situation. I glanced at her. A sly smile formed on her lips as she spoke.

"Now face the other way."

She said this very quietly. I turned around as requested. Then, I suddenly heard the rustling of clothes from behind me. Was she changing clothes? But why did I hear more things falling to the floor? I swallowed nervously. No way, she couldn't be thinking of...

"Close your eyes."

She spoke even more softly, and I became fully aware that she was right beside me now. I closed my eyes. Then, I heard her soft footsteps. Flandre must be standing right in front of me.

"Sorry for making you wait,"

Her voice was just a whisper now. And at that moment, I felt something soft and furry touch my lips.


Furry!? Wait, what?

I felt it immediately. Something was very wrong. I opened my eyes. Sure enough, Flandre was standing in front of me, fully clothed and giggling. In her hands was a large teddy bear. I could feel myself turning bright red.

"Knock it off, Flan!"

With those words, she broke out into loud laughter. I took a seat and closed my eyes to calm myself down. It took several minutes for us to recover, Flandre from her amusement and myself from embarrassment. When I was sure that I wasn't blushing anymore I turned around and cleared my throat. Sensing the change in atmosphere, the little sister gave me a quick nod.

"Now, tell me what happened today."

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