Thursday, June 17, 2010

Under the Scarlet Moonlight

Remilia Scarlet sat before me, enjoying a sweet treat: a western dessert layered with ice cream, sweet syrup and fresh fruits. I thought that I had seen this before. A fruit parfait, was it? It even had a generous slice of flan on top. The vampire girl smiled as she took another bite.

"Are you not having any?" she asked.


In front of me was a tall serving of the same type of dessert she was having. I did not ask for it, nor did I think it the proper time to enjoy such things. But clearly, the vampire thought otherwise. It seemed like she had it prepared before I had arrived.

"Or perhaps you aren't fond of sweet things?"


We sat at a tea table outside in the gardens. But this place wasn't the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I only had to look up to realize that this place wasn't even in Gensokyo. Instead of clouds and clear skies, there was an inverted ocean of blood and shadow. Hundreds or perhaps even thousands of humanoid silhouettes reached out toward the ground in desperation before being swallowed back into the violent waves. The crimson 'sky' glowed eerily, casting a shade of red light down below. I watched the sight with little interest. This wasn't my first time here. I was sure of that. If it was, then I would have been far more surprised.

"You have been quiet ever since you got back," said Remilia. "Perhaps you are feeling a bit tired? You can rest a bit inside before we talk. I can have the guest room prepared and -"

"Forget about it!" I cried angrily.

I had been here at least once, perhaps even more times. And I didn't like that one bit.

"E-eh? Well, you don't have to be so rude! Here I was, just trying to be polite and you suddenly start shouting.."

"I'm tired of your tricks," I said. "What is this really about?"

Remilia paused for a moment to put down her spoon.

"I already told you before. This place isn't hell. You aren't dead. And we are enjoying a little tea party out in the garden. Or at least, I was until now. In any case, you are going to go back as soon as our business here is finished. Have you already forgotten the rules?"

"Do you think I had time to think about your damned rules? Were you even watching?"

"It isn't that simple," she said. "And these aren't my rules. But don't worry. I can see that you have improved greatly from the last run. We should see if we can revise our strategy and -"

"Don't give me that bullshit! How could you possibly say that it went better?"

The vampire calmly watched me with interest.

"You managed to protect my sister, didn't you?"


"Did that not mean anything to you?"

"... but!"

"Never close your eyes to the miracle in front of you, no matter how small."

At that very moment, I thought I heard someone chuckle from afar. I quickly turned around, but no one was there. Was I hearing things? I had the strangest feeling that we were being watched. But when I looked at Remilia, she gave no sign that she heard anything. She simply continued as if she hadn't been interrupted.

"I mentioned before that there is more than one way to send you back. But this time is a little different. Only one 'gate' is open to you right now. And unless you strengthen your link with the others, you may have no way to go back next time."

I frowned hard at her.

"Is this some kind of game to you?"

She shook her head solemnly.

"This is no game."

I paused for a moment to think.
[ ] Ask for a hint. (Specify the question)
[ ] Visit the Voile Armory.
[ ] Time to go back.

And what about the fruit parfait?
[ ] Don't touch it.
[ ] Take a few bites.
[ ] Finish it before leaving.

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