Tuesday, July 20, 2010

[x] "You should leave this place."


Those tears didn't fit a pretty girl like her, but the thought of her lifeless body covered in blood stains was far worse. I couldn't let Mystia get involved in this mess. It broke my heart to do this, but I slowly pushed her away and gave her a sad smile.

"You should leave this place. This isn't the best time to visit.."

"B-But Rumia is still~"

"She's fine," I said, well aware of the lie. "I'm sure that she just got lost or distracted on the way here. The girl's probably wandering around in the Forest in search of something to eat."


Mystia looked up at me with damp eyes, pleading silently one last time. I averted my eyes and said nothing. A few moments passed. She lowered her head. The atmosphere became unusually heavy.

The situation at the Scarlet Devil Mansion was very dangerous. Rumia wasn't strong compared to the residents, but she definitely wasn't a pushover when it came to a serious fight. The murderer must have been quite powerful to take her down easily. And that person may very well be walking around the mansion right now.

If that was the case, then the best course of action would be to discourage visitors until the culprit was found. I smiled apologetically as I spoke.

"Why don't you head back? For all we know, she might already be waiting for you back at the stand and -"

"...lies," whispered the sparrow girl.

Mystia raised her head and glared at me. There was a fiery rage burning within her eyes that I had never seen before. I took a step back nervously. At that very moment, I recalled that this girl wasn't human. She was a powerful sparrow youkai.

"Err... Mystia? What are you... urk!"

Before I could react, she grabbed my neck with one hand and instantly cut off the air to my lungs. Then, she raised me above the ground like a doll with its strings cut. Someone gasped in horror. I couldn't tell if it was Elena or Meiling.

"This night bird shall be fooled by sweet words no longer~"

"Gaaaah! Uuuuggghhh! Aaahhggkkk!"

"Humans shrouded in the shadows! Tear at the darkness to reveal the light~"

I opened my eyes to gaze at my attacker. And for a brief moment, I realized that there were tears in Mystia's eyes. I knew then that she didn't want to do this. She didn't want to hurt me. But why? What was she trying to do? What was she trying to tell me? More questions spun in my head, but the lack of oxygen was too much. My world was starting to turn dark.

Was I going to die here, not knowing anything?

Suddenly, Mystia's eyes widened in surprise. Her grip on my neck loosened, and I dropped to the ground. I soon realized the reason. It was for just a split-second, but I saw a familiar person appear in front of her and ruthlessly strike her stomach with an elbow. Then, the sparrow girl lost consciousness and fell.

I blinked.

The chief maid now stood in front of us, a fairy maid standing on each side. She gazed at Mystia with cold eyes.

"Take her to the dungeon," said Sakuya.

The two fairies nodded obediently and carried the sparrow girl away. I opened my mouth to argue, but then the chief maid suddenly glared at me. Even without words, I could sense her ill will. No, that wasn't it. It was something closer to killing intent. I felt like I was staring at an endlessly empty void within her eyes. A chill ran down my spine.

"A-are you alright?"

Meiling's voice brought me back the present. I gave her a quiet nod before turning back to Sakuya.

"Reckless fool..."

With those last words, she took out her pocket watch and glanced at it. Then, the chief maid vanished, leaving only the three of us near the main gate. I paused to think. Or at least, I had planned to. I put my face upon my palm as the most dangerous of troublemakers entered the stage.

"It was noisy, so I came up to see if there's a party out here, ehehe~"

Flandre Scarlet landed lightly beside us. She smiled at us with good cheer, blissfully unaware of any danger.
[ ] Distract her with a game. Take her to the library.
[ ] Tell her about Rumia's murder. She might help investigate.
[ ] Ask her about the dungeon. Maybe she can lead you to Mystia.
[ ] Return to the mansion without answering. I don't have time for Flandre.

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