Tuesday, July 13, 2010

[x] Garden

"Ah, so you came!"

When I arrived, a small picnic table was prepared near the greenhouse. Meiling waved enthusiastically at me to come closer. I smiled at what I saw. There were a number of colorful Chinese dishes: sweet and sour pork, beef noodle, shrimp fried rice, and several types of dumplings. My mouth watered as the delicious aroma wafted into my nostrils.

"Sakuya gave me permission to cook this evening," she explained.

"Very nice," I said. "Now which should I try first?"

"It's been a while, but I hope you like it."

I sat down and took a pair of chopsticks. Then, I took a piece of the pork and brought it to my mouth. From the side of my eye, I could see Meiling watching with interest. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the flavor. For a few seconds, I didn't say anything.

"How is it?" she asked.


This flavor! I could taste the freshness of the herbs and seasonings. For a moment, I felt a cool summer breeze blow against my face. I was lying on my back in the country side, watching the clouds pass by. And when I swallowed, a pleasant nostalgia filled me inside. A smile formed on my lips. Then, I opened my eyes and returned to the world.

"I give this five stars! Maybe even six!"

"Ah! T-thank you, but I don't really think I'm that good."

"This is incredible! Why don't you cook more often?"

"Well, the Mistress prefers Western food, so...

At that moment, Meiling's smile looked just a bit pained. The food at the mansion was always first class. Under Sakuya's supervision, even the clumsiest of the fairy maids could prepare a feast fit for royalty. The cooking was rarely left to anyone else, so she didn't have much chance to showcase her own talents. For the most part, everyone else just looked at her as nothing more than the gate guard.

"Now that is a bit disappointing, and I guess that it's Remilia's decision in the end."


The gate guard nodded silently.

"Let me ask you then: would you like to be in charge of preparing lunch tomorrow? The vampire rarely stays awake during that time of the day. If you like, I can ask Sakuya."

"E-h? B-but that is..."

"Only if you want to do it, of course."

The surprise on her face slowly turned into a big smile.

"I'd love to," she said. "You can count on me!"

"That's great! And speaking of Sakuya, where is she anyway? I invited her to join us for dinner this evening."

Meiling didn't answer immediately. For some reason, she didn't look me in the eye as she spoke.

"Miss Sakuya said that she has some unfinished business this evening..."


The gate guard seemed visibly disturbed by the question, so I didn't ask any further. The rest of the evening was spent pleasantly chatting and eating. Meiling was surprised at my skill with chopsticks. I smiled awkwardly and shrugged. Perhaps I was taught as a kid? In any case, I couldn't really remember much about the past.

Time flies when one enjoys himself, and soon the food was finished. I thanked Meiling for her company before heading back inside the mansion. Good food and good company. It was a great way to end the day.

And before I knew it, I had collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes. I was still wearing my outdoor clothes, and I don't think I locked the door. But that probably didn't matter. Sleep soon overtook my mind.


[ ] Slice
[ ] Pierce
[ ] Bludgeon

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