Monday, July 5, 2010

[x] "Nothing unusual. Gensokyo is always dangerous."

"Thanks for the meal. I'll be going now."

"Come again anytime," said Keine. "You are always welcome here."

Mokou waved at us as she started walking down the path. I watched as she disappeared into the crowd of humans and youkai. Most of the shops have opened, and many of the villagers have began on the day's work. The place was much busier, now that it was late in the morning. Keine then turned to me.

"Before you go, can I ask something?"


"In private, I mean."

I apologized silently as Keine and I stepped away. Meiling looked worried, but she didn't say anything. After making sure that no one was in earshot, Keine spoke again.

"How are you feeling?" she whispered. "Do you still have headaches or trouble sleeping?"

"That stopped a while back. I feel fine now."

"Are you sure? I can get more medicine if you need it."

"Don't worry about me."

The teacher frowned for a moment. Then she sighed, not pushing the subject any further.

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Ah! There was one other thing..."

Keine fiddled with her fingers as she smiled at me.

"You are a nice guy. I have no doubt about that. But if you ever make Mokou cry, I'll make certain that you regret the fact that you were ever born in this world. Got that~"


After bidding her goodbye, Meiling and I flew back toward the mansion. There wasn't anything of interest to mention on the way back. We just chatted about a few unimportant things, like the new flowering plants that Remilia had bought from the village, Sakuya's instructions for heightening mansion security, and Mystia's plan to expand her grilled lamprey business. Time passed quickly, and before we knew it, we had arrived home.

"Welcome back, Master."

Standing in front of the mansion gate was a fairy maid with short blonde hair. I waved at her as we approached. She watched silently as I landed on solid ground.

"Good morning, Elena. How are things at home?"


An odd pause. There was something different about the expression on her face this morning, but I couldn't place it.

"Err... Elena?"

She gave me a formal bow before speaking.

"May I request that I be informed of the Master's preferred schedule?"


"Please let me know when you plan another 'extended leave'. I shall personally ensure that there will be someone to open the gate. Now if you will excuse me..."

Elena bowed once more before stepping inside. I scratched my head, wondering what she meant. Why was she standing outside, anyway? But something in the back of my mind told me that it was better not to ask. I probably should try to see if -

"You're back!"

Without warning, the front doors of the mansion burst open. Something flew right by my side and crashed heavily into Meiling. The gate guard barely managed to stay standing.

"G-good to see you too, Miss Flandre.."

It took a few seconds for the sight to register in my head. The little sister's affection for Meiling was nothing new, but there was something that wasn't right here. I glanced at my watch.

9:30 AM

Then, I realized it. Why was she still awake? It was far beyond her usual sleeping time. I raised an eyebrow at her. Flandre just smiled with mischief as she pulled away from the gate guard and started approaching me next.


Flandre has appeared. What do?
[ ] Ignore
[ ] Cower
[ ] Punish
[ ] Ruffle
[ ] Hug

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