Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[x] Ask her about the dungeon. Maybe she can lead you to Mystia.

Meiling gave us both a polite bow.

"I am very sorry, but I can't go with you two right now."

"Eh? But why not?" asked Flandre.

"I... umm... I haven't finished my morning patrol yet. Sakuya will be furious if intruders break into the grounds one after another."

The little sister stared at her curiously. For a moment, I thought that she had noticed something wrong. I sighed in relief when she finally turned away and waved her hand dismissively.

"Patrols are boring," said the little sister. "But call me if you find something cute. I'll come right away~"

"A-Ah, of course!"

We all headed back to the mansion, with the exception of Meiling. Not that surprising, since she was the gate guard. But I sensed that there was a more pressing reason this time. She probably wanted to investigate the area for clues. I just prayed that she won't end up like Rumia.

I paused by the front door for a moment and turned to the sky. The morning sun was hidden by a thick layer of grey clouds. And as I watched, rain drops began to fall. A truly depressing atmosphere.

Remilia hated rainy days. In this kind of weather, she would often stamp around the mansion and complain loudly at anyone who would listen. Even Patchouli would pretend to be feeling sick to avoid the vampire when she was in such a mood.


"You seem distracted," said Flandre suddenly. "Still feel like visiting the dungeon? Sakuya won't like it, you know? Not at all, she won't~"

"Sorry for the trouble. I just need to talk to Mystia."

"Ah, the night sparrow girl? What would she be doing all the way here, I wonder~"

"That's what I want to find out."

"Is that so? How boring."

Flandre suddenly stopped. Then, she pointed toward a dimly lit staircase that led downward. It was partially hidden in an alcove, so I almost missed it.

"That leads to the dungeon. Head down inside at your own risk, ehehe~"

"Hmm? Aren't you coming?"

The little sister walked up to me and patted me on the head like a puppy.

"Seems boring," she said. "Everyone knows that caged birds don't sing."

After ruffling my hair, Flandre flew off, humming happily to herself. I watched until she was completely out of sight. Then, I turned to Elena. The fairy maid nodded immediately.

"I shall be in the staff room if you need me."

"Got it. Thanks."

She, too, headed back. I was now alone, and free to act. There was no time to waste.


Several minutes later, I found myself at the bottom of the staircase, deep underground. I paused to examine my rifle, making sure that it was loaded. Then, I stepped forward to observe my first obstacle.

Nearby, I could see two fairy maids standing guard at the dungeon entrance. They did not carry any weapons. But I knew instinctively that they were dangerous.
[ ] Politely ask if you can visit the prisoner.
[ ] Shoot out the lights and run inside.
[ ] Quietly sneak past the guards.
[ ] Search for another way in.
[ ] Retreat upstairs for now.

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