Thursday, July 8, 2010

Remilia was at her usual seat, watching the game silently. The inverted ocean of blood and souls was just as violent and foreboding as it had always been. And her mansion was just as empty. Or at least, that was how it should have been. Sitting across from her was an uninvited guest.

"How do you find it? Is the blend to your liking?"

"It has an interesting flavor. White Tea, was it?"

The man in grey robes put down his cup and smiled.

"That is 'Virgin White Tea', grown and made without ever being touched by human hands. It is a very rare blend grown in south Sri Lanka. Have you not heard of it?"

Remilia shook her head.

"I am unfamiliar with this 'Sri Lanka', but I do find the flavor quite unique. A delicate and exotic taste. I like it."

"Glad to hear that. It would be sad to waste such a fine tea on the unrefined."


The vampire took another sip of tea. Her eyes remained focused on a seemingly unimportant scene. A vampire, youkai and human were enthusiastically playing a game of Twister, with a fairy maid playing the part of the referee. She seemed to be observing them carefully.

Remilia waved her hand. In an instant, the scene switched to a different place. The head maid was busy supervising the cleaning at the East Wing. Several fairy maids were positioned around the room, obediently following her instructions.

She waved her hand again. The scene now displayed the Voile Library. Koakuma was cheerfully humming to herself as she sorted the books on the upper level. Several floors below, Patchouli was doing research from the archives.

Another wave of her hand. The scene showed the Master's bedroom. Remilia's other self was sleeping peacefully in her bed, blissfully unaware of what was to come. There was no other movement at the second floor.

"Interesting moves. Playing defensively this time?"

Remilia sighed and turned to her guest.

"I don't want to hear that from you. Since it started, you've only moved one piece."

"That is true. Should I use another piece, I wonder? But then, your formation is puzzling to me. Is it wise to have your pieces so tightly positioned?"


The vampire put her cup down.

"What are you plotting, Wizard?

"Now, now. Is that any way to talk to a guest?"

"You are no guest of mine. And you would be dead right now if you had let me kill you properly."

"Scary! Well, at the very least, you could call me by my name?"

"Your 'name'? Very well, then. What are you plotting, Hansel?"

The man in grey chuckled when she used that name, as if greatly amused.

"Like I said, I am only here to watch. At this time, my piece exists for the sole purpose of granting me a view of the board."

"Really, now?"

"After all, you and I aren't the only ones with pieces in this game."


The vampire turned back to the scene. It had reverted back to the game of Twister between her sister, the gate guard, and that human. All three were beginning to tire, but none of them looked like they were willing to give up. Hansel yawned loudly as he watched.

"If your side isn't going to do anything else, then shall we skip to the interesting part?"

Remilia looked into her tea thoughtfully.
[ ] "I need time to rethink my strategy."
[ ] "Not yet. I shall make a few revisions."
[ ] "I am done with this day. Raise the curtain."

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