Sunday, July 18, 2010

[x] Stay here and investigate.

"Master? What about the front gate?"

"I'm sure that Meiling and Sakuya can handle it."

I stepped closer to the body to examine it. There was something oddly familiar about the murder weapon. A silver candlestick? I was sure that I've seen something like this before, but I took care not to touch it. It could be a very dangerous anti-youkai artifact. Of course, that was assuming that it was indeed used to kill the girl.

There was also the possibility that she was killed with another method, and this thing was left here to confuse us. I was not familiar with youkai physiology, and nothing outside a careful autopsy could identify the true cause of death. The only person I knew that had that expertise was that doctor from Eientei. And there were a number of reasons not to get the Lunarians involved in this mess. Especially since the residents of the mansion were the prime suspects of this murder.


I stood myself up and thought carefully. That was right. I hate to admit it, but the possibility that the murderer was someone among us was extremely high. I turned back to Elena.

"I need your help in confirming a few things," I said.

She nodded obediently.

"Very well, then. Who was the first person to discover the crime scene?"

"That would be Miss Meiling," said Elena. "I believe that it was her scream that we heard this morning. When I arrived with Miss Sakuya and some other staff, the gate guard was visibly shocked."

"So initially, it was Meiling who found the body? Then, within a few minutes of her scream, Sakuya and several of the fairy maid staff, including yourself, came and witnessed this scene."

"That is correct."

I paused for a moment to think.

"The greenhouse is normally kept locked at night. Do you know who carried keys to this place?"

"Miss Meiling was in charge of the greenhouse, so she usually opened it during the morning and closed it during the night. I'm sure that Miss Sakuya also carried a key that could open it. Oh! And Lady Remilia's master set of keys surely included a key to this place."

"I see. And there was no sign of a break-in from the outside?"

Elena shook her head.

"Like the mansion, a barrier has been placed around this place. If it was forcibly broken through, then we would have known immediately. The door we used earlier is the only way in and out of this place."

"I see. And right now, the two of us are the only ones here."

"Yes, that is corre -"


Malicious laughter filled the greenhouse. Elena and I raised our weapons immediately. Then, a humanoid shape flew over us and headed for the exit. I tightened my grip on the rifle and began to chase after it.

"Master! Get down!"

Elena's warning came just in time. A great black wolf leaped at my neck from the shadows. I ducked and rolled to the side, barely avoiding the attack. The next thing I heard was the sickening sound of sliced bone as the fairy maid's weapon connected with the creature's skull. It fell to the ground heavily, and as we watched, the creature's corpse melted into the shadows and disappeared. The fairy maid glanced at me with concern.

"Are you alright, Master?"

"Yeah, I don't think I broke any -"

Her eyes widened in surprise as I raised my rifle right at her. But there wasn't any time to explain. Instead, I just narrowed my eyes and aimed.


"Yip! Yip!"

The second wolf beast crashed only a few feet beside her. Just like the first one, it soon melted into the shadows and vanished, leaving no trace but the three silver bullets I used to take it down. I silently thanked my luck that this gun could kill these things.

"You okay, Elena?"

"Eh? A-ah! Y-you saved my life just now, didn't you?"

The fairy maid was still visibly shaken. I gave her a smile and an encouraging pat on the head.

"Not bad. You seem much more reliable than the others."

When I said those words, her shaking stopped immediately.

"O-of course," she said. "This is just part of my duty, after all."

"Good. Now, let's get out of this place."

What were those creatures? And who was that watching us in the greenhouse? A number of questions spun around in my head. But for now, we had to focus on staying alive. Elena and I slowly made our way out, weapons in hand. Thankfully, we didn't encounter anything else. Soon, we found ourselves safely out of the greenhouse.


Elena turned to me, waiting for further orders.
[ ] Search the grounds.
[ ] Head to the front gate.
[ ] Return to the mansion.

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