Sunday, July 4, 2010

[x] "If you have room for three more, why not?"


Mokou stared at me in silence. I stared back without saying a word. I didn't understand why she watched me like that. Nor did I understand why I felt that looking back was the appropriate response. But for some reason, this girl felt more and more familiar to me. Have I met her before? And if I did, when?


Keine cleared her throat loudly. We glanced at her at the same time. She gave me a little nod before turning to the (more) oddly dressed girl.

"Would you mind helping me in the kitchen?"

"... alright."

Mokou stood up and followed after Keine, but not without turning back and staring at me one last time. It was an expression of mild interest, surprise, and perhaps puzzlement? Well, that was my guess, since I felt like I was making the exact same face back.

Hmm. Now that I thought about it, I was pretty sure that I've seen her before. Last night wasn't the first time I've met this strangely dressed girl. And even she seemed to think so. But why was it that she couldn't remember. And why couldn't I?

"Umm, may I ask you a question?"

That voice quickly brought me back to the present. I turned to Meiling.

"Is there something between you and Mokou?"

"Nothing much. Why?"

"Well, it's just that you two have been getting along really well this morning. I could tell that you were both on a similar wavelength. Even if you just met last night, It isn't really unheard of... you know?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

She lowered her voice as she spoke, not looking me in the eye.

"You know... l-l-love at first sight."

I blinked several times before I realized what she was implying. I immediately shook my head.

"That isn't it at all! I just thought that she looked familiar. Maybe we bumped into each other at the village before, or something."

"I see."

"I'm not lying. You believe me, don't you?"

To my surprise, Meiling gave me a bright smile.

"Of course, I do."

I sighed in relief.

"That's great. I wouldn't know what to do if my partner-in-crime didn't trust me..."

"P-p-partner-in-crime? Are you planning to do something reckless again?"

"Nah. It's just my way of saying that you're my best friend."

Meiling turned bright red at those words. She quickly looked away as if she was embarrassed. But before I could ask her why, Mokou returned to the dining room with the tea.

"Geez, that Keine..."

Mokou poured a cup for Meiling. Then, she poured me a cup. Our eyes met for a split-second. And she looked away and quietly returned to her seat.


Keine entered next with a Japanese style breakfast. After she had served the food, she took a seat right beside Mokou. For some reason, the girl in pants tried avoiding the teacher's gaze. But Keine turned to her anyway.

"Oh don't be like that," she said. "It was my mistake. And I already said that I believed you, didn't I?"


"So tell me the news. How are your patrols doing?"

Mokou paused uneasily, but Keine just smiled.

"You can speak freely here," she said. "This guy might be stupid, but he's a good person. And Miss Gate Guard visits the village often on her days off. There are no strangers here."

"Days off?" I muttered in surprise.

I turned to Meiling, but she just shook her head and begged silently that I didn't ask. The teacher raised an eyebrow at me.

"Did you say something?" asked Keine.

"Ah, nevermind," I said. "It wasn't important."

"I see," said Keine. "So Mokou, anything new around the area?"

Mokou sighed heavily.

"Nothing that you didn't already suspect. The activity of wild youkai has grown much more violent in the past weeks. I've witnessed several attacks around the Bamboo Forest, the Forest of Magic, and the lower part of Youkai Mountain."

"Any idea what's causing the change in behavior?"

"No clue so far, but that Nightbug girl gave me a lead the other day. I'll let you know if I learn something new."

"Alright. Thanks a lot, Mokou."

Suddenly, the teacher turned to me.

"And how about you? Have you seen anything odd or strange around the mansion?"


"Since you always get into trouble, I thought that you'd be the best person to ask."

She said that without any hesitation at all. Not that it made me feel much better. I paused to think. Besides last night, nothing really came to mind.
[ ] "Nothing unusual. Gensokyo is always dangerous."
[ ] "Nothing unusual. Things are relatively quiet."
[ ] "Nothing unusual. Why do you ask?"
[ ] "Nothing unusual..." (Specify?)

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